10 Tank's fish and tanks

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A good Tuesday morning to you. No tanks today. We'll run some errands and do a few things around the house today. Have had an idea about introducing some minnows from the local lake. I have a 75 gallon tank with a few Guppies and Platys in it and I think I'd like to try keeping some minnows. I have several large ponds within walking distance from my place and when the weather warms a little, I'll see what needs to be done to make this happen. The minnows would certainly be cheaper than fish from the local fish store.

Hello and another Wednesday is here. Weather here is starting to improve. Today, we'll do the water changes on four tanks at our place and go over to the government office to change out half the tank water in their 55 gallon. Started getting some Dwarf Water Lettuce going in some of the other tanks. This stuff is really a nitrate hog. The roots extend and send out smaller roots and will use up any excess nitrogen from the dissolving fish and plant waste. Have a fisherman friend who's is going to try and get me some minnows in the next few weeks. I'm anxious to see if I can get them to reproduce in my tanks. I've decided not to buy any more fish at the local fish stores. Some just aren't that healthy. So, just keep up on your water changes and you'll have no tank problems.

Thursday morning. Just one tank to work on today. The 300 gallon outdoor trough needs a 50 percent water change. The weather this morning is a bit rainy, so we'll wait until this afternoon to do the tank work. Spring is in the air. You can step outside early in the morning and the smell is unmistakable. The birds are more active and the squirrels are really taking advantage of all my wife's feeders. The snow from our last storm is quickly melting, so the plants and trees should have enough moisture to get started. Temperatures are going to be in the 40s, 50s and even a few 60s for the next couple of weeks. Counted roughly two dozen new Platys in a 45 and 55 gallon tank. Will likely move some of them to another tank as soon as they get a little older, so they don't over populate one tank.

Friday and we're up and running around the house to get all the chores done. No tanks today. Looks like we're in for another sunny day in northern Colorado. Coffee is going and all the animals have been fed. Tanks are all looking good. Water is clear and clean and the fish think they'll be fed this morning. But, today isn't a feeding day, so they'll forage around for something to eat and in the process, get their exercise. The Dwarf Water Lettuce is looking a bit yellow, it always takes a while for the aquatic plants to adjust to being moved. The new lettuce plants are nice and green though and those should grow well floating close to the light source.

A bright and shiny Saturday here. Temperatures in the 60s today. Time to get out of the house. But first, we have five tanks to work on today. Four here, at home and the one at the government office. Water changes are the best way to take care of your tank. You can mess with filters, vacuum the bottom, add more plants and whatever else you might want to do, but nothing can take the place of changing out half the tank water every few days. It's really the simplest and most effective way to keep your fish healthy.

Sunday. It's nice and sunny and the temperature is pushing 60. We're in the mid 60s several days this coming couple of weeks. We're in the process of removing and replacing some of the water in the outdoor 300 gallon trough. Fish are doing well. The Koi have really grown and the Goldfish are actively moving around the tank as the new water splashes into the tank. There are four large Koi and maybe 20 Goldfish of different sizes and colors. As soon as we get consistently warm weather, I'll see if I can get some Water Lettuce going. There's been some Anacharis living in the trough for several years. It's pretty hardy. It has to be to survive in such cold water.

Monday. More tank work on the schedule. We'll swap out water on a couple of 55 gallon tanks and check out the others to see how the fish are doing. Weather is sunny, but a bit windy for me. I'm changing my water treatment from Seachem to API. I just prefer the liquid over the powder. The API products appear to be less expensive, but I need to check into the pricing a bit more. Both work well, though.

Good morning. A rainy and windy morning. Mother Nature isn't sure if she wants snow or rain. Maybe some sleet is the plan of the day. So, a couple of tanks to work on today. The Water Lettuce we moved to some other tanks is sending out quite a few little ones. The other plants are doing well. I believe I'll just leave them all alone for a while and let nature take its course. Just going to change out a lot of water for a while and see where things go.

Wednesday and a little on the chilly side this morning. But, it's sunny! Okay, today, we have some tanks to work on. Currently refilling the 100 gallon and will remove and replace half the water in a 55 gallon and work on the government office tank. We'll clean out the sponge filters on that one and change out half half the water. Fish have really grown since we set up the tank back in May. Plants are doing pretty well. The tank water is pretty warm, around 77 degrees. The Java Moss we put in a couple of months ago is starting to spread out and looks good. Can't wait for Spring!

Thursday morning. Sitting in the living room with a cup of coffee, thinking about the chores for today. One tank, the 300 outdoor trough. Will change out half of the water. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate. We consider the first of March the first day of Spring around our place. So, today is the last day of Winter. March typically brings warmer weather here, but it can get windy. That's alright, we'll take the wind as long as it's the warmer kind.

Keep up your water changes and if you're not changing out half, consider changing a bit more until you get to half. Do this every few days and your fish will definitely be healthier.

Friday. March 1. Hopefully, the really cold weather is behind us. Looking forward to nicer weather. So, we'll work on some tanks today. Will change out half the water in three tanks. Fed all the fish a little freeze dried food and some pellets for the larger Goldfish. Two tanks are showing quite a few Platy fry. Some of the fry are getting pretty big. Will need to move them to a couple of tanks that are less populated. I have a 75 gallon tank that is very well planted and the fry should do well in it. There's more than enough room. Have been checking the local ponds and lakes for Minnows. I'm looking to get some for my 75 gallon if I can net them. Saw quite a few last Summer, so hopefully they'll be back as soon as the weather gets warmer.

Good morning. It's Saturday and just one tank to work on today. We'll go over to the government office and change out half the tank water in their 55 gallon. It will take no more than 45 minutes at most. Had a surprise yesterday. I was feeding the Buenos Aires Tetras in the 50 gallon and noticed one fry about the size of your thumbnail. It was trying to stay hidden in the back of the tank. It's starting to show the orange, black and bits of white coloring. These fish are one of the larger species of Tetras and are best kept in a species only tank. They're fast swimmers and can be aggressive around slower fish. It's for this reason, I keep them by themselves in larger tanks. I have a group of 12, now 13, in 50 gallons of water.

Hello and a good Sunday to you. Just finishing up the water changes on three tanks this morning. Noticed a second small Buenos Aires Tetra. This 50 gallon tank is heavily planted, so it's no wonder I failed to notice these fry. Not sure how old they are, but they've been very good at hiding. Only notice them when it's feeding time. We're up to 14 in this tank. Have some others in a couple of other tanks. The coloring on this Tetra species is really nice, a combination of orange, black and white. And, I like their larger size.

If you're thinking of setting up a new tank and are one of the people who want to enjoy having fish sooner than the traditional way of waiting a couple of months for the tank to cycle, you don't have to. There are several ways of preparing a tank for fish and again, you don't have to wait several weeks. I prepared all my tanks for fish in just a couple of days with no harm done to the fish. My 50 gallon tank is a good example. I set up the tank and in two days had a dozen Buenos Aires Tetras in it with no problems. This was a year ago and all the fish are alive and well.

Hello and a good Sunday to you. Just finishing up the water changes on three tanks this morning. Noticed a second small Buenos Aires Tetra. This 50 gallon tank is heavily planted, so it's no wonder I failed to notice these fry. Not sure how old they are, but they've been very good at hiding. Only notice them when it's feeding time. We're up to 14 in this tank. Have some others in a couple of other tanks. The coloring on this Tetra species is really nice, a combination of orange, black and white. And, I like their larger size.

If you're thinking of setting up a new tank and are one of the people who want to enjoy having fish sooner than the traditional way of waiting a couple of months for the tank to cycle, you don't have to. There are several ways of preparing a tank for fish and again, you don't have to wait several weeks. I prepared all my tanks for fish in just a couple of days with no harm done to the fish. My 50 gallon tank is a good example. I set up the tank and in two days had a dozen Buenos Aires Tetras in it with no problems. This was a year ago and all the fish are alive and well.

Congrats on the fry 🙂

It is a lovely looking tetra the Buenos Aires. Look good in a decent size group and do get a good size which helps Cichlid keeps like myself. Great dither fish😍

I really like the Colombians 🐟
Congrats on the fry 🙂

It is a lovely looking tetra the Buenos Aires. Look good in a decent size group and do get a good size which helps Cichlid keeps like myself. Great dither fish😍

I really like the Colombians 🐟
Hello Aqua. That's quite an impressive list of tank awards that you've accumulated. I take my hat off to you!


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