100% Pure amonia!

when you purchase ammonia in the stores you need to make sure there are no additives. to test for this simply shake the bottle, if it bubbles it is not pure ammonia.
I just completed my first fishless cycle. It took me 6 weeks as I did not have a lot of seed material, but it can take that long with fish and then you can't add a full stock. From the fishless cycle, I have a large colony of bacteria though I am noticing a trace of amonia which I hope goes away quickly with daily water changes. Did you seed your tank with something from your mature tank? That should help speed up the process. Good luck and keep us informed of your progress.
Jae1525 said:
If you read the link it makes so much more sense to fishless cycle.

Even though your fish survive they can be dammaged much in the same way we are dammaged by passive smoking. Has no real short term effects but in the long run it could harm your health and decrese your lifespan.

Plus for 1.50 I got 100ml, 100% pure amonia and use 6ml or so to get my amonia up to 5ppm! It normaly takes about 10 days to get that spike!
Thats an instant amonia spike and must have cost me less than a few pence and saved me 10 days!!!
I'm putting no fish at risk and saving money?
How can that be bad?
Plus it will only take my tank 2 weeks to cycle and when its done the ammount of stock I can put in it will be significantly more than the ammount I would be able to add if I cycled with fish. This is because the ammount of bacteria developed by the increased ammount of amonia is also vastly increased!

Read the link. It's all there.
Fishless cycle in detail
It's not bad, it's just needless. Perhaps you should read my post and understand.

When you cycle a tank, you are cycling the filter, not the water and not to the tank other than to a certain degree the substrate.

Not as it's the filter that is being cycled, you can move the filter from one tank to another. With me so far? Now, as it's the filter media that is being cycled it can also be that the filter foam can be moved from one filter to another. Still here? So, you've got a filter and you've got some old media. Put the old alongside new and add some fish to the tank. The amount of fish depends on the number of fish in the last tank and the amount of media taken. If you take all the media and move all the fish that is fine, fuly stocked straight away. The amnonia and nitrIte will be at 0 and will stay that way.

Just think about it rather than throwing links at me when I have 6 healthy tanks, including discus that have been done this way. :grr:

Oh, and 100% amonia means SFA other than not having to use as much of the bottle to get up to the desired ppm.
Talking about fishless cycling if i put my fillter that is in my tank that is cycling in the old tank for a bit will it establish good bacteria in my filter media.

So New filter goes in the old tank.
Yes, the new filter wil get the bacteria, but it must remain there for a certain period of time for the bacteria to grow there.

SimonA said:
Talking about fishless cycling if i put my fillter that is in my tank that is cycling in the old tank for a bit will it establish good bacteria in my filter media.

So New filter goes in the old tank.
Not quickly it wouldn't. You'd be better taking some of the filter foam or whatever (what kind of filter is it?) and putting it in the new filter. Even if you have to cut it, that is fine.

I have honestly never cycled a tank in my life. My fish care all totally fine and my levels are always fine. Never amonia or nitrIte and less than 10 nitrAte.
In which case you can't understand the process either. No offense.

Cycling is needless when there's a fully established filter. I have never had anything other than perfect levels right away using this method. Further to this, I have told people about it and they also had no problems.

You say a newbie could come on here and see me saying fishless cycling is needless. They are ne to the forum, that doesn't mean they are stupid and they will read the post and therefore the context of my statement.

When you tried you must have put too many fish in or the media was not established enough.

The method is totally logical, for it not to work would make no sense as long as the tank does not have too many fish in.

Edt: Just noticed what I said came off as pushy and arrogant. Sorry :blush:. It's just that I know this works.
I had a lung collapse due to spending too much time one day in a room where a blueprint machine was running (this requires lab grade ammonia), the fumes were poorly vented. Let me tell you, collapsed lungs are not fun, don't breathe ammonia.
even the boots amonia is 90% all it meant is you wont need as much to get to 5ppm. I wouldn't go diluting it.

oh and yes...of corse you have to smell it :rofl:

I think were all missing the point here!

The 100% pure amonia thing is good because I managed to find it pure! (makes it easier to calculate the ratio of amonia to water)
Obv if you mix it it will dilute and do the same thing!!! The impressive thing for me was to find amonia in this concentration.
I have diluted it to make it easier to measure out because the amonia is so thin it just dripped straight out of my pipette and as we all know its harder to measure one drop of sumthin than 5ml.

Point number 2...

I'm am trying a fishless cycle as an experiment to see for myself if it works better/or not than a cycle with fish. The results of this experiment I will convey to you good people so we can compare notes.

I have added gravel from my established tank to introduce the bacteria to my filter.

Luxum I'm sure having a lung colapse is no picnic but its a cool story to tell ppl! I'm impressed and glad your ok. I was rocking from side to side on a deck chair and it collapsed on my finger an sqooshed it once! Thats all I got! Not verry impressive!
Cheese Specialist...

I have to ask you this (being a full blooded male(ok, maybe with some girly tendancies) and I in no way mean to be disrespectful but where I'm from a cheese specialist is well, you know... A CHEESE SPECIALIST!!!

Just seems a little open if it means what I think it does.
Sorry, I just had to ask!

If I am wrong tell me why you chose that name?
Jae1525 said:
Cheese Specialist...

I have to ask you this (being a full blooded male(ok, maybe with some girly tendancies) and I in no way mean to be disrespectful but where I'm from a cheese specialist is well, you know... A CHEESE SPECIALIST!!!

Just seems a little open if it means what I think it does.
Sorry, I just had to ask!

If I am wrong tell me why you chose that name?
lol, strange my Mancunian boyfriend has never though of it!!

I think your personal cheese is your business and a matter for discussion with your doctor :p

I was on Yahoo and could ot get an untaken name so I had to think about what boone else would have. My mate used the phrase once (meaning corny cheesey btw) and so I tried it and been it ever since. I also have JD_Enthusiast but I suppose the meaning for that is more obvious!

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