Well, my grandad promised me a 100 gallon if I can get rid of both 29 gallons, which will be easy. My friend already wants one. So, any suggestions, please add.
Stocking Plan
1x Rotkeil Severum (Heros sp. 'rotkeil')
1x Green Severum (Heros Severus)
1x Guyana Festivum (Mesonauta Guyanae)
1x Female Black Acara (Cichlasoma Bimaculatum)
1x Electric Blue Jack Dempsey (Cichlasoma Octofasciatum var.)
1x Senegal Bichir (Polypterus Senegalus)
10x Congo Tetras (Phenacogrammus Interruptus)
1x Royal Pleco (Panaque Nigrolineatus)
Gonna get the EBJD established first, then the Festivum (if I can get that certain species, want a colorful Festivum species), and add both Sevs at the same time. Acara, Royal, Senegal, and Congos go in once EBJD is settled. Minxyfish will be expected for Severum's well being.
Stocking Plan
1x Rotkeil Severum (Heros sp. 'rotkeil')
1x Green Severum (Heros Severus)
1x Guyana Festivum (Mesonauta Guyanae)
1x Female Black Acara (Cichlasoma Bimaculatum)
1x Electric Blue Jack Dempsey (Cichlasoma Octofasciatum var.)
1x Senegal Bichir (Polypterus Senegalus)
10x Congo Tetras (Phenacogrammus Interruptus)
1x Royal Pleco (Panaque Nigrolineatus)
Gonna get the EBJD established first, then the Festivum (if I can get that certain species, want a colorful Festivum species), and add both Sevs at the same time. Acara, Royal, Senegal, and Congos go in once EBJD is settled. Minxyfish will be expected for Severum's well being.