10 X F2 Pelvicachromis Subocellatus Matadi

These are good fish, Perfect health, I recommend them to anyone wanting a rarer form of Kribensis.

glad your happy with them ..... bet the nigerian red pair have coloured up nice aswel ... be great to see a pic of them once there settled in

The Nigerian Reds are showing breeding signs already. The male has BRIGHT pink cheeks and a very light red tint to him and the female has the same red tint and a BRIGHT Purpley-Red belly. Oh and they keep shimmying at each other and they are cleaning inside a pot already, and digging...
I'll try to get some pictures ASAP.

yup deffinetly sounds like there getting ready for breeding alright and quite fast, glad they have settled in ok and your seing them in there best light, you were lucky to get the biggest pair i had lol ..... they are very good quality stock as alot of nigerian reds these days are farmed to the point of where they have no colouration atal ... but these have very intence colouration especaily on the dorsal and anal fins ..... i should have some more nigerian reds soon for anyone else interested but will be smaller than the current stock sold

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