10 X F2 Pelvicachromis Subocellatus Matadi


Fish Crazy
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction score
Livestock: pelvicachromis subocellatus matadi f2 young
Quantity for sale: 10
Reason for Sale: young from breeding pair
Delivery or Collection: collection welcome or postage avalible
Sales price: 10 for £20
Postage & Packaging: £15 next day before 1pm
Location: Chesterfield, Derbyshire


Sorry didnt realise there african i will have to say no because i only have south american fish sorry

Sorry didnt realise there african i will have to say no because i only have south american fish sorry

its ok if you have your south americans in a community tank .... ive got apisto cacs, rams and discus in with west africans such as pelvicachromis taeniatus moliwe, nannochromis transvestitus and Enigmatochromis lucanusi, they make a good mix

its a bit like tetras some are from american and some are from africa etc but all can be mixed in community tanks cant they lol
have got pics on here of them on journals and photos new world cichlids
My Apistogramma Alcarina
Hi, I'm interested in taking a male and a female if you can sex them and are willing to separate 2 for me? I can pick them up after New Years since my Dad drives and is willing to drive me out. How much would you want for a pair?

Hi, I'm interested in taking a male and a female if you can sex them and are willing to separate 2 for me? I can pick them up after New Years since my Dad drives and is willing to drive me out. How much would you want for a pair?


i cant see any visable sexual differences yet but can only try my best to sex them ..... if you pm me after xmas then i can tell you if i still have any left as would prefer to move all 10 on in one just depends if anyone else has all 10 durring this time :) many thanks for your interest
Hi, I'm interested in taking a male and a female if you can sex them and are willing to separate 2 for me? I can pick them up after New Years since my Dad drives and is willing to drive me out. How much would you want for a pair?


i cant see any visable sexual differences yet but can only try my best to sex them ..... if you pm me after xmas then i can tell you if i still have any left as would prefer to move all 10 on in one just depends if anyone else has all 10 durring this time :) many thanks for your interest

OK, thank you. If these ones go before I get to PM you, could you save a pair from the next batch(if you get any more batches) please? If you can't be 100% about their sex I'll just take 1 at the time and see if I can find one of the opposite sex once it's older.
These are good fish, Perfect health, I recommend them to anyone wanting a rarer form of Kribensis.
These are good fish, Perfect health, I recommend them to anyone wanting a rarer form of Kribensis.

glad your happy with them ..... bet the nigerian red pair have coloured up nice aswel ... be great to see a pic of them once there settled in

The Nigerian Reds are showing breeding signs already. The male has BRIGHT pink cheeks and a very light red tint to him and the female has the same red tint and a BRIGHT Purpley-Red belly. Oh and they keep shimmying at each other and they are cleaning inside a pot already, and digging...
I'll try to get some pictures ASAP.

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