neon tetra

  1. PygmyMitch

    48l Tropical Aquarium

    After having my aquarium set up for some time now, Yesterday I decided to make my first purchase of tropical fish for my 48 litre tank. I decided to go for a school of 10, neon tetras!
  2. Flavs

    Advice on adding fish to tank

    Hello there! I would really love some advice from seasoned fish keepers! I currently have a 54L tank (60 x 30 x 30). I've currently got a gorgeous Betta, 6 Neon Tetras and 2 Cory Doras. I was wondering whether I could add a 2-3 extra neons to form more of a school and perhaps even another Cory...
  3. E

    Neon Tetra White Growth

    Hi, this is my first time posting so hopefully I get it right. I don't have any testing strips at the moment, but I got my water tested at pets at home recently and they said it was all fine. About 4 weeks ago I noticed one of my neon tetra's had a large white growth on its mouth, and that its...
  4. B

    Water levels are all wrong

    Hi. I've started a tropical aquarium for the first time and I've had it running for 2 weeks without fish. I bought a test kit that measures the GH, KH, PH, NO2 and NO3 levels. However they're all wrong The levels are showing they're this.. GH - 180ppm KH - 180ppm PH - 8.0 NO2 - 0.5ppm NO3 -...
  5. I

    Disease identification and treatment

    Can someone help identify what disease a couple of my fish have as I'm getting lots of conflicting things when googling! Background: Tank is about 3 months old, 8 neon tetras and they broke out in Ich a couple of days after I got them 3 weeks ago. Tank is fully cycled and aquascaped. Because of...
  6. Barry Tetra

    Tank mates for rosy barbs

    Can neon/cardinal tetra live with rosy barbs, tank mates, stocking info appreciated.
  7. HevvyC

    New 20 Gallon Starter Tank - Advice? :)

    Hey guys, I've just bought a 100L/ 20 gallon tank and I'm waiting to pick it up at the moment. Very excited! It comes with 2 internal filters (both Aquael 700) and a heater which is great. I was looking into keeping some honey gouramis, platies, neon tetras and maybe some leopard cory's? Nice...
  8. B

    Neon tetra fungal infection?

    I have 30 neon tetras in a planted 110gal and I have just noticed some of them appear to have small white growths around their mouths and 1 has some white tips on its fins. Am thinking it could possibly be a fungal infection? No colour loss or loss of appetite in any yet. However they do appear...
  9. H

    something is wrong with my aquarium plz help

    Hi everyone! So I am pretty new to the whole aquarium thing. I was given a 10 Gallon one as a gift. When I got it, there were 5 platyfish in there. All happy and cool. Shortly after, one of them died, but the rest were doing completely fine. I let the tank sit for 2 weeks before adding 4 more...
  10. W

    Tetras nipping Betta

    my neon tetras (10) have been nipping my betta to the point where he spends most of his time hiding and not coming out. He even blew out his fin flaring at them. They were both introduced last week to my twenty gallon which until now has just had corys. I’m wondering if I should move the tetras...
  11. Annemarie

    White Patch Neon Tetra

    Hello! So as of a few days ago my largest fish seemed to develop a white patch overnight on his fin. It looks like it’s a little fuzzy? But I’m not sure. I have aquarium salt I could use, but I have a shrimp (ghost) and dont know if he would be okay in salted water. I know how to use aquarium...
  12. Annemarie

    Adding Fish

    Hello! So after a little over four weeks of cycling my aquarium is finally ready for fish. There are some plants and all that and they look happy so I don’t think anything is wrong (parameters are testing at 0 for nitrite and ammonia) but that’s not quite my question. On Sunday I added 3 neon...
  13. A

    Should I worry if a neon tetra is away from its school?

    I have a 10 gallon overstocked tank I'm trying to un overstock and I have 1 male betta, 4 Male guppies, 1 yoyo loach (removing soon), 1 common pleco (moving soon), 4 or 5 amano shrimp (havent seen the 5th in a while) and 8 neon tetras. The tank is cycled and has been running for 10 months now...
  14. A

    Bettafix for whole tank?

    I have a 10 gallon community tank with a betta, 6 neon tetras, and 2 albino Cory catfish. I’ve had this tank for a little over a year with no problems. A couple weeks ago, I noticed what I suspect to be fin rot on my bettas tail. I went to the pet store in search of some medicine, but the...
  15. A

    Sick Neon Tetras (with fuzzy growths)

    I have a 10 gallon community tank, with one betta, six neon tetras, and two albino Cory catfish. I’ve had this tank for a little over a year, and do 25% water changes once a week. All the fish get along very well, and up until two months ago, have been very healthy. About two months ago, I...
  16. Annemarie


    Hello! I’m finally getting around to getting the actual fish tank (36 gallon bow front) because I decided to take more time to think about everything. I’ve finallt confirmed stocking and everything I need. But before I actually get stuff, I want to be prepared to quarantine. I’ll be getting the...
  17. N

    Cotton mouth disease help

    Hi, I’m new to the hobby of fish keeping and have neon tetras, harlequins and an albino corydora. I have noticed that one of my neon tetras have what I think is cotton mouth disease which i have treated but, I have accidentally left the carbon filter in my tank. I treated the tank with interpret...
  18. no_robotocha

    Why is my (soft) tap water becoming hard in the tank?

    New to this and new tank - after weeks of prep, finally have neon tetras in. Testing the water, all seems fine except for the water hardness, which is measuring at the hardest on the scale (180). We tested our tap water and this had a very soft measurement (20). We now have a new tank filter...
  19. Inkweaver313

    Tropical fish dying quickly after move wha

    Help! Backstory: I had a 45 gallon tank with mollies and neon tetras set up for about a year. The mollies were breeding like crazy (as they do) so I rehomed all but 5 males. I needed the 45 for a rescue goldfish I got so I purchased a 30 gallon tank. I set it up, let the temperature settle to...
  20. R

    Looking For Input On My First Fish Tank

    I just got a 29 gallon tank and am currently in the process of cycling it, and am trying to decide which fish i want to stock it with. I had some ideas but was hoping to get some advice from people who are a bit more experienced. My idea was to have: - Two or Three Dwarf Gourami - a school of...
  21. Annemarie

    29 Gallon stocking

    I know I’ve done a few of these regarding fish that would be okay but I’ve finally decided what I really want. I was thinking... 1: Pearl gourami 1: electric blue ram 3: Albino cherry barb 3: Cherry barb 5: Kuhli Loaches 4-5: Emperor tetras 4-5: neon tetras 1: Diamond Head Neon Tetra I...
  22. W

    Neon Tetras not eatign

    Hey guys I got some new Neon Tetras 5 days ago and they haven't been eating no matter how many times I tried to feed them. I've been giving them different foods, including frozen worms, pellets, flakes, freeze dried worms, bug bites, but they aren't taking any of it. It just falls to the bottom...
  23. V

    Newbie, New tank, Tons of questions.

    Greetings everyone, My name is Victor and I'm new to this hobby. English is not my first language so please bear with my broken thread, I need help in fixing some non-fatal but still serious tank problems. I settled up a new fresh water tank for a betta a while ago, it holds about ten gallons...
  24. A

    Hi I'm new to the forum but have lurked here for over a year

    Hi Tropical Fish Forum People! I have been back in the Tropical Fish World for about 3 years. I have three 10 gallon tanks, one 5 gallon, and one 2 gallon that houses a Blind EE Betta who is 3 1/2 years old.They are all cycled, heated, filtered and heavily planted with live plants. One 10...
  25. E

    Betta Fish and community tanks

    Hi! So I’m new to the hobby and was hoping someone could impart a little fishy knowledge to me. I currently have a SD Betta and five Neon Tetras in a 45 litre tank. They don’t bother each other, and the Betta doesn’t seem particularly aggressive towards them. I’m hoping to build on this...
  26. Tool13x

    South American tank stocking suggestions?

    I have a 30 gallon (36"x12"x18") I want to set up with South American fish. The main fish I want to eventually have in there are Apistogramma. They are very hard to find here but they they do turn up every now and then. Ideally Id like to have a harem (1m,3f) of Cacatuoides or Macmasteri...
  27. J

    Has anyone successfully cured dropsy in neon tetra?

    i tried a salt bath for him last night for a half hour with not even 1/4th of a teaspoon in a one gallon tank and I think he looks a little better but it’s hard to tell, he is eating now though. I was wondering if I try this again and how often I should be doing this because I know it’s hard on...
  28. H

    Tetra white snout

    Any advice would be appreciated. I have 1 neon tetra with a white, lumpy looking snout(pic attached), one with whitish lips. All 3 of my original tetra have some signs of fin rot but the 3 newest tetra, 3 guppies, 11 cherry shrimp, plants look good. History: Planted 20 gallon tank Original...
  29. Reaeve

    Water hardness

    Is it plausible to mix tap and distilled water (or similar) to drop my hardness if I wanted tetras? My hardness is around 250ppm. I know is over 215 for kh and gh. My ph is at 8.2. I haven't cycle yet. I'm gonna cycle with my normal tap. I do really want tetras but if it would be too hard to...
  30. S

    Urgent help needed! Fish dying...

    Hi, About one week ago, one of my fish (female blue ram) had passed away with little warning along with a new SAE (which was expected as it was new). That is where i thought it would end, but no. Yesterday, whilst doing my daily feed, I noticed one of my swordtails floating lethargically on...
  31. L

    Help! My fish are fighting

    I’ve had a ten gallon tank with one Blue Gourami for awhile now. I bought 2 neon tetras two weeks ago and just introduced them about a few days ago. I noticed that the Blue Gourami has been chasing them and harassing them. I thought it would stop if I re-arranged the tank and gave them a bit to...
  32. B

    Congo Tetra eats Neon Tetra

    So I had a couple of Congo Tetra's for a while, and have now finally got 12 Neon Tetra. There are plenty of plants and hiding areas but the Neon Tetra's are very small and the Congo's being fully grown have become a decent size. After a few hours I saw one of the Congo Tetra's eating a Neon...
  33. F

    Stocking help....

    So i had a betta that recently passed away. :unsure: The good news out of that is I get to pick out new fish. I have a ten gallon tank that my betta was in all by himself. I am kinda going in the direction of a community tank, and I have some ideas but i don't know which one would work out...
  34. Sege

    Any More Fish for a 10 Gallon?

    Hi :) I'm new to the aquarium hobby and I recently refurbished a 10 gallon tank that I bought at a garage sale, (no leaks, thankfully :yahoo:) I have researched a lot of different fish, and I came across AqAdvisor, I tried it out, and people are right that website really helps with stocking...
  35. J

    One platy fins looks like it has been attacked

    Hello, I have a 75 litre fish tank that has 4 neon tetras and 5 platys in 2 female and 3 male. Yesterday i noticed that one of the female platys was just floating in the current of the tank putting in just enough effort to keep stable in the water.on closer inspection i noticed her fins have...
  36. C

    Help with stocking

    Hi, I'm wanting to keep... 2 honey gouriamis, 6 neon tetras, 4 guppies, 6 harlequin rasboras And possibly some wood shrimp Would these guys be compatible? Any suggestions? Thanks.
  37. Zolanski

    Oxygen problem in my 20 gallon?

    Hey Guys! I have a 20 gallon tank with 7 neon tetras, and I recently decided to add some red cherries into the tank. All was well, until I noticed once morning when I woke up that all my tetras were gasping at the surface of the water and the red cherries were hanging on the filter as close to...
  38. M

    black skirt tetras killing neon tetras.

    Hello, I have a 55 gallon aquarium with 3 black skirt tetras and got 5 neon tetras. I put in the neon tetras and they acted okay, and all day the fish were in the tank with no problem. At night I turned off the lights and went to sleep. When I woke up I checked mt tank and saw one neon tetra...
  39. Wreckzone

    Nerite snail shell deteriorating

    Hi everyone, I have a planted 6 gallon fluval edge with 3 inhabitants - 1 neon, 1 ghost shrimp, and 1 zebra snail. I have been neglecting my nerite snail's shell for as long as I've had her (about 5 years) and it's to the point that I think her shell may break in half. Please look at the...
  40. A

    Neon tetra dull color

    I had a neon tetra on its own for a while, the rest died and it took me a little while before I could go get more. I have more now and is kind of losing its color. I think it may have been a bit dull before and I just had nothing to compare it to. It did get picked at a little while it was by...