
  1. BelldandyShanny

    What Should I Get

    Hello everyone. I'm soon to be getting a bigger tank for my fishies so will need more plants and hidey holes for them.  I'm really wanting to do some coconut shell caves and try to get some plants to root into them.  What I want to know is, what would be a good plant choice for this?
  2. sharkydog

    Java Moss

    I am thinking of creating a landscape-look for my tank and was wondering if java moss can grow on/in sand? I have seen that Java moss is often used to create a 'grass' type look and it seems like it doesn't need much to thrive. I've read that a few people buried their java moss partway into the...
  3. damanax

    First Time Setting Up A Planted Tank

    I'm looking to set up my first planted tank. The dimensions are  60 (w) x 30 (d) x 30 (h) and it is a 54l tank. I planning on eventually having a betta and some corys in it. I know all about cycling, I already have an established 65l tank but it's got plastic plants. I have a couple of questions...
  4. NeonTetra97

    Plants In A Biorb?

    Hi all,   I was thinking today that it would be nice to try my hand at keeping a real plant in my aquarium as opposed to the silk ones that are looking a bit tatty up close now :) I have absolutely no idea how to keep plants in an aquarium so any help would be great! The BiOrbs as you probably...
  5. bexbeckybex

    Can I Use A Carbon Filter When I Use Plant Fertiliser?

    Hi everyone! ok so I'v been keeping fish for a year now and haven't had much luck in growing plants. I thought I would try and give them a little help by adding a fertiliser ( JBL ferrotabs). However, part of my filter contains some activated carbon and I'm not sure if it will absorb all the...
  6. J

    Aquarium Plants?

    i am getting 40 plants tommorow or the next day as they have been ordered of the internet they are stated as easy to grow as this is my first tank i dont no much about plants, i basically want to know if they will survive in my tank i am not cycling my tank as i have read dave spencers post and...
  7. CrazyDiamond88

    Aquascape So Far.

    I've been rearranging things and come up with this...       This is my first aquascape, and I am really learning each time I move something around.   Let me know what you think, and criticism is appreciated! 
  8. Fiji

    New 55 Gallon Questions

    Hello I am currently setting up a freshwater 55 gallon fish tank that's been laying around in my garage for a while. I have some questions about the compatibility of the fish I would like to put in it. 1 angelfish 4-5 boesemani rainbowfish 4-5 Cory catfish 1 dojo loach 1 blue gourami I also...
  9. tmoney7

    Plant Ideas

    Alright so i have had my pygmy corys in my 10 gal for about 2 days now and i only have 2 plants, my anubias nana which has black brush algae on it so kinda disappointing and my java moss which is tied to my Malaysian driftwood.  I would eventually like to spread my java moss out so that it grows...
  10. AngelAi

    Are There Any Colorful Plants For Fresh Water?

    I was just wondering if there are any easy to take care of plants that are really colorful or flowery plants I can keep in a fresh water tank?
  11. W

    Algae In Tank...recent Problem.

    I'm new here and have a question or two about my betta and his tank. Currently he lives alone ina  2.5 gallon tank with two fake plants and a heater. I never had issues with algae before but ever since getting the second plant it accumulates on it. The purple plant in this picture is the exact...
  12. Fishywishy333

    Is This A Good Plant Plan?

    Hi everyone, so I was just wanting some approval on the plants I was going to get and their layout. In the foreground, I was thinking some Sagittaria sabulata and java moss as a carpeting plant. Then in the midground some Crypt. Beckettii planted around driftwood with java fern and java moss...
  13. C

    What Plants Will Grow

         Hi, I'm new here. I did a quick search but found nothing. I have a standard 10 gallon tank with a Marineland LED hood ( )and was wondering what plants I can grow to help control Nitrates...
  14. BlueOrchide190

    Hello From New Brunswick, Canada! :)

    Hello there!   I've got a couple questions to ask that motiviated me into making this account, but I figured I'd pop in here and first introduce myself! My name is Christina, and I'm from a small hub-city in New Brunswick, Canada. I have just a 5 gallon fish tank so far that I've had for about...
  15. D

    Help - Plant Eating Larvae

    Hi, This morning i found a larvae eating my plants. Can you help my identify it ? my water plant shop reseller haven't seen this in the past. Its about 1 inch long, and transparent.(not green like in picture) when i removed it from water, it shrank and lost its internal water. I dont have...
  16. M

    New To Plants, Advice Wanted... (Many Questions)

    Hi guys, I'm still a fish noob however, I'm really into fish keeping now, and I want to advance myself into live plants, sorry but I have quite a few questions... This is what iv ordered...
  17. RCA

    Depth Of Sand?

    Please see this project for more information about what is underneath the sand.  This link will take you direct to the section re: the sand if you want to jump straight to it.   Last night I washed and placed the sand in the front of the aquarium in the above project (photos will be added to the...
  18. blw0489

    Aquarium Plant Care

    how often should I be feeding my aquarium plants with liquid CO2? the bottle says everyday but I have a 10 gallon and I'm cycling my tank.
  19. J

    Which Liquid Fertilizer Is Best?

    Hi,   In my local pet shop there are only two choices of liquid plant fertilizers:   1. King British - Aquatic Plant Food 2. Nurafin - Plant Gro   Which fertilizer would you recommend to promote healthy plants?   pH 6.8 - 7.2 ammonia 0 nitrites 50 nitrates 0 gH 125 kH 180 20 Gallon Long Aqua Glo...
  20. reptileman

    Could I Have Been More Stupid? Help Meee!

    So I was curious to see all the fish profiles of my fish on SeriouslyFish, and I realized I have really screwed up! I jumped into the tank with one idea and switched halfway through and didn't do my research -_-. Also Some other stuff to do with my tank.   Tank stats that matter to fish.  -240L...
  21. FishyPapa

    My New Homemade Co2 Generator/diffuser

    This was just an experiment after reading some sites and seeing some youtube videos. Bottles are 2000ml from my lab CO2 diffuser inside tank (not visible in photo) is a nalgene tube with end cut off stuffed with filter material from my Betta tank DIY filter. Powered by yeast, suger, and water. I...
  22. Danielhorvath

    Need Help! Sticking Background Scenery To Inside The Tank!?

    Help! okay my fish are in a bucket and need to put them back in the tank as soon as possible, I just cleaned the whole tank and the waters been drained out,  but yesterday i bought some background scenery picture that i want to put on the back,but it has to be on the inside because the back of...
  23. I

    Plants Going Crazy, Is It Worth It?

    Hello all,    First post so please go easy :-)   I've had fish since last June in a roughly 70 litre tank with filter, air pump and 2 live plants.    We currently have 4 Cardinal tetras, 4 Rosy tetras and 3 Silver tip tetras (one recently deceased).    Since last June we also had a bristlenose...
  24. silenthawk2x3

    Amazon 55 Gallon Aquarium - Dirt And Plants!

    I am setting up a 55 gallon amazon themed, planted, dirted, generally awesome tank as soon as this semester is over. I have 5 angels that I have been raising for 4 months, and their bodies are silver dollar sized so it's time for my first "big" tank. I've been doing low tech planted tanks for a...
  25. JCorvinus

    New Plants / Water Chemistry / Observations ,

    today my new plants arrived and they have been placed in the tank ,    new tank 2 weeks old water chemistry baseline was as you would expect  tank is 100 litres in size  ( 1 us gallon = 3.7litres)    Ph = 7.2  Ammonia, NH3  = 0 toxic Ammonia NH4  = 0  nitrite NO2              0 Nitrate NO3  ...
  26. I

    Tropical Fish Help!

    Hey guys I have recently added three guppies to my new 10gal tank.. they are doing well although i was just wondering if i could put a ghost knife in there with them or a clown loach or similar? any other suggestions would be appreciated like some cool snails or bottom feeders? thanks heaps. :)
  27. Danielhorvath

    Setting Up A Tetra Tank:)

    Hey Guys   So I'm thinking of setting up a tetra tank, I want it to be a bigger tank that can hold neon tetra, cardinal tetra and penguin tetra. In at least groups of 5 each because they are schooling fish. Will those fish school together though? as they are all relatively the same size? I'm...
  28. M

    Light Needed

    I have recently set up an aquarium and are looking to add live plants. Unfortunatly I do not have a light but are looking to buy one. I live in melbourne. My tank is 55 litres. Please name your price. Thanks
  29. JCorvinus

    Blacklisted (Non Aquatic ) Plants What To Avoid

    Recently in Pets@Home , (yuk)   i picked up on them selling Dracena ,    a garden plant for aquatic use , this plant will rott , and destroy itself in ur tank and leave you with a horrible mess to clean up.     what other plants are there that should be avoided,  (by the way , the look on...
  30. SmexxyNick

    Bubbles At My Water Surface ! Help !

    A little bit of my plants are sticking out of the water, is this normal ?   <----- (Picture)
  31. T

    Hey Guys N Gals New To The Forum

    hey every one new to the forum and keep tropical fish, kept them on and off for about 3 years but i just brought a new tank (90lrts) and ive really got interested in it i have 2 angels, 2 dollmation mollys, 2 glass catfish, 3 red eye tetra, 3 red and black tetra, 4 sucking louch and 2 indian...
  32. RCA

    Plans For New Planted Aquarium: Juwel Vision 180

    I have had the above tank sitting empty for sometime while I consider what to do with it, although to be honest I bought a 215L about a week before and that has kept me busy!   I am planning to set it up as a planted tank, all my tanks generally have live plants but this one will be the showcase...
  33. aaronc

    Back After A Few Years Away - A Few Questions :)

    Hi All!! After a few years away from the hobby, I am busy plotting my return :) I had to get rid of my tank and all of my kit when I moved apartments 3 years ago, was gutted. Moving to a new place in May and plan to treat myself to a moving in present in the form of a new tank. I want to go...
  34. C

    Pregnant Fish Eating Plants

    Hey guys! I have a question that might or might not go in this section, but it seems like the best area for it. My husband and I have a 20gal tank with 6 platies living in it. One of our female platys is pregnant for the second time, and has been caught as the reason some of our ferns in the...
  35. B

    Levels Of Light (Low, Medium, High)

    Not sure if this belongs in the plants section or the lighting section but anyways: I've been researching different types of plants for my future ten gallon but they all need different levels of light and I'm not sure what level my tank qualifies as. If its a ten gallon with a 14w t8 bulb what...
  36. SmexxyNick

    Plants From My Creek, Should I Have Any Worries !?!?!

    I went to my local creek and picked this up. This is just a test to see if it would grow. i picked it at the part were the current is most strongest and i washed them very well before introducing them. Let me know if i can keep doing this.                                                         ...
  37. SmexxyNick

    Cherry Shrimp Plants

    First time ever getting aquatic plants, and i plan to get cherry shrimp soon for my 10 gallon, but i would like to know what are good beginner plants to get and if they would survive in a sand substrate only.
  38. VickyChaiTea

    Vickychaitea's Tanks

    Just a spot for progress shots of my taaaaanks. <3   Fluval SPEC   10gal   2gal   2gal   2gal
  39. I

    Want To Start A Dirt Amazon Tank

    So my wife has given me permission to start planning a 75-90 gallon dirt tank. I am vibrating from excitement. This will be our 6th tank but our 1st dirt tank. So I am here looking for three things 1.) How do I start a SUCCESSFUL dirt tank? I do not want a flat bottom, I want at least one hill...
  40. I

    Want To Start A Dirt Amazon Tank

    So my wife has given me permission to start planning a 75-90 gallon dirt tank. I am vibrating from excitement. This will be our 6th tank but our 1st dirt tank. So I am here looking for three things 1.) How do I start a SUCCESSFUL dirt tank? I do not want a flat bottom, I want at least one hill...