
  1. Z

    River style 69.69"

    Hello, I am looking to set up a 49.1 gallon, 185ltr tank. length x width x height Inches — 69.69x12x13.78 cm — 177x30x35 approx I would like to make this into a nano fish river tank. I have a aow-16 from where this was a marine tank before to create some current for it. The tank will be with...
  2. Karabinczyk

    Schooling fish for a 35g?

    I have a 35g (80x48x35cm, 134l) tank. I already have 10 corydoras nanus and 4 panda garra in it. I am looking for some mid-water schooling fish for it, what would you reccomend? I contemplated the snakeskin barb, but Im not sure if they are fit for this size of tank Some info about the tank...
  3. Tacocat

    Future 20 gallon long stocking plan and suggestions?

    Hello, Because I will be going into my second year of university soon and will be getting my own place, I will be able to acquire and design a tank without the restrictions of parental or fraternal approval. My plan is to have a 20-30 gallon long tank, which should be reasonably simple to stock...
  4. L

    6 gallon stocking

    I recently had to euthanise my betta (bacterial infection that was resistant to treatment) and have broken the tank down to clean everything and start again. It will be a good few weeks before I am ready to consider stocking again and just wanted some ideas on what I can realistically consider...
  5. M

    Help stocking for a 29 gallon

    Hello, I currently have a 29G tank and looking for some stocking ideas, the fish that are currently in the tank are: 1 Bristlenose Pleco 12 Neon Tetras The tank is hardscaped with rocks and driftwood, there also are some anubias and javafern. Would really appreciate some advice. Thanks...
  6. C

    Stocking Ideas

    Hi, I'm looking for advice/opinions on stocking. I've posted before about having issues with live bearers due to soft and acidic waters. Instead I'm going for different fish and so far have had a lot more success. Below I have included my stocking, and was thinking of adding albino Cory's to...
  7. wayfareranima

    Retail therapy - new fish, testing tools, uv sterilisers, reverse osmosis recommendations.

    🌊✨🐋filled with just bought a bunch of new fish feelings 🐠✨🌊 8 Neon tetras and a female betta for my 70l soft water tank, 4 endler guppies for my 180L hard water tank, 8 ghost neo caridina shrimp, plus $40 worth of plants 🌱 Plus new digital 5 in 1 water parameter reader instead of the home...
  8. L

    Overstocked 112l tank

    Hey guys, I have recently made an mistake and overstocked my planted tank, that was already overstocked a bit.. My colleague wanted to throw away 15 young cardinal tetras, so I had to take them.. According to AqAdvisor my filtration capacity is 269%, the rest pls see the picture. The fish are...
  9. L

    Stocking and compatibility in 29gal

    Hey guys, I recently planted my third aquarium and would like your opinion on the stocking. The tank is 110l (29gal), I would say heavily planted, a lot of rocks and hiding places. In the future Im thinking of: 12x Red Minor tetra, 12x Royal tetra, 12x Odessa barb, 12x Silvertip tetra or Lemon...
  10. bettafishlover86

    Stocking for 29 gal

    First of all, wow-it’s been a very long time since I’ve been on here. Last time I logged on was November 2022 😅. I was searching around google for stocking ideas for my tank and I remembered I always used to get good advice from here so I came back. My betta that I’ve had for about a year and a...
  11. S

    Possible 20 gallon stocking.

    Hello, I'm thinking of getting my first aquarium and want to do it right, I only have room for a 20 gallon unfortunately. I was thinking for the stocking I could get a group of Peacock Gudgeons, a group of American Flagfish, and maybe a bigger center piece fish by itself. What do people think...
  12. hurgerburger

    weird stocking question

    My friend has a fish tank that I'll be taking care of next year. It's a ten gallon planted tank, and currently it houses two plecos, one loach, one balloon molly, and a goldfish. Today she asked if I wanted to go to the fish store on Tuesday, since she wanted to get another molly or two, and she...
  13. T

    Newbie looking for guidance on stocking levels

    Hi, all! I am new to fish keeping. After a little over 6 weeks, my tanks--quarantine (QT) and "main" (MT) have both cycled without fish. I read some advice, however, that I should continue adding ammonia and doing water changes until the biofilters can neutralized 2 ppm of ammonia within 24...
  14. Ellie Potts

    Making the best of a 5 gallon tank

    Hey everyone! I haven't posted in a while, but I'm now in college and looking to keep a nice planted tank. I was gifted an almost complete 5-gallon setup that I'm currently cycling. So many options are running through my head... dwarf puffers, betta, dwarf crayfish, micro species, Thai micro...
  15. Z

    New 45 Gallon, stocking ideas.

    Hello, I just got a 45-gallon tank. I wonder what to do with it, as the original idea was shell-dwellers, but that was decided when I thought I was getting a 30 or 35, not a 45. I currently have a 30-gallon long nano community, a 10-gallon block Black Tiger Dario/Badis tank, an 80-gallon high...
  16. V

    What kind of fish have you kept before?

    I just want a general consensus as to what's popular in this hobby.
  17. V

    I'm thinking about getting shrimp

    There are many different types I could get. I've never owned any before. They would have to be compatible with my set up. I have platies in a 20 gallon with sand substrate, live plants, and a HOB filter. I'm afraid the platies could eat shrimp, but their babies swim right in front of them all...
  18. V

    What fish would you like to eventually keep?

    These are mine. Angelfish. I like their body shape and the way it looks like they glide across the water. Discus. I've heard that these fish are very smart, and they look like colorful pancakes from their flat bodies. Pea pufferfish. It's cool that we can have freshwater small pufferfish as...
  19. Z

    10 gallon stocking

    Just wondering what people think would be good for a 10 gallon, roughly 40cmX30cmX30cm (I believe, will correct if wrong), don't mind single species as this tank previously held a single female betta. My pH stays around 7.0, GH is around 10dGH, and KH is around 9dKH. This is the current set...
  20. ChrisInDC

    75 Gallon Advice needed

    Hey everyone, I posted initially to the welcome section and didn't want to post another thread there. So, per the advice i received in that thread, i have gotten the canister filter up and running and the plants in. You'll see in the photos where the pH sits so my stocking advice can be a little...
  21. W

    Tips for my first aquarium!

    Hi all! I have just completed the set up of my first aquarium. It has driftwood, sand, a plant nutrition soil and plenty of plants. Something on the aquascape seems a bit off to me and I'm wondering if anybody has any tips! This tank is an EHEIM LED second-hand 150 litre aquarium, 60cm x 50cm. I...
  22. Kayla_Johnson19

    75 Gal: Tank mates for single Krib & CAE

    Hi there! I have been doing a whole lot of research as I prepare a 75 gallon! I’m trying to decide what tank mates (cichlid or otherwise) that could work well in there and there’s a lot of different opinions! I have my single female Kribensis going in there as well as my Chinese algae eater (who...
  23. April_ht

    70 Litre (18 Gallon) Tank Restart

    Yesterday, I came to the decision to swap my tank from cold water to tropical. I sold my WCMM and Corydoras, and now have an 18 Gallon tank empty and ready for a fresh start. I done a 95% water change and did not wash the substrate so as not to have to cycle again, though I suspect I may go...
  24. ember04

    Wild Betta for my tank

    Hi all I’ve got a 7.5 gallon 26 litre tank. It is run on a modified canister filter with a baffle for low flow. The tank is black water and is heavily planted. As far as stocking after keep domesticated Betta for a while the wild Betta species are really interesting to me. I also want to keep a...
  25. P

    Will these fish fight? help with stocking 55 gallon.

    Ok, so I’m pretty new to fish keeping and I was recently given a 260 litre/ 55 gallon tank. I’ve been playing with a few ideas but have settled on stocking with fish on the larger side. I am not sure if this will work as the gouramis may fight but any help would be greatly appreciated. I have...
  26. C

    54l Stock Question

    Hello forum! I have owned 5 danios for a bit over 2 years now, recently however they have dropped off, down to just the 3. I noticed some aggressive behaviour since - which I put down to the lack of danios. Because of this, and the fact i couldn't stand to see the fish upset, I went out and...
  27. bettafishlover86

    29-gallon aquarium stocking ideas

    Hello everyone, I have 1 male veiltail betta fish, neon tetras, 1 otocinclus cat, and 2 ghost shrimp. I am getting a 29-gallon aquarium soon and I would like some stocking ideas. Any suggestions?
  28. How many guppies can I keep in a 10 gallon?

    How many guppies can I keep in a 10 gallon? No other fish, just guppies(All males or all females so they don't breed), as well as a couple snails. I don't want to do water changes more than weekly since I usually just do tank maintenance over the weekend.
  29. April_ht

    Subtropical Community Tank

    Unfortunately 3 of my platy fish jumped out of a bucket while I was re-scaping my tank for a planted aquarium, so I am now left with 6 WCMM. I never really took it serious that fish would jump, and a platy of all fish :confused: guess I've learnt my lesson now. Anyways, I've invested in a good...
  30. April_ht

    5 gallon killifish tank

    I have a 4.2 gallon tank that was used to house platy fry for about 2 months and was only emptied this weekend, however the tank or sponge filter have not been washed as I don’t want to remove beneficial bacteria. If I were to get this set up and cycled again, would it be possible to have a pair...
  31. April_ht

    70 Litre (18 Gallon) stocking

    I currently have a 70 litre (18.5 US Gallon) tank with dimensions of 58 x 30 x 40cm (23" x 11" x 15"). The temperature is kept unheated at around 18 Degrees Celsius (65 Degrees Fahrenheit) with a stocking of 6 Golden White Clouds and 3 Platy (2 female:1 male). According to AqAdvisor, the...
  32. ember04

    Tank mates for Black ghost knife fish

    I'm curious, I'm planning to create a tank around a black ghost knife fish and I was wondering what is a safe tank mate for them, I'm a big fan of oddball fish so any other oddballs that would work would be really appreciated. maybe a Senegal bichir, maybe an African butterflyfish or some type...
  33. April_ht

    4.2 Gallon (16 Litre) Stocking

    About a month ago, I bought a 16 litre tank for some platy fry (tank dimensions around 35cm x 20cm x 25cm maybe). I’ve placed 5 into the main tank to see how they do with adult platy and White Cloud Mountain Minnows, the latter of which chased them though could not fit them in their mouth. I’ve...
  34. carligraceee

    42g Update!

    Hey guys! So this past two and half months (almost three months, I think) has been huge for my aquarium and because of everyone's contributions to my successful ecosystem I wanted to share an update with you guys! Stocking: I now have six fish in my tank as well as about a dozen or so snails...
  35. April_ht

    70 Litre stocking (again)

    I currently have a 70 litre (around 18.5 gallon) tank with 6 golden white clouds and 4 platy (3 female, 1 male). The tank has live plants and one decoration, as well as a piece of driftwood. Currently not using plant substrate, just normal gravel from a pet store. Water hardness about 105 ppm...
  36. April_ht

    70 Litre High Stocking Ideas

    So I currently own a 70 litre high tank with approximate dimensions of 60x30x(40 or 50?), which is around 18.5 US gallons. The tank is currently holding 9 platies without a heater, though I do have one available if need be. As I’m planning on getting rid of (rehoming) 4+ of the platies due to...
  37. D

    20 g high tank

    So I have a 20G high tank and I think I want some gouramins or ram. I want fun active fish and looking for stocking advice. I do have hard water with a ph Around 7.6. I also have a single dalmatian Molly I plan on moving into the tank as well. Side note: I have a 10G long with 4 Cory catfish (I...
  38. P

    stock my 55 gallon for me

    hello, hows it going? appreciate the help. so my 55 gallon tank is about cycled and i will move my 2 Electric Blue Acaras from another tank to the 55 gallon. my questions were what should i stock along with those rad bad boys? i have some ideas, but would like to know yall ideas on the numbers...
  39. carligraceee

    Stocking a 37g TopFin Bubble Wall

    Hey guys! I purchased my 37g tank today! I will be splurging and getting a tank stand as well, tomorrow. I just set it up as much as I could, I will be filling it with water and starting the cycle tomorrow (I got liquid ammonia today, pure ammonia hydroxide). Anyways, I would like to know if my...
  40. azurajae

    Stocking a 135 Gallon Aquarium

    Hey everyone, my name is Jae! I'm new here and I'm a (sorta) new fish owner. I've been mostly keeping Bettas (3 in 10-15g tanks), but I have one community tank (15g) with cories, shrimp, and neon/ember tetras; so a total of four active tanks. I've run into a bit of a dilemma and I was looking...