10 Gallon Stocking?


Fish Crazy
Sep 20, 2009
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Hello, im getting a 10 gallon tank with a filter, and a heater,but without a lid, what should i get?
Well... i know im not stupid.... what kind of fish though...?
A school of neons and a male betta!! Normally I would also say shrimp, but not without a lid.
A school of neons and a male betta!! Normally I would also say shrimp, but not without a lid.

Don't neons struggle in new tanks, preferring a matured tank?
^^Yes, I should have said that. I currently have had my betta in his 10 gallon home for about 3 months and have not yet added the neons although they probably would be fine. The tank has been set up for some time and housed some serpae tetras before the betta moved in.
Chances are you will pay more for your lid than you have done for your tank. If your quite good at DIY then you could make your tank a new lid and add the water proof lighting quite easy really.
i would like some pygmy cories but i dont know where i could buy them?
Yeah, either pygs or dwarfs which i can find, luckly im off to do some research
Could a ram go in there? or a firemouth, and fish just suggest pleeeeeesse :D
A 10 gal is going to be to small for Cichlids I would stick to smaller fish

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