10 Week Old Cory Fry


Fish Fanatic
Feb 22, 2006
Reaction score
west midlands,uk.
hi all,i was wondering if it would be ok to put some malaysian trumpet snails in with my 10 week old pepper cory fry to help keep the tank & sand abit cleaner?would they hurt my fry (exspecialy the runt one) or stop them from getting enough food etc?also would they climb out of a tank without a lid?

didnt know if i should post this here or in the Invertebrates, Amphibians & Aquatic Reptiles Forum,so if iv posted it in the wrong place sorry!!!


shaz :)
I don't think you need to worry about them climbing out of the tank as they tend to stay in the substrate unless there is a problem with your water then they come right to the top of the tank (personal experience) I don't think your cory fry will have problems competing with the trumpet snails for food either but I could be wrong! My six cory fry are in with my male betta two bn's, some emerald eye rasboras and a couple of trumpet snails and they are doing fine! They've been in there nearly two weeks now (can't remember how old the fry are but they are younger than yours I think)

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