neon tetra

  1. A

    Moving To A Bigger Tank

    I've had my fish for just a little over a week now. Unfortunately, it wasn't until after I got them and the tank that I learned a 1.5 gallon tank was much too small. I'm looking to upgrade to a 20 gallon as soon as I have the money and can clear out the space. I've been looking around on the...
  2. A

    Problem With Neon Tetras

    I'm new to this and I've learned a lot in the last week, but I'm sure I've already made more mistakes than I realize. I bought a 1.5 gallon tank because my parents told me that would be good for the five tetras I was getting at the time. I got them and set everything up but I only had one fish...
  3. B

    What's Wrong With My Neon Tetra?

    I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with him but he seems bloated possibly. 
  4. S

    New To The Hobby, Fish Are Dying

    Hi everyone, so I am new to the hobby of keeping fish, and also new to this forum (I hope I'm posting this in the right topic) So we've had fish since somewhere in September 2015. We bought a 17-litre tank (4 gallon) and 12 fish. What we got: 3 livebearers, platy's to be exact, one of them a red...
  5. fropuf

    Help First Time Doing My Own Tank!

    Hello everyone! I have plans for a new 55 gallon freshwater tank. Money is no factor right now, but I want to see if my idea is even feasible.   The tank will be 55 gallons, but can be upgraded to 75 gallons. Bottom substrate is probably going to be gravel with sand covering it. Plant life is...
  6. B

    Neon Tetra Has Strange Whiteish Growth.

    Hi, So i've recently bought a group of ~6 neon tetras for my planted 10 gallon aquarium and I've ran into a few problems as of recently: 1.One of my tetras has already died, possibly from stress, but i tried acclimating them in the aquarium water mixed with the stores for an hour. There weren't...
  7. twintanks

    Fish Are Going Berserk

    The peace of my new tank is now shattered. I offered up the morning feed today, switching on the tank light to find my six neon tetras belting around and pursuing each other, with duels every few seconds on the castle ramparts and behind the plants. Also my blue dwarf gouramis' behaviour has...
  8. R

    Video My First Planted Tank

      This is my first Planted set up. Before this I was strictly into cichlids and monster fishes. Just loving this new dimension. It is peaceful beyond words. I have tried to capture a piece of that serenity in my video posted above. Do tell me if you like my set up. Thank you guys.
  9. Wreckzone

    Sick Neon Tetra

    Hi everyone,   I have a 6 gallon tank with 4 neon tetras living in it at the moment. About 9 months ago I lost a neon tetra when my water quality got low due to rotting plants. I believe the neon tetra had parasites because when it died (I watched the whole thing happen) it released a bunch of...
  10. A

    A Tetra Died Out Of Nowhere?

    ----- cw: kind of gruesome fish death???? I mean nothing out of the usual I don't think, but still gross.     Okay, so I just moved up to college in NYC from Maryland about a week ago and brought my tank with me; five Neon Tetras, one Tri-colored Shark, and one Betta fish.   I checked the...
  11. F

    Community Tank Advice.

    Hi I recently bought a 90 litre aquarium and it currently contains 5 Neon Tetra's the amonium and nitrate levels are all 0 and the fish seem lively and happy. I am planning on gradually planning on building up my aquarium to contain 10 Neons, 3-5 Platy's, 3-5 Guppies and 2 Dwarf Loaches. I have...
  12. Wreckzone

    Planarians Attacked Neon Tetra

    Hi everyone,   I'm new to the forum and I signed up today to specifically ask (and warn) about planarian.   Last night I witnessed a horrible, terrifying scene, but I'll get to that in a minute.   My 6 gallon Fluval Edge was hit with a fungus outbreak a few month ago and two of my five neon...
  13. B

    Neon Tetra Courting?

    Do neon tetras court before they breed? I have had them breed once, but I only saw the eggs drop on my plant.     I have one female and two males, the female has been fat with eggs for a week or so and I have been waiting for her to drop them.  One male is staying with her and keeps on bumping...
  14. cowgirluntamed

    Not Sure If I Should Be Worried About Flashing/wound?

    First off, here are my parameters.   20 gallon freshwater with biowheel HOB filter that has marineland diamond blend(ammonia neutralizer crystals plus carbon) in a media bag. Temperature is 77 degrees(might drop down a degree at night when I have the heater in the room off(aquarium heater is...
  15. J

    High Ph - Advice Needed!

    I moved house about 6 weeks ago and I'm very pleased to report that everyone survived the journey and has settled in. However... the PH in my new house is very high (around 8.2). I have a couple of Platies which should be fine, and 5 neon tetra's which I understand could be problematic. I've...
  16. Y

    70 Gallon Corner Tank+Outdoor Plankton Tank

    Hello everyone :) this is our new journal following our updated upgraded tank we moved all our fish and such from our 45 gallon bow which will be used to house a Merauke Island Blue Tongue and a Red eyed Crocodile Skink probably turned into a double layer tank with some diy shelving added in but...
  17. LunaBug

    Jerk Face One And Two...neon Tetras In A Semi Aggressive Tank

    So I recently began stocking my 36gallon bowfront and decided to go with a semi-aggressive theme. I added a pair of angels and a pair of bolivian rams to start with and everything was going great. I noticed my white cloud minnows were outgrowing their home in with my betta so I moved them over...
  18. J

    Neon Tetra Losing Colour

    I've just noticed that one of my Neon Tetra's has pale patches on its red stripe. After a quick Google search, it very sadly looks like neon tetra disease. That said, I need to be sure before I carry out what would be my first euthanasian. Other than these pale patches, the fish seems to be...
  19. B

    Would This Work Out?

    I have a 30 gallon that is going to be redone.  I read up on some of your guy's ideas and have kind of put together another possibility.   I would want a betta, hopefully I can get a female betta, male if I have to 4-7 neon tetras a few breeds of livebearers, probably mollies, guppies, and...
  20. E

    Bully Neon Tetra - Nipping

    Hi there. I have a school of 9 neon tetras in a 70l cycled aquarium - 5 of them have been in there for 2 months, the other 4 have been in about 2 weeks less than that as the LFS hadnt QT'd them when i went the first time. One of the original 5 has been obviously very domineering and chasing the...
  21. JenLo

    Disappearing Tetras, And Now A Dead Danio

    Hi all,   About 3 months ago I bought a second hand 100L (22gallon) tank from a lady that lives nearby. It has been up and running for more than a year, and I inherited her fish:   2 mollies 2 zebra danio 1 pleco (I think dwarf) 1 neon tetra   I added to it 2 danios that I already had in another...
  22. TaurineLittle

    Strange Deaths

    Ok guys, I'm getting rather disheartened by whats happening to my fish atm, here is a breakdown of whats happening.   Tank size: 250L pH: 6.8 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 5ppm kH: 7 gH: 12 tank temp: 26C Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish...
  23. T

    Neons Dying

    I also posted this in the fish emergency forum but havent got any replys yet.   I have a ten gallon that had a school of 7 neons in it since last friday ive lost all but two of the neons. This is the first time ive owned neons and they have been doing fine since I got them a few months ago I...
  24. T

    Sick Neon Tetra

    Hello, today whilst observing my fish tank I noticed a white discolouration on the tail of my neon tetra's. Worried I looked up on the internet to see what the cause is and I came across Neon Tetra Disease but I'm not sure and seeing as the only advice I've found on how to treat it is quarantine...
  25. Danielhorvath

    Need Help! Sticking Background Scenery To Inside The Tank!?

    Help! okay my fish are in a bucket and need to put them back in the tank as soon as possible, I just cleaned the whole tank and the waters been drained out,  but yesterday i bought some background scenery picture that i want to put on the back,but it has to be on the inside because the back of...
  26. sarahfairfax

    Slimy Clearish Substance

    I set a up my new tank with filter, water, a few live plants and gravel and let the tank run for about two weeks before adding fish. I used Tetra Aqua Safe also before ever adding fish. After the two weeks The tank was clear, clean and algae free. Then I bought and added 7 neon tetras and two...
  27. Danielhorvath

    Setting Up A Tetra Tank:)

    Hey Guys   So I'm thinking of setting up a tetra tank, I want it to be a bigger tank that can hold neon tetra, cardinal tetra and penguin tetra. In at least groups of 5 each because they are schooling fish. Will those fish school together though? as they are all relatively the same size? I'm...
  28. TallTree01

    Can I Feed Crickets To Fish?

    I've got loads of crickets to feed my frogs and I want to try to give my neon tetras some variety. The crickets are about 1/2 cm long and the neon tetras are about 3-4 cm. can I feed my neon tetras crickets or would this be a bad idea?
  29. TallTree01

    Help! Neon Tetra!

    Help! One of my neon tetras is acting strange: it swims vertically frequently, its colors are less colorful that the others. I think I might of fed them a little much this morning as I was rushing a bit. He's either just stuffed himself or , I fear , neon tetra disease. Can someone please shed...
  30. TallTree01

    Neon Tetra

    I managed to take this picture while one of my tetras were staying still for once. I then cropped it and added a black background. Here it is:
  31. J

    My Ram Cichlids Laid Eggs?!?

      I have four (what I THOUGHT were male) ram cichlids in a tank, along with a neon tetra and a plecostomus. There's nothing else in the tank except snails (and I KNOW what snail eggs look like). I just saw today that the back of my small piece of driftwood is covered in eggs! I thought ram...
  32. C

    Aggressive Garra Rufa

    Hello everyone! I'm a "newbie" to all this and am currently having a few problems with my 100litre tank. I started off with a garra rufa and 3 neon tetras and everything seemed fine, the garra rufa fed on th algae, all 4 fish were happy, etc, etc. Anyway, on Saturday we introduced another 5 neon...
  33. M

    First-time Tank Idea

    Hi all, Brand new to the forum. Just bought a ten gallon tank and wanted to pose my stocking idea and get some feedback. In your opinion/experience, should it work? Should I add/replace/remove anything? I understand of course that there are no black and white answers, and each individual fish...
  34. J

    Hi Im New Here ! Could Anyone Help My Fish Its A Neon Tetra He Has

    Hi my neon tetra has a lump on his face .. I don't know what it is .. I noticed it a few days ago .. never sae it before . Iv had him for 7 - 8 months . Thanks for all your help
  35. B

    Various Neons?

    Will neon tertas? (ie, normal neons, red neons, blue neons & black neons) will theese fish school together if kept together or school sepratly??? if so does the school have to be small? in order for them to school together, tried looking this up but found no info, many thanks.