1/2 gallon 2 small?

Canis Lupus said:
today i saw the cutest tank it was a 1 gallon

Are you really serious? :no:

he's really happy!!!!!!!! i've only had him for less than 24 hours and he already made a bubble nest

Many fishes start to behave like they are going to breed, when they know they are going to die. They try to "reproduce themselves". Hopefully your fish is still alive.

Although bettas live in ricefield in nature, there are no need to keep them in too small tank. How do you keep water values ok? What about filtration? Or live plants? You need also heater, because male betta needs warm water.
Canis...just remember those things from my previous post, including:
*you know your fish better than anyone...if you say he's happy..then he's happy
*a heater's not necessary for a betta if the room temperature is right for a betta and fairly constant
*in a small tank a filter is not absolutely necessary if you keep up with water changes and check water quality (they're great to have though)
*keep it clean, keep it clean

Squishy will be just fine in the home you have for him...especially with all the love and attention you're giving him. :wub: And if you decide to move him to the 1 gallon...great! If not, he'll be fine. :)
A light will help keep the betta warm. If your house gets cool, you can also wrap the betta's tank in towels to help keep the water temp. from dropping too much at night, etc. You do have to be careful about the light heating the water too much, though. A one gallon tank is better than a half gallon because more water provides a buffer to temp. changes. It also allows you to go a few more days between water changes. You do not need a filter as long as you change the water at regular intervals (3-4 days with a half gallon, up to 7 days with a gallon) I have three bettas, two are in 1 gallon bowls purchased at walmart for under $6 bucks a piece. Bettas naturally do not usually like a lot of current, and they don't need a filter for oxygenating the water. As stated before, they breath from the surface using a special labyrinth lung. In fact, their gills are poor at breathing under the surface of the water, that's where the lung comes in. If you keep the water clean, you wouldn't need a filter for any reason. Some people who are very knowledgable about fish actually know little about the needs of bettas. They are quite different. While most any other type of fish would die w/in days if kept in a bowl, bettas thrive because it mimics their natural habitat. As far as bubble nests go, any betta who is very ill or on the verge of death will not be making a bubble nest. On the other hand, some very healthy bettas will not make bubble nests...that's just because they are all different.
thanks every1 :D i'm going to clean Squishy's tank 2morrow cuz i'm just 2 tired 2nite and the water is clean cuz i've only had him like 2 1/2 days! i'm gonna do the towel thing cuz i know the water temp is 2 low and the light costs $14 the same as the whole betta and tank what a rip!!!!!!!! (i'll proly get it tho) i got him a live plant an every thing
let me know how that light works w/that particular tank since I have the same one

I saw the optional light advertised, but figured it would make it way to hot for my bettas....particularly in my climate. I don't really need it because at room temperature their tanks stay at a constant 78-79 degrees. But I'm interested in how it works for you...particularly with the live plant (mine have plastic)
i'll post the picture of Squishy in his tank with his new plant......it's a little big but it should do alright!.....i'm gonna get the light on monday while 2nite i wrap his little tank in blankets :p his water temp is 74 degrees F but at night it drops some more!

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