
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Flubberlump

    Snail ID

    I've just spotted this baby snail in my tank. I have no idea what it is. I have pest pond and rams horn snails but it's definitely not one of those. I put some assassin snails in less than 2 weeks ago so it's not one of those either. It has a long, conical shell. It's 'upright' sort of...
  2. A

    One Mystery Snail Growing But The Other Isn't.

    I have a gold mystery snail in with one neon tetra, the others died, one Glofish, and an albino Cory. It has gotten quite a bit bigger since I got it, but my sister has a black mystery snail in with her betta and it is still very small. Her betta is a bit aggressive but he hasn't really been...
  3. A

    Golden Mystery Snail Shell Turning White

    I added a snail about a week and a half ago but it's shell is turning white now. iI's acting the same as it was, moving all over the tank and everything. Does anyone know what would cause this?
  4. H

    New Tank Mate(S)?

    As I type this one of my beloved guppies is dying. I bought the poor guy and an adult and he was in pretty rough shape. I'm surprised he made it 8 months in my tank.   My plan right now is to fill his place with another male guppy, but I was wondering if there would be any other good tank mates...
  5. cowgirluntamed

    Abnormal Nerite Snail Behavior

    Ok...for those that have been following some of my latest posts...i now have another dilemma. For those that haven't followed, I will briefly recap. 5.5 gallon betta tank at the time with one betta and 3 nerite snails. Planted. I dealt with cyanobacteria. I used the ultra life blue green slime...
  6. thrujenseyes

    My Assassin Has Finally Been Assassinated....i Think?!

    Hi guys!!  It's been quite a long while!  I'm coming to you after some really sad news...   I drove out to the fish store (Aquarium Center in Clementon NJ) which had been in business for 20 years and was simply amazing...  To find it had been shut down do to such a sad catastrophe. Someone had...
  7. W

    Adding Ghost Shrimp/mystery Snail To 5G Betta Tank

    I have had my male Betta for 14 months and recently moved him from a 1G to a 5G Aqueon MiniBow.  Eventually I'd prefer a 10G or larger but for now want to make the 5G as comfortable as possible.  In the meantime I was hoping to use the 1G as a plant tank and before doing proper research added 10...
  8. Ellphea

    Pond Snail Conundrum

    I have recently noticed a few pond snails in my tank along with some ramshorn snails and trumpet snails. I have had terrible trouble with pond snails in the past and would really like to get rid of them before they become a problem. However, I don't want any harm to come to my trumpet snails...
  9. cooledwhip

    I Think My Snail Laid Eggs...

    Hey all, I have had some blue mystery snails that I ordered online about 2 weeks ago, they came in last week. They are awesome and I love seeing them out of their shells. They aren't too timid, but of course like all fish if you stick your hand in they will go hide. Anyway, I saw one today by...
  10. T

    Questions About Clown Loaches

    I have a 55 gallon tank with guppies, blood eyed tetras, danios, 2 yo-yo loaches, a school of neons, and one red wag platy. I want to add one pleco and some ottos. The last addition I want to add is ether a clown loach, or some snails. I was wondering if I could add both so what type of snails...
  11. G

    Help Identifying Snail And Starfish

    Sorry if this is the wrong place to post but I didn't see any top lines subjects that seemed to fit. Any chance I can get some help identifying this snail and starfish? Thanks!!!
  12. simonero

    Wanted: Apple Snails (Atlanta, Ga)

    Wanted: Apple Snail (pomacea caniculata preferably; not mystery snails!)   Age and condition: healthy and alive; any age Quantity: up to 3-4?  I'll take even one if that's the limit of what you can spare Location: Atlanta, GA   I need apple snails!  I find them fascinating but don't know where...
  13. blw0489

    What Is This Little Thing Sliding Around My Tank?

    Hello, I started a new 20g aquarium, I am 30 days into my "fishless" cycle (nitrites are still very high). I ordered 4 banana plants from, and I picked up a small fern from my LFS (not from their tanks, it was separately packaged). With my tank cycling I figured the only things...
  14. starlitsunrise

    5 Gallon Shrimp And Snail Tank

    Hey everyone,    On Wednesday I bought the Tetra Complete LED Aquarium 5. It came with a 5 gallon tank, hood, small led light, tetra whisper micro filter and some free samples of various tetra products. Plant wise, it currently has a small amount of java moss and two baby java ferns from my 10...
  15. Mamashack

    Look What I Found Today!

    Was just checking up on the shrimp in my 60L and look what I spotted grazing on the gravel.................... ....... a baby assassin snail - it's about 5mm in length and I couldn't be more thrilled! It's really made my day!
  16. M

    Snail Eggs

    Hi i have had snail eggs on the side of my tank for 23 days now and they haven't hatched can someone help.
  17. GuppyGirl20

    What The Heck Is This?

    Okay so I made a post about something on one of my new plants (the kind that are sold in plastic tubes so they are suppose to be snail free and such) and I noticed something weird on it (here's the link) and I didn't get an answer as to what it was so I just went a head and took the plant out to...
  18. monahan95

    Snail Eggs?

    I have had these white spots all over my bogwood since I got my 2 red spotted snails and my zebra snail, can someone please tell me, are these snails eggs? and am I going to have an infestation on my hands?
  19. M

    Snail To Eat Algea In A 5G Tank?

    In my 5g betta tank there has been alot of algea growing, i do try to get rid of it by cleaning all of the decorations in the tank and the glass and it just seems to be growing back within afew days. I would really like a snail in my tank, what snail shall i get that does not have babies with...
  20. argoma

    Tank Update

    Hi everybody,   i'm just doing here a quick update, no questions, almost no worries. So Casper is doing great as always, his fins are growing some bits i guess. Maybe it's just that his fins are more clear at the ends since they have never been completely red ever in his life since i got him...
  21. D

    New Zealand Mud Snail Infestation. Help?!

    Hello,   My name is Trent and I am new to this forum.  I have had multiple aquariums and am not new to the hobby, however I have encountered a serious problem.  New Zealand Mud Snails.  Over the past year or so I have been trying to rid my 7 gallon dwarf shrimp tank of these pests.  Although...
  22. sharkydog

    Java Moss

    I am thinking of creating a landscape-look for my tank and was wondering if java moss can grow on/in sand? I have seen that Java moss is often used to create a 'grass' type look and it seems like it doesn't need much to thrive. I've read that a few people buried their java moss partway into the...
  23. 214jay

    Bamboo Shrimp Has A New Ride!

    Popped down to watch the tank and notice one of my Bamboo Shrimps had hijacked a Nerite!! He managed to get a lift right across the tank...closer to the filter!!   I thought I would share some pictures as it made me smile after a long day's work!!       Looking happy after his free lift across...
  24. PrincessKiara

    How To Clean Ramshorn Snail And Elodea? Bleach, Hydrogen Peroxide, Sal

    Hello! I was poking around the 'Web and came up with a few solutions for disinfecting my tank, but since I really don't want to kill my guppy fry, I will try them all. Today I filled the tank with warm water and loads of table salt. Tomorrow, I'll drain and rinse it, then wipe it with vinegar...
  25. sharkydog

    Mystery Snail With Fuzz

    So, my betta has been recovering from mild fin rot. And I didn't want my snail to be harmed by the medicine, so I put him in a .75 gallon quarantine tank that does not have a filter. This is what I have been doing, and it seemed completely fine until something (probably really stupid) that I...
  26. tmoney7

    Snail Identification

      I was wondering what kind of snail this is because at the moment i have 3 nerite snails and they have laid eggs everywhere.  I know that they can lay eggs in FW but that they most likely do not hatch in FW.  So at first when i saw these guys and they were much smaller i thought that somehow...
  27. R

    Is It Ok For Mystery Snails To Eat Dead Fish?

    So I've had a tank for a while now and we first had buenos arias tetras, lamp eyed tetras, a black mystery snail, an ivory mystery snail, and two golden algae eaters. Two weeks ago, I got a mix of about 10 cardinal and neon tetras from a couple stores along with 3 guppies (one tuxedo). The...
  28. CrazyDiamond88

    Is My Ramshorn Snail Okay?

    My ramshorn snail came home about 4 days ago. I put him in my uncycled tank. There is plenty of fish flakes in there for him to eat. He seemed fine the first day or so, wondering around and sitting on the rocks etc. Now though, he is just sitting in the one place, sometimes with his foot partly...
  29. A

    This Just Showed Up In My Tank...

    It's about 1" in length.   Don't really know how it got there, I haven't added any plants in over 2 years.   Company for my Gulper Catfish I suppose.   Anyone confirm what type it is?   Thanks.  
  30. Mamashack

    Assassin Snail In Cycled/cycling Tank - Is This Ok?

    I have the 2 tanks as described in my signature. I had added one assassin snail to my 60L when I got hitch-hikers on the live plants I'd added previously. I've recently noticed that Wally (well he has a stripy jumper and I have to find him before I do anything else! lol) has been very sluggish...
  31. crmpicco

    Assassin Snails Sticking Together For Days At A Time

    I have three assassin snails in my tank and over the past three to four weeks I have noticed that two of them seem to stick to each other almost all of the time. One of the two that are always joined seems to have a strange "head", if you like, in the way that it looks a bit crusty rather than...
  32. TaurineLittle

    Adding Salt To New Tank While Cycling To Kill Pest Snails...?

    Hey guys, so basically i picked up a free 15 gallon tank from a friend and im looking to get a new pump/filter (preferably biological) next week so i can start to cycle it before i put my fish and shrimp in. What i want to do is put almost everything from my old 10 gallon into the new 15 gallon...
  33. S

    Selling: Mts Malaysian Trumpet Snails

    Hi I'm getting quite a few MTS's in my tank now and just putting the feelers out to see if anybody would be interested in buying some I can post within the UK Let me know if interested Thanks
  34. donnylad1980

    Snail Advice!

    Hi Guys,   Quick bit of advice. I have an 11 gallon tank that's settled nicely with 3 small mollies, 1 platy, 1 Gupppy, 1 Pleco and 1,476,456,242 snails!!   I've never put any snails in the tank, but 2/3 tiny ones stowed away on the various plants I've got in there. But, in a very short space of...
  35. crmpicco

    Baby Assassin Snail Care

    Hi, I have three adult assassin snails in my 70ltr tank at the moment that I bought about 4-5 months ago to deal with a pest snail problem I was having at the time. Between the snails and large water changes, they done their job, so i'm glad I got them. This morning, I spotted a baby assassin...
  36. K

    Ich & Snails

    I had an outbreak of Ich last week. I was treating it with a Petco brand of "Herbal Ich Treatment." 1. I recommend that you NEVER use this treatment, as nothing improved. 2. I had all 3 of my Sunset Fire Platies die. 3. The rest of my fish (only a few) also had the Ich really bad. I euthanized...
  37. Lockhaart

    Random Snail Appeared?!

    I've just gone upstairs and checked on the tank as the light comes on at this time, and saw something weird on the front of the tanks glass. I've gone to look and it's a snail, which isn't unusual, I have snails, one adult Zebra snail that I bought when I first got the tank, and a few of its...