You don't need a pistol shrimp and if you buy him there's no gaurantee they'll pair up. Check to see what they pair with naturally. I believe it's the Tiger pistol. I researched about them a while ago before I bought my yasha goby pair w/my pistol.
As for getting the watchman to eat...Can you post any current pictures of him? in that one his belly looked a little sunken in. Has he eaten that you know of since you've had him? How is that damsel in the tank? That's probably the reason why he's not.
COMMON NAME: Blue Devil Damsel
OTHERS: Blue Damsel
SCIENTIFIC: Chrysiptera Cyrea
ADULT SIZE: 2.4 or (6cm)
RANGE: Indo-pacific region, Northern part of the Great Barrier Reef
MINIMUM AQUARIUM SIZE: 10g (l) (If this is the only fish in the aquarium)
SOCIAL: CAUTION - A very aggressive species. They will become a threat to each other and other fish that are less aggressive or similar in size. Their prescence will make life difficult or impossible for a mild mannered community. As the fish gets older they live up to their name, devil. If they are kept in groups, keep one male to several females. They become territorial when kept in these groups.
What have you tried to feed your goby?
the damsel seems to get along well with the goby. they share the same cave and the goby has no damage to him.
he comes out every once in a while, but not long enough to eat.
i tried feeding him formula variety frozen food. the damsel tore it up but he still didnt come out. i will try and get more pics tonight