
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Kotaraine

    What kind of snail is this?

    Sorry for the awful picture but its VERY small. Ive noticed a couple now since adding more live plants to my tank (my bad for not cleaning them well enough). What kind of snail is this and is it considered a pest? Id hate to end the life of an innocent snail but I dont want them to end the life...
  2. B

    Tiny Brown Snail???

    Hi there! I have had a 3 1/2 gallon tank and a betta for about 4 months now. Just last month I switched out his fake plants with real ones, and also brought a new inca snail as a new addition to the tank to help keep things looking nice. Just tonight, I noticed this tiny little brown snail...
  3. S

    Help With Names!

    This is going to one of my more fun posts! I need help with finding names for my soon to be 5 guppys and 1 snail! I'm thinking of group names from TV shows, movies, books, etc. I will post a poll with some of my ideas and please vote for your favorite option! (There will be an option labeled...
  4. G

    What baby snails are these?

    I have a 9g planted tank where I have amazonian soil. I had a betta fish that was about 4 years old and died some months ago, around June. In January I brought two nerite snails (one tiger and one zebra) and they were living with the betta fish in the cycled tank in perfect harmony. there was a...
  5. Goosegrl2019

    Baby snails in blood parrot cichlid tank

    40 gallon with a blood parrot & 2 mystery snails. I found babies this morning, can they live in the tank together??
  6. CrazyBettaLady

    Fancy Dan and Joan of Arc

    Hello! I'd like to post something good today, so I'm going to show off my two beautiful crowntail bettas, Fancy Dan and Joan! Joan (full name is Jeanne d'Arc, or in English "Joan of Arc") is a beautiful blue/turquoise/green/sorta iridescent female crowntail that has a very friendly and...
  7. newmag1659

    Driftwood Fungus is taking over my tank!

    Hi! I have a piece of driftwood that grew driftwood fungus almost immediately about 6 weeks ago. I looked around online and was told to leave it be and it'll go away. Well, it hasn't gone away and has now appeared to spread to my plants. I also have a very thick biofilm that my 3 gardneri...
  8. newmag1659

    Mystery Snail Losing Shell?

    I have 4 mystery snails in a 5 gallon vertical with my betta, Cheesecake. Temp is about 78 degrees F, parameters are 0/0/15. pH is around 6.4. Soft water around 50 ppm.Betta is fed daily, but the tank is fully planted so I only feed the snails every 2-3 days. They get homemade snello, which has...
  9. Y

    Help! Honey Gourami missing?

    Hello! I purchased 3 male Honey Gouramis yesterday. They all seemed 100% fine yesterday, no agression in the tank (Theyre in the tank with 2 Khuli Loaches and 6 Neon Tetras, 6 glowlight tetras, and a Zebra Nerite Snail). All swimming normally. Fed them last night and this morning one is...
  10. Aspen35

    Snail Substrate

    Do Mystery and Ramshorn Snails do well with sand as a substrate? Also, what is the best way to wash sand so that it doesn’t cloud the tank?
  11. Aspen35

    Help! New Snails!

    I don't know if this qualifies as an emergency, but i just received a box with a bunch of mystery snails. They seemed to be fine while acclimating, but now that they're in the tank they've stopped moving around. (they were when I first put them in. Is something wrong? Some of them are not even...
  12. FishFinatic77

    Betta keeps killing snails

    My tank has a serious algae problem. The only place to put my betta tank was by a window, and now there is a constant film of algae covering everything. Now, I wanted to add a nerite snail to the tank to help eat some of the algae, but, after moving around for a day, he stopped moving and died...
  13. O

    Possible parasites in aquarium

    Hi all. I have a weirdly specific question. I had my guppies die of parasites so now I only have a mystery snail in my 10 gallon tank. I’ve now acquired a betta but i’m hesitant with what I should do with him in regards to my tank. I’m worried that he could catch parasites if I put him in the...
  14. Narideth

    Identifying baby rabbit snails

    So, I've been trying to find information online, and unfortunately rabbit snails are a little harder to come by as far as information is concerned. I have 3 adult giant orange rabbit snails, and I've had them for several months. At least one if them is female, because she has dropped a few...
  15. PygmyMitch

    Found baby snail in new aquarium

    Hi all, so i’ve set up a new aquarium, and i’ve found a baby snail in my tank. I’ve used live plants, but haven’t yet got any fish, so i assume the snail has come with the plants. I need help identifying what snail i have, and any information about it would be appreciated. i have attached a picture
  16. Meg0000

    Clean up crew

    Hi tomorrow I am going to my LFS and I would like to get some type of clean up crew because one of my two nerite died. I would like something that can eat dead leaves and fish poop. Would ramshorn snail be a good idea and how many? I would have got shrimp but I have a paradise fish that would...
  17. M

    Do Nerite Snails need to eat calcium or just have it in the water?

    So, I'm relatively new to snails. My boyfriend always wanted me to get one, but I wasn't really interested (too worried about crazy snail reproduction after hearing some horror stories from friends). But I found a beautiful little tiger nerite at the fish store and I fell in love. After a quick...
  18. Barry Tetra

    Which snails is good for betta tank

    My betta love sitting on top on top of my nerite snails, im thinking of getting another snails for him any suggestions? (No mystery snails or pond snails)
  19. Barry Tetra

    Can you ID this mysterious snails?

    I found this weird snail in my tank yesterday, can you id it
  20. cmhassinger

    Good or bad snail?

    So even though I tried hard to keep snails out of my tank.. I see that two have made it in. I have been keeping them out because I just don’t know if they are bad or good. But now that I see two I figured I would learn more about it before making my decision to remove them. They are very tiny...
  21. fishperson100

    Walstad Method

    Have any of you every tried the Walstad method? I was thinking about setting up some nano aquariums with shrimp and snails using this method, but I was wondering if any of you have tried it. Link explaining it -
  22. Annemarie

    White Patch Neon Tetra

    Hello! So as of a few days ago my largest fish seemed to develop a white patch overnight on his fin. It looks like it’s a little fuzzy? But I’m not sure. I have aquarium salt I could use, but I have a shrimp (ghost) and dont know if he would be okay in salted water. I know how to use aquarium...
  23. S

    Snail surprise in my tank

    I recently set up a tank. It has amazon sword, java fern and a plant that looks like cryptocotyne species. But now i started seeing snail's in my tank. I didn't put them in the tank. They just appeared. First there was one but now i see five. Since I have live plants in my tank so I am afraid...
  24. P


    Hi there, I’m new to the forum to ask advice on what the outcome of my HUGE mistake might be. I’ve had my ten gallon tank for a year now and have 4 platys and 3 snails in it. I’ve been told by the people at my local fish store that this isn’t an overloaded tank as long as I keep on top of tank...
  25. Lauren Schmalz

    Ramshorn Snail Not Moving Location

    I bought 3 red ramshorn snails 2 days ago, and I have noticed that they come out of their shell and twist in turn in the water, but they do not leave the spot they are in. They were drip acclimated into the tank and seemed fine for the first few hours. After that, they would "squirm" upside down...
  26. Chelipe831


    Hello recently purchased an Apple snail for a 5 gallon aquarium and today about a week later after I purchased the snail I found baby snails in the tank ? They baby snails look dark and black was wondering are they the same species of snail or a parasite?
  27. H

    Can a sick fish infect snails?

    I'm thinking of putting a snail or two in my second tank which I use to hold sick, injured, or pregnant fish. Is it fine to add some snails to clean up a bit even if I have a sick fish in there?
  28. N

    Looking for a snail expert

    So hello everyone, I'm new here and was hoping I could find someone to answer a question for me. I recently bought a couple new snails out of a tank labeled "black racer snails" One of them is obviously a black racer but the other is about the same size but the shell looks like a rock. It is...
  29. A

    Is this a healthy environment for a snail?

    Hi, So recently I ventured in making a cute little tank for decoration purposes. I wasn't planning on putting anything in there like fish, however I was recently thinking of adding a snail. Although I was wondering if it was a valid environment, not having a filter or heater and it only being...
  30. L

    Mystery Snail Shell Growth Issue?

    Hello, I bought a mystery snail a few months back, put him in my community tank with an Angelfish. The angel left him alone at first, but then started picking on him. As a result, the snail's shell has grown down over his "face", and his tentacles are a lot shorter. I've moved him, and put him...
  31. Lyuba_buk

    Greetings from Illinois

    hi! i am Lyuba and i am new to fishkeeping. Well, several years ago I had tiny tank with betta fish, which survived a lot (never did any cycling or dechlorinated water). Currently cycling my new 10 gallon tank with One & Only. I would like to have one betta and a couple smaller fishes (looking...
  32. SadFishGuy44

    What kind of snail is this--and how did he get here?

    Hi all, I'm new to this website, so I'm sorry if I make any posting etiquette mistakes or anything like that. But essentially, I don't know much about snails and I'm pretty baffled as to how this tiny guy got in my tank. I got three Nerite snails about 3 months ago to keep my betta company. The...
  33. S

    Snail eggs ???

    Hi, Are these pictures below snail eggs? I was sure they were until I noticed the colour, they are almost a transparent orange in colour with small black dots, not clear with white dots which is what is showing online. Thankyou
  34. Fiji

    Snail/Shrimp Colony

    I am currently running a 16 gallon tank with a Fluval C3. I've always wanted an invert tank but have never actually gotten around to setting one up. I was thinking about breeding snails (pond snails, mystery, ramshorn, etc.) as well as cherry shrimp to raise as live food for my fish in the 55...
  35. bytez


    i ask for a mystery snail and this one was given to me.. i havent introduce this to my aquarium because im afraid it looks like an apple snail and i dont want it to eat my plants which i just recently planted.. like 2 hours ago.. could anuone please help me.. this is about 3-5 inches snail
  36. E

    Simplest way to take care of apple snail's eggs

    Hello there! I found a little surprise tonight when I got back from work. My little invertebrates made three "nests". I didn't notice before. One seems a little more white than the two others (the second picture) but they are pretty pink/red-ish. Sorry for the poor light, it is dark when I...
  37. thrujenseyes

    is this normal for a nerite snail shell?

    I've had him for about 7/8 months. He's always active and pooping. He's grown a lot since I got him. Is the weird (not in matching with his other stripes) part of his shell new growth? Or is something wrong with him? When I first got him I was having issues with my water being too soft...
  38. S

    Snail identification

    hello, im new to all this, I recently got some plants for r my tropical tank, after a week I have noticed a mass influx of snails!!! I've never had snails before... so I assume they smuggled in on the plants... trouble is I don't know what kI d of snail they are... anyone any ideas?? Xx
  39. H

    nerite snail dying?

    I've had a nerite for three or four months now, and a few days ago I found it upside down on the bottom of the tank. I gave it a sniff, it was alive. Anyways, I placed it on top of a decoration a few days ago, and it hasn't moved since then. I pulled it out of the tank today. It smells more...
  40. A

    Mystery snail not moving

    my mystery snail has just been sitting around, mainly closed up, for days. He does move around maybe an inch or two at most every couple days or so. Mostly he just stays closed up and opens up just enough to see a little of his body every little bit through the day. I'm not sure if this is...