10 New Bettas From Thailand :)

Can I keep a copy of the angry marble for my interesting pics folder?

You have done yourself proud. Are you breeding them?

sure you can :) i can send you a larger copy if you like, too.

i'm hoping to breed the marbles once these fish grow out!
If you’re willing to share the name of your breeder/seller I’d be very interested to know. Those are some truly beautiful fish. :D

the black copper hmpk is from black_knight. the red gold and gold superdeltas are from nicebettas. she has great fish but i've only ordered from her twice and both times at least one fish had fin rot/bit himself. all the other fish are from watt and duen saenpaeng. i get most of my fish from watt and duen, and would highly recommend buying from them. i trust them enough to just tell them what i'm looking for and let them pick the fish for me, without ever seeing a photo. watt was recently in a major car accident and now has significant medical expenses to pay :(
Oh yeah I already copied the pic. If there is a better quality one I can copy, cool.
the black green female:







she seems to already have breeding stripes, but hey, i would too if i got to stare at luke all day:


look at those eyes...

obviously he approves of her....
Congrats on your new fish. I am so totally jealous! Especially your black copper pair...absolutely gorgeous! I can't really have a whole lot of bettas in an apartment. But once we get a house, I'm getting more! :D Again, very beautiful fish!

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