
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. S

    Platt has half a pectoral and damaged dorsal fin

    Strange one. Maybe. Last night I noticed my platy had half a pectoral fin and a slightly damaged dorsal fin. Last night he was hiding in a cave and today the pectoral fin has white around it but nothing on the dorsal fin. He is swimming ok and eating ok and is out of the cave. The only thing I...
  2. R

    six month old platy frys spitting out food

    hi! i am stocking about 20 platy fry in a planted twenty gallon aquarium. the tank is cycled and the water quality is top notch. about a month ago, one of the fry developed collumanus worms, so i decided to treat the entire tank with levamisole from subquaria. i followed the instructions and did...
  3. C


    I recently bought my very first platy fish, and the person at the pet store said there's always a possibility of them being pregnant so I've been searching for someone to tell me whether she is or she is not. I've already looked at gravid spots and all that mess on the internet and I cant tell...
  4. carligraceee

    All my platy fry dying the same way except one??? Is it me? Or is it the circle of life??

    Hey guys! If you see my other posts, you will see I have some platy fry. They are almost a month old and were growing like crazy! All of a sudden, two of them started thinning out in the tail area and having trouble swimming and coming up to eat. Then they died the next day. It didn't happen...
  5. R

    Why isn't my platy giving birth?

    Hi there, First time having a pregnant platy. She has been pregnant over a month and a half, it's becoming an on going joke of when she's going to give birth! Tested waters and it's fine other than the Ph maybe being a little low on 6.5, could that be it? She's in her own tank now 30L
  6. MagicGirl33

    SOS! Is this a disease on my platy or possibly a cut or missing scale?

    It's a sunset platy and I'm pretty sure he doesn't have ick but I can't be too sure. Anyone think they know whats up with him? I'm really worried if it is a disease he'll infect my other fish and (my favorite) clown pleco. Please help!
  7. Natabettas

    Pregnant platy

    I have 2 pregnant platys right now and I thought they may have been showing signs of being ready soon. I want to save all the fry so I moved them to a clear bin it’s about 4-5 gallons. I put them both in breeding boxes in the bin incase they had them overnight. Filled the bin with their tanks...
  8. R

    Pregnant platy is pooping white rock like lumps in a row

    Hey my platy recently just gave birth to like 15 fry and they basically all died over the span of a week, but she still looks a bit pregnant (another platy I have looks very pregnant) and they have both been pooping this white poo that seems to have the appearance of white pebbles in a sack all...
  9. back2thelotus

    Does my platy have ich? Please help!

    Hi, As mentioned in the title of this thread, I’m wondering if my platy has ich. About a week ago I noticed that the fish didn’t seem to be pooping, and seemed very lethargic. I fasted the tank for a day and fed peas afterwards. Then she seemed to perk up. Then, unfortunately she started to...
  10. carligraceee


    PLEASE ANSWER QUICK- is my platy ready to give birth? i had her in a breeder but she seemed really stressed so i let her back out. she’s active but the male follows her around and pokes at her butt. PLEASE ANSWER! i want to save as many babies as possible! she also had a white pimple thing on...
  11. carligraceee

    Is there something wrong with my platy?

    Hey guys. This is sally. Is there something wrong with her? She’s always been kind of round but i just want to make sure there isn’t something up. Sorry about some photo bombs, my mollies like attention lol. I know her tail is messed up, she jumped out of the tank awhile back ?
  12. P

    Female Platy Fish Isn’t Getting Pregnant

    Hi all I hope you can help me with this one... I have four platy fish that I purchased about a month ago. The pet store staff reassured me that all four platies were MALE, however after changing my fish tank background recently, I actually noticed that one of them has a triangular fan-like...
  13. wfykitty

    My Platy fish is not active and betta's fin is not as colorful as before..

    I have 1 platy fish and a betta fish in separate tank, and both are male. I got them on October 2020. 1. Recently the platy fish is always at the bottom of the tank. And yesterday I saw his body slightly towards on one side, and he is not very active and just stayed at the bottom of the tank...
  14. S

    HELP PLEASE. Fish staying at surface.

    Hi all. I’m new to the fish keeping hobby, I’m from uk. We bought a 40L tank from a pet shop, cleaned tank, gravel and plastic plants etc, installed filter and heater set at (25 degrees Celsius)that came with the tank, filled tank to the water level marked on the filter, we added tapsafe and...
  15. J

    What fish is this ??

  16. carligraceee

    New Corys and an update!

    Hey guys! I took some tests these past weeks and have been watching my water. My ammonia levels are at 0 and all my water levels are puerfect (the hardness is a little low but my fish are not exhibiting any signs of stress or malnutrition). My fish have been so well that I took another step and...
  17. carligraceee

    Pea puffers with mollies???

    Hey all! PSA: If you follow my threads you know I have a water issue right now so know I am NOT getting new fish until this gets sorted out. However, for when I can introduce new fish to my tank, I want to know which would go well with my remaining two mollies and a platy. I looked up Pea...
  18. carligraceee

    Bent spine in my Platy fry :( (that rhymes, it was unintentional)

    Hey guys! So I have been raising three baby platys for awhile now. I think they reached a month old a couple days ago. However, one died a day ago and when I looked closely at his body to find anything abnormal, I saw he had taken on a sort of krill shape (almost like a boomerang). I then looked...
  19. N

    High Ammonia levels

    Update 12/14: second water change completed today of about 60-70% of water. Total Ammonia - 0.5ppm, NH3 - 0.1ppm, NO2 - .25ppm, NO3 - 5ppm, and pH 7.6. I have a 20gal freshwater tank and no matter what I do I cannot get my ammonia levels down. I’ve had the aquarium for 6 months and I’m pretty...
  20. S

    Separating Male and Female Platys

    I have had a male and female platy for a few months, and in that time, they've produced a good chunk of fry. I'm considering separating my male and giving him to a friend along side some of the male fry once they are bigger and keeping my female with some female fry. My concern here is quality...
  21. L

    What is this tiny bump on my new Platy?

    Yesterday I bought two Platys from Pets at Home, and less than 24 hours later I’ve noticed this tiny, slightly raised bump below the mouth of one of them. I’ve attached a photo that shows it quite clearly. Please can anyone advise me on what this might be? I’ve already rang up Pets at Home and...
  22. S

    Is my Platy pregnant? NEWBIE

    So I’m a very new newbie! Had my 64L tank for a few weeks - I started with 2 platy and some cloud mountain minnows. I got 2 more platy at the weekend and one is really quite podgy. I chose 2 females so now my platy tank ratio is 3 females to 1 male. But she arrived like this- so she’s really...
  23. G

    What is this and how do I fix it?

  24. T

    My platys are dying and I don't know why

    My platys are dying one by one, each of the dead platys had damaged skin and couldn't swim anymore. The platys live in a 12 gallon tank along with 2 tinfoil barbs and other mollies, and I really think it's because of the tinfoil barbs but I might be wrong. This is my first time having an...
  25. Brad G

    Fish with ich/ick

    I have a 20 gallon tank the has quite a few plants. I put API Super ick cure in 5 days ago. I’m starting my 2nd round of treatment because my fish still have the white spots 1 of them are actually getting worse . I took out the carbon filter but left in the ammonia filter. Should I take that off...
  26. S

    Lazy or labor?

    My pregnant platy is just sitting there doing nothing.. Just sitting unless i get too close Is she getting ready for labour?
  27. D

    Guppy attacking platy

    Can anyone help, why is my guppy attacking my Platy? The tails has bite marks out of it.
  28. D

    Is my fish pregnant

    Is my fish pregnant, she says away from the males, eats hardly anything, hides, doesn’t do much swimming, lives with three males (1male platy and 2 Male guppies) and unknown sex of Otocinclus
  29. S

    Why is my male platy aggressiveley chasing my female

    My male platy has been chasing my female around agressiveley and id like to know why
  30. S

    Pregnant platy cloacas open?

    Both of my pregnant platys seem yo have an open cloaca and im a bit worried
  31. S

    Platys might be pregnant

    I think my platys might be pregnant if so how soon are they due. Im new to this and i would really love some help I did my best with the pics and Thier gravid spots look alot bigger in person
  32. Brad G

    Fat, pregnant or sick?

    Hi, I’m new to owning an aquarium and I have a question about my Platy. I’ve had her for a couple months now with the same fish in the tank. I heard they can get pregnant at 6 months. I bought her 2 months ago from petsmart so idk what age they usually sell fish. I will post a few pictures...
  33. Falconwithaboxon


    So I have way over stocked my tank and I'm looking to get a new one. I have 2 angelfish, 3 dwarf gourami, 2 mollies, 4 platies, 10 neon tetras, 4 cories, 4 algae eaters, 4 danios, and 3 snails. I had 20 ghost shrimp but I'm pretty sure they got ate by my other fish as there's no bodies from...
  34. Falconwithaboxon

    Platy Pairs

    Hello! I have 4 Platies in my tank. They are always in the same pairs. I think they are male and female based by their colors, each pair has 1 that is almost completely orange(female?) and 1 that is orange body with black spots with an almost completely black tail(male?). The ones that I assume...
  35. L

    Strange phantom pregnancy and death...

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this group and hoping somebody can help me with a strange issue. There is some backstory but I will try to be brief... The phantom pregnancy Two days ago I noticed a platy I have reared from birth (fry of one of my existing platties) which looked to be in distress. Her...
  36. C

    Is our Platy giving birth? What is happening??

    We have a VERY pregnant platy. We are new to this. Our pregnant platy has been passing a few strings with these big white balls attached. Does this mean she’s in labor?? Should we use a birthing box or no?
  37. luckyfin

    Help, Platy Not Eating

    Not sure what is happening to my platy. I’ve had her for 6 months but for the past month she has not been eating, has been hiding and not looking well. Has white discolouring on her side. Tried putting her in a seperate tank for about a week with API Melafix but I didn’t see any change. I’m...
  38. T

    Strange looking platy fish

    Does anyone know what's up with my Platy fish? She's been like this for months now. I've tried treatment with API melanix and no change. My water parameters are 0 ammonia 0 nitrite 5/10 nitrate.
  39. K

    Baby fry...need advice!

    Hi all! My mickey mouse platy has birthed her fry this morning. I could probably see around 15 to 20 fry in the birthing net, and wasn't sure she was done yet. I've come to check on her progress and I think I only see about 10 maybe less? So I was worried she was eating them so I've popped her...
  40. Aspen35

    Platy Dying?

    Just noticed platy (male) isn’t acting right. All the other fish seem fine as of right now. Ideas on what’s wrong?