neon tetra

  1. P

    what’s wrong with this neon tetra?

    I recently picked up some neon tetras from a local store and noticed today one has significantly less color and a torn up fin, is he just being bullied or sick? if he’s sick, whats the issue? below is just him and then a lower quality photo of him compared to a normal one
  2. KayleighC97

    What kind of fish is this?

    New tank setup, I have a Java Fern and some Java moss. Picked up my first fish today (10 Neon Tetra and 6 Pygmy Corys). 3 hours after they were put in my tank this one appeared. Anyone know what this is?
  3. R

    First tank - used, planted.

    Hello, everyone. Glad to be a member here! A week ago I got my first used tank - full set-up, already cycled and scaped, with plants and snails. Yesterday I added three neon tetras and pothos seedlings. I’m trying to troubleshoot a few things but there’s so much information out there and I’m...
  4. Yossu

    Help! Zebra danios terrorising newly-added neon tetras

    We have a tropical aquarium (24"x12"x12", internal Eheim filter) which until today had an angel, two zebra danios and a guppy. They were moved into this tank about a week ago and all seemed peaceful and settled. Today, we introduced 12 small neon tetras. We kept the lights and air pump off, but...
  5. S

    Need Help Identifying Fish Disease

    I hope this message finds you well. I'm currently facing some challenges with my aquarium, and I was hoping to get some advice. After a recent 5-day treatment with Jungle Fungus Clear and Kanaplex for suspected columnaris in my tank, I've noticed that one of my Neon Tetras is exhibiting...
  6. Kyanite14

    Is this ich?

    My ammonia is 0 and ph is 7.4, I just noticed these tiny dots on the neon tetras tails, but it only seems to be on the neons and ONLY on their fins, I didn’t see any on the body. They’re also super small, much smaller than the usual ich I see at pet stores. I haven’t added anything new to my...
  7. K

    I need help and advice about my new neon tetra tank!

    Hello all! Im new to this website so I hope I’m using it correctly ! This is going to be along post, but please take time to read it if you are experienced as I really need help. So I need some help and some advice about my new tank. I’ve been wanting to get into the hobby for a long time and...
  8. P

    55 gallon Planted aquarium progress

    Hello everyone I started a planted aquarium 12/29/22 and this is how it looks today vs day 1 let me know what you think thankyou and have a good day everyone.
  9. Casper23

    Tank mates for my Beautiful Betta!

    Hi everyone! This is my first time posting, I am trying to get some answers on possible tank mates for my Betta. Currently I already have my Betta (obviously) he’s a male Halfmoon. I also have 5 peppered Cory catfish, 2 ghost shrimp, and 2 nerite snails. They are all super happy and comfortable...
  10. PygmyMitch

    Neon Tetras Fighting

    Yesterday I noticed my 2 neon tetras having a bit of scrap. Today I noticed one of them with a damaged fin. Is this normal behaviour ? Or could this be down to the fact that there is only 2 of them ? I did start with 10, about 2 years ago. but sadly lost 8 of them over time. Also i have...
  11. Hmarie37

    Wanted to show off my boys!

    Not sure how to navigate this website properly yet so hopefully I’m in the right spot but I just wanted to show off my baby boys (and im sure a couple girls as well). It was a hard journey getting these kiddos on the right track as their previous owner had them in an ammonia filled tank. But...
  12. Hmarie37

    New fish mom!

    I am a new fish mom, going on a month now! My thread may be a long one as it’s been quite the ride! On an impulse I bought a tank off of Facebook. Little did I know this tank came with the fish as well. I didn’t know much about fish as I took them on (I planned to do more research as I let the...
  13. D

    Problem with Neon Tetra?

    Hello, I added 11 neons to my 30 gallon about 2 weeks ago and I noticed a day or 2 ago that one fish has some discoloration around its belly and near the dorsal fin. It's not acting unusual, eating fine and showing no other symptoms. The tank also has 5 cherry shrimp and several live plants...
  14. Tl52505


    I just saw this spot on one of my neon tetras, I have not seen anything on the fins but a small raised white spot on the side. I just picked them up yesterday. Could this be ick, and if so what should I do
  15. A

    PLEASE HELP planted tank cloudy water dead fish

    Okay HI I have a planted tank using organic soil that is technically used for plants like tomatoes. But I’ve had this tank for over 9 months because I got it on my birthday last year and it’s a 10 gallon fluval tank with special lights for plants and a built in filter. Now it’s been ruining...
  16. outofwater

    Done with neon tetras, can you recommend other tankmates?

    So, I've got a 29g tank, already running for 4 months. Couple of months ago I bought a dozen neon tetras and within 2 days 5 died. Columnaris, NTD, or too much stress, never found out for sure. Fast forward to yesterday. I've had a planted and cycled "quarantine" tank running for 3 weeks now...
  17. M

    Sick cardinal tetra?

    Hey! I’ve just come to my fish tank to see one of my smaller cardinals are looking a little pale! It’s also swimming ever so slightly funny to the rest, more jerky and like it’s struggling to stay level (not floating or sinking like swim ladder) It’s active and has eaten some food this morning...
  18. outofwater

    Spot on tetra, fin damage on cory, what's going on

    Hi everyone, This morning all looked OK. I've had one cory on 3 day quarantine so far for some fin issues on dorsal and caudal fins. Treating with melafix and damage seems to have stopped spreading so I was thinking of putting him back in the main tank in another day or two. Just returned from...
  19. G

    Anyone know what's wrong with my Neon?

    I've attached a link to a YouTube video I filmed of my new Neon. I just got him today as part of an extra group of 4 Neon's I'm adding to my existing 5 Neon's. All the other Neon's are fine but as you can hopefully see in the video, he seems to have problems staying level. When he swims he's...
  20. bettafishlover86

    29-gallon aquarium stocking ideas

    Hello everyone, I have 1 male veiltail betta fish, neon tetras, 1 otocinclus cat, and 2 ghost shrimp. I am getting a 29-gallon aquarium soon and I would like some stocking ideas. Any suggestions?
  21. Attenbruh

    Neon Tetra Swim Bladder!

    This morning, when I woke up I realised my Neon Tetra got swim bladder. What are some fixes that could work on such a small fix. I have already tried giving it small peas but he doesn't seem to want to eat them.
  22. A

    New and needing advice.

    Hey, I just registered here, and I've just recently picked up a few fish to care for. I had 2 corydoras and 4 neon tetras. now I'm down two 1 and 2. I'm very unsure how they died, all I can remember is treating the emerald cory for a bloated bladder w peas, him recovering, and then me finding...
  23. KatNor21

    Please help me decide which gourami

    Hey, I'm posting about my tank again. It's a 30 gallon long, planted. I have 20 neon tetras (10 are neon greens) and 4 endlers. Because of my last thread, I've decided to add gouramis, but trying to decide between 3-4 honey gouramis or 2 female pearl gouramis. I have a fluval 50 filter. My pH is...
  24. KatNor21

    Stocking suggestions?

    Hi everyone. This is my tank in progress. It's a 30 gallon long, planted. I have 20 neon tetras (10 are neon greens) and 4 endlers. I was thinking of adding honey gourami and zebra danios. How many of each would you suggest? Would this cause any overstocking issues? Thanks!
  25. S

    male betta aggressive towards females & only 1 tank

  26. A

    Are these neon tetras mating??

    Hi! I have never been breeding fish, and that wasn't my intention either. I was just keeping 10 neon tetras in my aquarium, and I from what I read online, neon tetras needed special conditions to breed. But then I saw this, and I am wondering if they are breeding after all? If so, what do I do...
  27. SAChichlidLover

    What do you think is the most popular tropical fish?

    Hi all, Yesterday I picked up some neon tetras for my community tank and I actually forgot how cute these little guys are.. anyways theres always neon tetras everywhere I've been and I'm thinking surely they are the most popular aquarium fish of all time! Do you agree with me?
  28. PygmyMitch

    Pregnant Neons

    Hi all, I have 9 neons, of which 2 of them are looking ‘pregnant’ They have been like this for a few months now. At first I just assumed they would soon release eggs, but that hasn’t happened. Can anyone share some advice. Thanks
  29. S

    Betta and Super Ick Cure

    Hi, I'm a little new to this. I recently cycled a ten gallon Betta tank, (0ppm Ammonia, 0ppm Nitrites, 10-15 ppm Nitrates) after a water change, I added some Neon Tetras to it. Well, all the tetras got stressed and developed Ich. After I noticed it, I immediately bought some Super Ick Cure...
  30. R

    How many red cherry shrimps with a betta and 6 neon tetra?

    Hey everyone, First time poster and I am new to the forum - I have been a lurker for a few weeks and appreciating all the info shared. I have had a look online for the answers to my questions (which I couldn't find) so apologies if I am repeating something here. I am new to keeping tropical...
  31. O

    Tetra Behavior

    We planned to have tank mates for our betta and got 10 neon tetras. Initially, we kept the betta and the tetras in separate tanks as we were working on the main tank. Tetras were living with the Angel tank. But then, right from day one, tetras died one per day. At night, we check and count...
  32. Circus

    Longfin Green Dragon Bristlenose Pleco

    I was at my LFS today to get a filter, and saw they had a bunch of Longfin Green Dragon Bristlenose Pecos. I REALLY want one, so I am going to rearrange my tanks tomorrow to find room for one. The tank I want to put him in is a 20 gallon high tank, it has a Quietflow 30 on it. Ph at 7.4 and my...
  33. H

    Major tank issue - sickness of some sort

    Ok, so I have one 55g freshwater display tank. Nitrate 20 Nitrite 0 Hardness 150 Chlorine 0 Alkalinity 100 pH 7.2 The above readings have been steady for at least 6 months. Tank mates are: 2 male guppies, 2 dwarf gourami -1 male 1-female, 4 nerite snails, and 9 Julii corydora catfish. A few...
  34. G

    What is suitable for a small 18-20litre tank?

    Hi all, I have always wanted to keep tropical fish and thought I would start small. I am looking into getting an 18/20 litre tank and I’m looking for advice as to wether this will be large enough to keep 3 guppies. I have researched online but different sources have different answers. I would...
  35. M

    Is this hole in the head?

    A few months ago I got my first fish tank, cycled it, and introduced fish at staggered intervals until I had 6 neon tetras, 3 Corys, 4 danios and a dwarf gouramis. One of the danios just disappeared so I'm not sure what happened there. However in the last few days I've been noticing what I think...
  36. D

    Stocking Help

    Hello eveyone, i am fairly new to the hobby i have obviously done research but would like some advice! I have had a 14 gallon / 64 liter fish tank for a while and it had 5 danios and 4 corydoras, a friend of mine needed to get rid of his 125l/33G tank so i took it almost a month ago i recently...
  37. Falconwithaboxon

    Neon Tetras

    So I plan on getting a 125-150 gallon tank and I will want to get bigger fish then I currently have to go in there. That issue with that is I have a school of neon tetras, 10 of them, and bigger fish might eat them. I currently have a 29 gallon tank that I plan on keeping for them. So my...
  38. K

    Sick Neon Tetra! I’m a beginner and I need advice

    I had 7 neon Tetras for about a month. About a week ago one passed very suddenly. He was fine till an hour before and his only issue was swimming weird. Now another is sick and I can’t figure out what it is. It’s only swimming strange and it’s eyes seem bigger then the others, so maybe popeye...
  39. Barry Tetra

    Is this overstocked, if not can I add some kuhli loach in?

    Hi me again, this is my 20 Gal tank with 20 neon tetras, 5 cherry barbs and 6 lemon tetras Can I move 27 kuhli loaches (from my 5 gal tank) to this tank? also any plants recommended? @AilyNC @NCaquatics @AdoraBelle Dearheart Help appreciated
  40. M

    How many fish?

    Hi, I have a 70l fish tank, and i just wanted to know how many fish I could keep in it? We have 11, and my family and I are arguing over whether we should get more! We have 5 neon tetras, 2 glass catfish and 4 guppies. Thanks