10 Tank's fish and tanks

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Monday morning. We're already in the process of removing and replacing the water in the 100 gallon. We'll also work on some other tanks. We're simply into the routine of removing and replacing half the tank water in three tanks daily if at all possible. Haven't worked on much else as far as the tanks are concerned. We're focusing on keeping the tank water extremely clean and letting the plants grow naturally. So far, everything has been going well. At my age, I need to be selective on what I can devote my time to. For the foreseeable future, we'll concentrate solely on the water. I think this is the most important thing.

It's a very cool Tuesday morning. But, Spring is definitely in the air. The gardens are starting to show all the little green plants. Had a big snow late last month and all that moisture has soaked into the ground. The plants are growing nicely. My wife was out yesterday doing a little cleaning around the gardens, so Spring is just around the corner. We have a light fish tank day. Just one 55 needs a water change. This is the home of 18 Giant Danios. Very fast swimmers and they were fed this morning. So, they were extra fast around the tank. I checked on the new Buenos Aires Tetras and they're still a little scared to come out. But, they'll show themselves at meal time. There are more Platy fry in a couple of tanks, so we'll have plenty of new fish to move to other tanks. Trying to keep the populations even. Our 75 gallon is really under populated, but I don't have a problem with that.

Hello. It's another sunny morning in northern Colorado. Today, we're going to the government office and change half the tank water in their 55 gallon tank. This is the extent of the tank work for today. Tomorrow, we'll start off with three tanks. Possibly, we'll work on the outdoor 300 gallon trough. It's best to change half the tank water twice a week in the 300. There's just too many fish in it to change out the water less often and there's no mechanical filtration in it. With the exception of the 50 gallon tank, the rest have been running for several years and we've just recently removed the filters and just change most of the tank water a bit more often. We change the water roughly every five days instead of once a week.

Thursday morning and it's a cloudy one. That's not like northern Colorado this time of year. But, in a few hours it will be bright and sun shiny. That's what we're used to here. So, today, we have three tanks we want to work on. As usual, we'll remove and replace half the tank water in a 45 and two 55 gallon tanks. Looks like we have a sick Sunset Platy in our 75. Not sure of the problem. Can't be the water, we just changed it out not too long ago. There aren't very many fish in this tank. The fish is maybe a year old or a bit more. There are a lot of Guppies and Guppy fry and some other Platys in this tank that all seem very healthy. It's heavily planted, so if the fish doesn't make it and is lost in all the plants, the snails will remove it. Not worried about one dead Platy in 75 gallons of water. We'll just make sure we don't miss a scheduled water change. Nothing lives forever!

Thursday supplement. Have you ever instantly cycled a fish tank using API's Quick Start and Tap Water Treatment? Well, I used these two chemicals to cycle a 50 gallon along with a dozen Buenos Aires Tetras and I had the fish in the tank two days after I set it up. That was close to a year ago and all the fish are still swimming away, along with a couple of month old fry.

I have used Quick Start for a couple of my tanks in the past. It seems to work, but I also always have plants as well so that confuses the situation as well.
I have used Quick Start for a couple of my tanks in the past. It seems to work, but I also always have plants as well so that confuses the situation as well.
Hello. Thanks for responding. I've been using it to prepare the tank for fish. I can introduce fish within two days of setting up a new tank. The water treatment makes the water safe for the fish and the bacteria starter removes the nitrogen from the dissolving fish waste. If I simply remove most of the tank water a couple of times a week and dose the bacteria starter, the fish remain healthy. This is one way to enjoy a healthy tank with active fish in it just about from the beginning.

Friday morning. Got a dusting of snow last night and it's a little on the cool side. But, this doesn't generally last. The sun should be out by mid morning and this bit of snow will be a thing of the past. No tanks today. Have some errands that won't wait. But, since we've been very good about keeping up with the water changes, if a day goes by without the normal water change, the fish will be fine.

Good morning. It's late Saturday morning and we just finished working on three tanks. Changed out half or a bit more of the water in each. Cleaned up some Anacharis plants and removed some Dwarf Water Lettuce that had gotten a little yellow. The lighting may be a bit strong, but the plant should acclimate alright eventually. We also need to go over to the government office and work on their tank. We'll change out half the water and work on the sponge filters. The front glass is getting a little algae build up, so we'll clean that up as well. Otherwise, things are progressing nicely in this tank. It's been running since May and the fish have grown well. No fry, but that may happen one of these days.

Sunday morning. Hope you set your clock ahead an hour last night. At least, those who needed to do it. So, today, we're working on three to four tanks depending on how much time we have. Right now, we've got the siphon going in the 100 gallon tank and removing half the tank water. There are several, large Goldfish in this tank and quite a number of Guppies. There is also a thriving colony of Dwarf Water Lettuce. It should really be thinned weekly, but I guess the fish don't mind. We'll also work on the 75 and 60 gallon tanks. If time allows, we can change out the tank water in the outdoor 300. The weather is pretty nice in the afternoon now, so we don't have to put up with the cold.

A Sunday supplemental post. Have started using API's Tap Water Conditioner. It's so easy to dose. I just mix a half a tablespoon of this liquid into a pitcher of tap water and pour it directly into the tank just as the tank is filling. I use just a half of a tablespoon in my tanks from 45 gallons up to 60 gallons. For a 100 gallon tank, I use a tablespoon. I'm thinking this is easier and may be less expensive for me than dosing the Prime powder.

Monday morning. A bit cool this morning. Today will be a light day as far as the tanks are concerned. We'll do a water change on a 55 gallon. Yesterday, we lost a small Goldfish in the 300 gallon trough. It was a four year old about four inches long and it was in the process of changing colors. We noticed it when we changed out the tank water. Goldfish start out as a dark gray, almost black and at some point change to orange, white or remain dark. They can be a combination of the three colors as well. Anyway, I have no idea what caused the death, the rest of the fish seem fine.

Tuesday morning and we're working on three tanks. Changing out the tank water a little early this week, so we can take one of our cats to the vet for some well care. The Dwarf Water Lettuce is growing very well, there's a period that most plants need for recovery when moved from one place to another. The leaves will yellow and need to be removed. But, new leaves will take their place. Dwarf Water Lettuce comes from Africa, but is in most places in the world where the climate is good for it. The roots don't seem to mind a move as much as the leaves. It's a very fast grower and will do a good job of removing nitrogen in the water from the fish and plant waste. It needs to be thinned often, so it doesn't completely take over a tank.

Wednesday morning and we're getting a little rain. Just one tank today and that will be the government office 55 gallon. Almost Spring and the green stuff is popping up all over the garden area. The Lilacs are budding out and we're seeing the Day Lillies, Tulips, Grape Hyacinth and my wife is naming all the plants. But, I can't type that fast. So, let's just say all the plants are growing and like the rain. Temperature right now is 45 degrees. That's warm for this time of year and this early in the morning.

Thursday morning. Coffee is going. Put a little dark chocolate protein drink in it. Too good, but a bit more caffeine than I should have at my age. Working on three tanks this morning. Have to get the water changes in at all costs. The fish are depending on me to provide the best water conditions possible! The Dwarf Water Lettuce is getting a bit too thick in some of the tanks. Will need to thin it or the fish won't have any room to swim.


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