
  1. E

    Will live plants help?

    Hello all! I have a 20 gallon tank with a few Cory Catfish. I've had the tank for some time, but I struggle to keep algae levels in check. Brown algae seems to love multiplying in the tank, and I have to do heavy cleaning quite frequently. Will getting live plants help this situation? I have...
  2. Woody781

    Fighter with other fish??

    Just wondering if anyone had put a fighter in with any other fish before and how did it go?? I have a 34L tank with 6 Neon Tetras and 2 Borneo Catfish. A friend came over last night to visit and was very sceptical that my other fish would survive with a fighter and if it was possible I would...
  3. thrujenseyes

    top plants get too much light...but I'm in a pickle

    My tank is a little Fluval Edge 6 gallon that's been cycled and up and running for over two years now. My parameters are: PH: 6.8-7.2 GH: 75-150 KH: 40-80 Nitrates: 0 Nitrites: 0 Chlorine: 0 Ammonia: 0 50% water changes weekly. 2 remaining endlers (will be switching to soft water fish as I've...
  4. H

    First Aquarium - Snail Invasion (and other problems)

    Hello! To begin with, I'm totally new to fish keeping and want to ensure everything is done right before I add any fish to the tank. These forums have been a great source of information for me. I purchased a 180L Rio Aquarium which came with an internal Juwel filter and I fitted an external...
  5. Tyler_Fishman

    Planted paradise?

    if you've ever been to a pond in the north you might not think to put anything in your aquarium, obviously as Cold water species do not thrive in warm water, but as summer is just around the corner you can find a myriad of species for aquarium use, Lakes shores are often covered in Ludwigia...
  6. S

    Free Java Fern Aquarium Plants to give away in West Cumbria

    Hi We are running our home aquarium down and hoping to move it on, with the arrival of 2 children the poor tank sadly does not get the attention it used to. We have re-homed the fish, but we do have a selection of live Java Fern plants that are available to anyone interested. Also there are...
  7. Tyler_Fishman

    Hardest to keep

    what is the hardest fish to keep in your experience? From my understanding the hardest SW fish to keep are Moorish Idols and Copper band butterflies and of freshwater the hardest fish to keep is the discus. And the hardest freshwater plant to keep is probably HC baby tears
  8. Tyler_Fishman

    Petco opinions

    I went to my local petco and was nearly blown away. They're fish were in almost perfect condition, the only thing I noticed were an anorexic foxface and a few sick orbic cardinals, the rest of the fish were in perfect condition, not only that but they little stands that sold macro alages and...
  9. Tyler_Fishman

    What is this??

    I came home today to find my rummynose with a lump or light patch inside it? Not sure, I would like some clarification on this, cant test parameters atm besides ph which is at 6.8 not sure of the cause? Possibly my betta got it while it was sleeping? The cardinal it's with bullies it to no end...
  10. Tyler_Fishman


    I plan on switching my substrate from sand to dirted, due to the fact I am not seeing any really good growth in my plants even though I use osmocote ferts. I'm going to use soil from the forest in my backyard (which is chemical free) I'm pretty sure the soil will be adaquete for plant growth...
  11. Tyler_Fishman

    CFL bulbs

    I have a 10 gallon, Im wondering if CFL bulbs are good enough to use for plants, I have a spiral CFL that reads 6500k on a clamp lamp fixture, I'm no expert on lighting at all. So I'm wondering if anyone could clarify if CFL bulbs are a good option Cheers!
  12. thrujenseyes

    do they roots need to be above substrate?

    I just bought two new plants from PetSmart in those "pest free" containers since they seem to be the cleanest around here. 1. Narrow Leaf Java Fern and 2. Anubis Congensis As I'm reading right now it seems that both need to be attached to rocks/wood? I knew the regular Anubis (larger that I...
  13. thrujenseyes

    how to assure your plants are clean of Ickies

    I know this question gets asked a lot but I've read so many different things and I just get more and more confused as to what is the best route to take when adding new plants. I always try to buy the ones that come sealed and in the pest free packaging but there are a few plants that I just...
  14. T

    Plant help

    Hi, I have a 200litre aquarium with sufficient filtration in the form of the Jewel bioflow arrangement, and a Eheim 250 external filter, which I have plants in. Firstly I'm trying to bind some Anubis plants (I think) to some bog wood from my LFS. I've tied them down with cotton thread as...
  15. L

    20 gal - more fish? and plants but what kind?

    Right now I have 5 longfinned zebra danio and an albino bristlenose pleco in there. I would like to add more fish in there, but just wanted to know if it's overstocked before I get too excited. If I can add more, what kind would you recommend? As for the plants, right now I have 2 plants I got...
  16. D

    I'm new here...

    Hi everyone, My name is David and I am pretty new to the aquarium hobby. I came to this forum to learn about live plants and their reqirements. I currently have a 10 gallon aquarium that has been cycled with fish recently added. I have a male and 3 female guppies currently. I was wondering if...
  17. Fish Swim A Lot

    Beginner Coral Help?

    Hi! I'm new on here, I've been wanting to make an account for a while but just never got around to it, and I figured this question would be a good reason to make one! I have a 37G saltwater fish tank with only dry rock, but it just looks so ugly. I want some more life in it, and so I started to...
  18. thrujenseyes

    where do you guys/gals get your aquarium plants

    I'm looking to get some better suited plants (than what I currently have) for my 6 gallon fluval edge. Easy to maintain, I guess people call them "low tech" plants that don't require crazy lighting and supplements. Has anyone had any luck ordering on line and have they been ick free (no snails...
  19. FroFro

    Ripping Out Old Plants, Suggestions?

    So my dwarf grass is growing fine, what my angelfish don't rip apart that is. I'm going to just remove the majority of it all and get perhaps a few tall growing plants. Any suggestions?
  20. Cameronb_01

    All My Plants Are Dying

    Hi Guys,   I was going to post this last week in Tropical Discussions but I think that now it is an emergency. As seen in the second picture the bottoms of my plants are all black and I think they are dying? Also as seen in the first picture there is stuff on all the leaves which I don't know...
  21. FroFro

    Trouble Making Angelfish

    I noticed yesterday morning that my angelfish were being a bit too curious about my new dwarf grass in the aquarium. I have several little "plugs" that I separated from the clump placed around the tank. I know angel fish are omnivores but they weren't eating them. They just randomly grab a grass...
  22. Cameronb_01

    Plants For Discus Tank

    Hi Guys,   On the 1st of September 3 Discus fish, (Leopard Snakeskin, Checkerboard and Red Turquoise), are arriving for my 450L tank which is empty apart from substrate and gravel 5 cm deep. I was wondering if I could please run some ideas past you guys regarding the planting of the tank. My...
  23. FroFro

    How To Start Growing Aquarium Plants?

    I decided I want to start some plants in my Aquarium. What would be the easiest to maintain/get started since I've never grown them before? Should I get the little ones I see in the Gel at the LFS, start from seeds? What do I need to make sure they can grow?
  24. Ellphea

    Carpet Plant Help

    I purchased some dwarf baby tears for my tank as a carpeting plant, but it has now taken over the top of my tank. It is all floating and I can't get it to stay in the substrate. It is clogging the filter and it is in an active tank so I can't drain it and plant it that way. It is in a 55 gallon...
  25. B

    Anubias Nana?

    So I know this will be... interesting, for the planted aquarium-ists..? made up that word lol, I have had every kind of anubias (so like 3 ) except the most common, anubias nana. can anyone give me a few tips on how this grows and needs? or wants? I don't have Co2 but anubias is a pretty...
  26. Flinkbag

    Need Help With Planted Tanks

    Hey all!   So I set up 2 16L tanks 2 weeks ago, and they've developed this ugly brown algae thats covering everything. I'm aware its virtually impossible to keep algae out of planted aquariums, but is there any way to keep it at bay? I can barely see my betta in one of the anymore! D:    Both...
  27. cooledwhip

    Would This Restock Plan Work?

    I have a 20 long, fully cycled aquascape. Here is a pic of the layout:   I currently have 3 panda platies, 3 guppies, 6 endlers livebearers, (3 male 3 female) 3 dwarf neon rainbowfish, a bunch of shrimp, 2 blue mystery snails, an albino bristlenose pleco. The reason...
  28. cooledwhip

    Ich Killed My Pleco, Killing My Guppy And Plants!

    Please help me. I have an emergency, I had a pleco and a guppy because I am cycling my 20G long tank. Long story short they both have ICH, I put them in a 5 gallon quarantine and the pleco died and the guppy I think will die. I'm not too worried about the fish, they are both doing REALLY bad. I...
  29. M

    Ich Treatment Procedure

    Ive been keeping tropical fish for 15yrs now and not had any problems until afew days ago. I bought some new fish and plants 2 weeks ago (6 cardinals, 2 dwarf gouramis, betta) Then afew days ago i noticed one of the dwarfs was spending alot of time at the surface and seemed abit twitchy. Next...
  30. jmeeter

    Are My Plants Pearling?

    Last Saturday (so three days ago) I made a DIY CO2 kit for my aquarium and let it go to work. I've got a steady stream of bubbles coming out now (although it seems a bit slow) and now today I've noticed that a bunch of my plants have bubbles all over them and some plants are releasing a steady...
  31. T

    When Do I Put Guppies In Breeder Box

    I'm planing to buy a separate tank for my guppies to lay fry in, but for now, I have one of those breeder boxes with the V shaped thing for the fry to fall through. I already looked up when to put them in the breeder box but the only answers Iv'e found where to buy these plants for the guppy fry...
  32. C

    Is Something Eating My Plants?

    I think something is eating my plants. In particular, what I think is a giant red rotala has all of it's bottom leaves removed. The debris is getting stuck in the filter and clumping up in corners. I want to know if the plant is sick or if something is eating it. I have one black tetra, about 7...
  33. K

    A Planted Tank Beginner

    Hey! So I've finally got things settled down at my place which means I can start working on my 29 gal (30'' W x 12'' D x 18'' H). It's empty at the moment, since I want to plant it but am very unsure of what is the best substrate for plants with me being new at this.    I tend to like darker...
  34. G

    Plant Eating Snails!

    Hi all, a few days ago I bought some columbian giant ramshorn snails after being told by the guy in the pet store they were plant friendly. Well they are not!! (I know, I know, I should of done my research first) but can I prevent them from eating my plants? I added some cucumber...
  35. S

    Plants And Lights Needs

    I bought a used tank with stand, hood and light fixture, aquarium dimensions are 36" X 12" X 18" which is I believe is a 33 Gallon tank.  I get exited and the next day I went to petsmart and I get two amazon swords, one water sprite,one flame moss and a red and green plant with short leaves .I...
  36. mrstwalker

    New To Planted Tanks, Advice Needed!

    So this is going to be a few months out, but I want to gather as much information as I can before I begin this process!   I have always wanted show quality butterfly telescope goldfish. And when I move in the next few months I think I will be at a place I can start the process. I have also...
  37. S

    Aquaone Nano 30 Planted Tank

    Hello,  Here is my Aquaone 30 set up,     Aquaone 30  Blue LEDs added to the LED lighting  Ceramic Media bag added to the filter area (under the sponge) Floss removed,  found filter works better without it Sponge added to the filter inlet (shrimp sucked in initially, managed to rescue them!)   ...
  38. M

    Ich - Replanting

    Hey all,   I was just wondering, I took my plants out of my tank to treat ich, and now that it is gone, and I have waited about ten days treating it, I would like to replant them. But I am not sure if it would have moved over to the quarantine tank where I have my plants (no fish), and I was...
  39. kuzyaburst

    Is This A Good Community Tank?

    I recently got a new tank. I am in the end process of cycling and am deciding which fish to get, I have composed a list of fish... also I am doing a planted tank. The tank size is 36 gallons and will soon have these   Plants: Hermianthus callitrichoides, banana plant, anubias nana, a couple...
  40. Cameronb_01

    Live Aquatics Plants Help

    Hi Guys, I have just begun landscaping my new Rio Juwel 400. So far I have put in one rock, a large piece of wood and four live plants. Everything was going fine, until, having cycled my tank I put in as a start two one month old baby Mollies. I feed them and everything but they are eating away...