100 Usg Stocking.


Mar 23, 2008
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Well, my grandad promised me a 100 gallon if I can get rid of both 29 gallons, which will be easy. My friend already wants one. So, any suggestions, please add.

Stocking Plan
1x Rotkeil Severum (Heros sp. 'rotkeil')
1x Green Severum (Heros Severus)
1x Guyana Festivum (Mesonauta Guyanae)
1x Female Black Acara (Cichlasoma Bimaculatum)
1x Electric Blue Jack Dempsey (Cichlasoma Octofasciatum var.)
1x Senegal Bichir (Polypterus Senegalus)
10x Congo Tetras (Phenacogrammus Interruptus)
1x Royal Pleco (Panaque Nigrolineatus)

Gonna get the EBJD established first, then the Festivum (if I can get that certain species, want a colorful Festivum species), and add both Sevs at the same time. Acara, Royal, Senegal, and Congos go in once EBJD is settled. Minxyfish will be expected for Severum's well being.
The two sevs and pleco will fill the tank up. Try smaller fish for your community. You can keep your stock of choice for a while, but after about 7 months to a year your fish will have grown to a good size and will need more tank space. But if you dont mind overstocking and more frequent and larger water changes then you will be fine.

2 festivums
1 port/black acara
10 congo tetras or the similar
5 silver dollars
2-3 bushynose or similar size plecos
Well, I want a Severum atleast, so how about a Rotkeil, 1x BN, some clowns loaches and 2 Festivums?
I think not go with the EBJD or the congos or the plec and go with the same but smaller tetras ie: Serpaes or some barbs like Tigers...switch the Plec for a gold nugget and forget the extra cichlid and your good to go.

EBJDs can still be pretty agressive...if you want one, dont go with the green sev.

btw not sure bout the Birchir...never kept one but i think they get pretty big and will eat small fish.
Senegals get about 12 inches and now I think of it, they could eat a resting Congo.
Stocking plan now
1x Rotkeil
10x Congos
2x BN
2x Festivum
1x Black Acara
This is what i think...

2 x Sevs
10 x Serpaes or 4 x Dollars (they don't look great but you'll love there personality...they are like homer simpsons of the fish world...fat, greedy, dumb and hilarious...and there fights amongst themselves are so pathetic its hilarious :p
2 x BN or 1 x GN
2 x Festivum
1 x Acara
and something else that dont get beyond 6"/sililar water requirements/ feeding requirments

best not to go for the congos because they get pretty big...like 5" on the males...so 10 x 4-5" is alot of space needed! plus they are fast moving
Ohh, never ealized the 3 inchers at the store were gonna grow that big. Need to start realizing community fish at the store might no stay that big forever.
2x Sevs
4x Silver Dollars
1x Black Acara
2x BN (have great albino pair at store)
2x Festivum
Maybe 3x Angels?
If your stock list is going to be permanent the two 2 sevs will need the entire 100 gallon and will only leave you space for 2 4-6" plecos and a few dithers. I know our profile on TFF for sevs says max 8" but I have seen lots and kept several full matured adult specimens at 10"+. The festivums will grow 4-6", the port/black acara will grow 8-10", and your angels may not be very large length wise; but I have kept a few breeding pairs of angles and the males were 6-8" in height. I know having an active and busy community tank is exciting and everyone likes it, but you will need lots of filtration and excellent water husbandry. As for the congos I think 10 would be fine along with 4 silver dollars as dithers. But then overstocking you could have a really active tank with several different medium-large cichlid species.
Ohh, never ealized the 3 inchers at the store were gonna grow that big. Need to start realizing community fish at the store might no stay that big forever.
2x Sevs
4x Silver Dollars
1x Black Acara
2x BN (have great albino pair at store)
2x Festivum
Maybe 3x Angels?

haha i think the x's are unnecessary


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