
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. P

    Is my female platy fish sick?

    Please help! Does my platy look sick? She looks puffy and extra white on the stomach. She did previously have babies, so maybe pregnant again but it doesn’t look like last time or normal :(
  2. xipo817

    I am confused with platy sex determination

    Recently I crossed blue tuxedo female and white mickey mouse male. After raising 1 month some of them showed slight tuxedo pattern and others not. And those showing tuxedo was male and others seemed female. So I thoght female was WY(Tuxedo) and male was YY. But thesedays those seemed female...
  3. madireeder

    Platies mysteriously dying!!!

    The water quality in my tank is perfect, I test it frequently. Everything has been great otherwise but my platies keep dying! And very unexpectedly! I have two balloon mollies, I HAD two platies (now one), and 3 African Clawed Frogs (which i’m not very happy about because the pet store told me...
  4. xipo817

    About genetics of platy and swordtail

    I am planning to make albino platy by crossing platy and albino swordtail. I know the oncogene xmrk located in X and Y chromosome in platy might cause tumor in hybrid if I am not careful enough. I heard those tumor is melanoma and its progenitor is only macromelanophore. So my question is...
  5. L

    Mollies/Platys dying one by one

    Hello, So I have a 130 litre tropical aquarium that has been running for at least 7 years now. For the past year I’ve only had black skirt tetras, black phantom tetras and rasboras, all of which are doing fine. About 6 weeks ago I purchased 4 Platys and 4 mollies and didn’t even think to...
  6. foxgirl158

    Is there anything better than new fish day?

    Merry early Christmas to me! My mom took me to my LFS today, let me pick out two fish and two snails, and she paid for them as an early Christmas present :wub: she’s awesome! All my platies have a Disney/Pixar name theme, along with the two new snails, so without further ado I present: Tula...
  7. K

    Can someone help?

    So it's been about 20 years since I last saw a pregnant platy. Can someone please confirm for me that I am correct in thinking this girl is carrying babies? And if so, any clues as to how long she may have left before she births some tiny fry?
  8. Mollyforever

    Treat display tank for protozoa?

    Hi, I had two mollies in my 10 gal tank under metro+food treatment. And i got the new 20 gal as a display tank, cycled it all, and since I didnt have a third tank to use as a quarantine I got my new two mollies and one platy in the display tank. They were fine in the display tank. When I...
  9. Circus

    Picked up Free Tank, Free Fish

    So I was browsing the marketplace yesterday and came upon an ad for free fish tanks. I, of course, hopped on it. Just got home after picking it up and setting it up. It turns out, she still had the fish, but would have no tanknonce I left with the last one. She offered the fish as well. I...
  10. L

    Ich or fungus?!

    I noticed one of my plates has white blobs all over her body. From looking at photos of ich I’d say these are bigger than the ‘grains of salt’ described. It’s only really visible when she’s right under the light. One of the other platies has some white on her tail. I’m about to go to the pet...
  11. Mollyforever

    Is my molly actually a platy?

    My male black molly started to change colors and i was wondering if he is actually a platy. Also he is in the tank with female black molly who is not getting pregnant. Im moving the two fish to a newly cycled tank in a few days and will add two other female mollies from my LFS. can anyone...
  12. C

    New Tank Parameters, please advise

    Hey all! New to the forum. I have a 75 gal tank running with an Fx6 filter and heated to 74 degrees. Tank is decorated with little pebble stones and a huge piece of driftwood. That’s all for now. Tank was cycled for at least two weeks and fish were introduced. It’s been running for about a month...
  13. SparkysBois

    Is this fin rot?

    Hi, Above is one of my platys (I got them about 3-4 months ago). The other day I noticed he had a split in his top fin (the big one in the middle) and now the edges of the fin are like fraying/splitting. I looked it up and I think it could be fin rot but I'm not sure? I'm new to fish so I'm not...
  14. E

    White spot on platy?

    Hi! I have noticed that one of my platies has a white spot on her nose, she didn't have it before. Should I be worried? A real beginner! Thank you
  15. April_ht

    70 Litre (18 Gallon) stocking

    I currently have a 70 litre (18.5 US Gallon) tank with dimensions of 58 x 30 x 40cm (23" x 11" x 15"). The temperature is kept unheated at around 18 Degrees Celsius (65 Degrees Fahrenheit) with a stocking of 6 Golden White Clouds and 3 Platy (2 female:1 male). According to AqAdvisor, the...
  16. April_ht

    Dead platy fish

    I used to have 9 platies (or platy) in a 70 litre tank with 2 Chinese Algae Eaters, sold as ‘Sucking catfish’. The two catfish and 4 of the platies were rehomed as there were too many males, leaving me with 3 females and 1 male. Soon after, I bought 6 (Golden) White Cloud Mountain Minnows as it...
  17. M

    Question about Platys

    Hey, so I am setting up a 20 gal long and want to create a rock-heavy aquascape with the only plants being Vallisneria and Java moss. I have been looking at different stocking ideas and having a Platy-only aquarium sounds very fun to me. However I was uncertain if they’d be happy in a rock heavy...
  18. Retired Viking

    Moved my guppy tank to a new tank.

    I moved my 30 gallon guppy/platy tank to a new tank and stand. I took some pictures to show you. I kept the gravel and items wet so the bacteria would not dry out. I also added lots of fast growing floating plants.
  19. April_ht

    70 Litre stocking (again)

    I currently have a 70 litre (around 18.5 gallon) tank with 6 golden white clouds and 4 platy (3 female, 1 male). The tank has live plants and one decoration, as well as a piece of driftwood. Currently not using plant substrate, just normal gravel from a pet store. Water hardness about 105 ppm...
  20. April_ht

    70 Litre High Stocking Ideas

    So I currently own a 70 litre high tank with approximate dimensions of 60x30x(40 or 50?), which is around 18.5 US gallons. The tank is currently holding 9 platies without a heater, though I do have one available if need be. As I’m planning on getting rid of (rehoming) 4+ of the platies due to...
  21. April_ht

    70 Litre Community Tank

    Hi, so I’ve recently bought a 70 litre tank and cycled for 48 hours with beneficial bacteria and de-chlorinator. Tank dimensions are around 60cm x 30cm x 50cm and type is Blue Planet 70l. Is this big enough to have a community tank? If so, what types of fish could I have? I’ve been thinking...
  22. April_ht

    How many platys in 70 litres (18 US Gallons)?

    I’ve recently gotten a new 70 litre tank which has been cycled and fish were added in earlier today. I’ve got 9 platy fish, ranging from 1.5-2 inches, 5 males and 4 females and 2 small sucking catfish. I know the male to female ratio is off and I’m planning on getting rid of 3+ males soon, and I...
  23. chonsworth

    Platy Males Posturing?

    I just added a Honey Gourami to my tank of 4 Pepper Cory's and 2 Platys (males). (20 Gal) Typically my smaller white + orange one can be a bit of a butt to the other (short little chase/persnickety) - The normal pecking order of the tank that's been established with these guys. Anyways, I've...
  24. F

    High ammonia and aggressive platy

    Hi. I am relatively new to tropical fish (<4 months) and finding it a steep learning curve. I have a small tank (60litres) with 3 Platies (male and 2 females), 3 Guppies (same), 5 Tetras and some ottos and shrimps. I planted 5 plants and then introduced the tetras after about 3 weeks, guppies...
  25. P

    Does anybody know what this is? Ich? Lymphocystis? Fungal Growth?

    Hi there, One of my platies has been showing signs of reduced energy in the last few days and spends a lot of its time sitting at the bottom of the tank motionless. The fins are also clamped. I then noticed a small white spot that had formed on one side of its body (convex) near the gill area...
  26. G

    Platy spinning around

    Hi guys, My platy seems to swim fast while spinning around erratically. It was all fine and well till today morning... water quality is good...the other 2 platies and other fishes seem to be fine. I have isolated him in a bowl with 2 drops of Melaflix. but he is still spinning around...
  27. A

    Platy looks female... sometimes

    I know how to tell the difference between a male and female platy. But this platy confuses me. It swims around like its a male, but that anal fin sometimes moves and spreads open like a female. It's hard to see, but there is a bit of a web between the body and the anal fin. The web isn't as...
  28. A

    Striped platty?

    Hi everybody. This is my first time having fry. The one pictured is maybe 3-4? weeks old. I assumed they were platy's, but now I'm second guessing because the fry have vertical stripes. Almost looks like someone took a marker to it. Is anyone able to ID this fry? It's not easy getting a clear...
  29. Z

    Platy fish bully

    Hi, I have a fairly heavily planted established 55L tank with 5 female platy fish and 1 snail. Due to me being inexperienced and buying bad stock from pets at home, I had two deaths early on this year. This left me with two adult platy fish. While checking for illness, they were kept with just...
  30. wfykitty

    Red Gill and stomach on the poor platy, please help.

    The platy is usually black and white, since 3 days ago, he is not active and not really eat. And started to have red-gill, also the red bloody spot near abdominal part. He just hide recently and mouth moves constantly. And Another platy also have the similar symptoms before, and died very...
  31. rianna21

    My platy is sad :(

    Hi everyone, sorry if this isnt the right place to post, I’m looking for some advice. My variatus platy has been avoiding food for 3 weeks now, and prefers to stay at the top of the tank, near the bottom or swimming up and down the sides. When I say avoiding, I mean it literally swims in the...
  32. danajs

    Growth on Platy?

    My partner has noticed this morning a strange lump/growth on the side of one of his female platys. She’s still swimming around happily enough and eating, but we’d just like to know what this is and if it’s something that needs treating (as she lives with a number of other fish). Tank is 120l...
  33. A

    Very fat platy fish

    Hello, I've got 4 platies (1 male, 2 female & 1 baby male). I am worried because both of my female (especially one of them) is very fat. I feet them with Dajana mini tropical pellets : crude protein - 50% crude fibre - 2% crude oil & fats- 9% crude ash - 7% moisture - 8% I feed them once...
  34. H

    I love my platies

    Hi I am new to the forum and I am a beginner. I have 2 Female platies, one of them is slightly bigger than the other. She love picking on the air bubbles from the plant. The small one is quite shy and now she is sick and keep hiding at the bottom of tank. Hope she can make it.
  35. Lgoldman

    Platy inactive and breathing heavily

    One of my female platys has been breathing heavily and staying at the bottom of the tank all day. She ate this morning. I moved her to a smaller tank. The small tank only has two platy fry that will go into my bigger tank soon. All of my other fish are fine. I can’t tell if she is pregnant or...
  36. L

    Paralyzed platy

    I have this platy who seems to be paralyzed from his front fins back. He’s pretty old, I got him from my aunt because all her other fish died except him and a giant pleco. and she was out of town a lot and didn’t notice this guy was having issues (or even alive) so I took him with me. He can’t...
  37. carligraceee

    My momma platy died giving birth..

    Hello guys! Recently, one of my momma platy has been consistently pregnant. She gave birth to two babies and I have been raising them for several weeks. Yesterday evening, she started showing signs of bloating/swim bladder malfunction. Because of this, I put her in a small bowl full of the tank...
  38. S

    Help on Molly Fish

    Hi, I am very new to the forum. Need some help and advise from you all. I have 180 litre tank for last 7 months with Molly and Platy fish. They have been all happy and have given births as well. I saw some having white patches a month back and started loosing some fish. Gave them API melafix per...
  39. J

    One Platy nipping others - advice needed!

    Yesterday I bought 3 new Platys to join my one existing Platy in a 34 litre tank (all female). They seemed to get on fine for the first few hours, swimming together etc, but now one of the newbies is nipping at two of the other Platy. Interestingly, it is not nipping at the Platy that I think is...
  40. A

    Pregnant Platy

    Hi, I’m pretty sure my platy is pregnant and im not too sure how far along! I made a note of the date I first noticed she was getting really big which was March 14th! I don’t have enough space for a separate breeding tank so have purchased a breeding box to give the babies the best chance of...