
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. C

    Adding New Fish with Fry

    Hi, So I have a 105L tank stocked with 1x Guppy 1x Molly and 3x Tetra (not enough I know I plan on getting more) i also have 6x Molly Fry thanks to the Molly giving birth two days after i got it The fry are big enough now and swim around the tank without being hassled (about 2/3 the size of...
  2. C

    Molly Fry

    So I bought a molly a couple of weeks ago... two days later it fired out fry. Saved 1 and have had them in one of those plastic containers that stick to the tank. My issue is that my 105L tank cant take a total of 12 mollies (already have two females), the 3 guppies I have and the 7 neons Does...
  3. R

    Still new...think my molly is pregnant too?!

    Maybe I’m just paranoid now please don’t be annoyed I have a lot to learn. I think my balloon molly is pregnant as well as my guppy? I’m uneducated. I just got her 2 days ago so don’t have a frame of reference on her personally like I did my guppy. I have removed her from males but realize...
  4. Medusa313


    I’ve had my all black molly since about may 2019... and I’ve had other mollies and guppies(I have two tanks). But some of the previous group didn’t make it. Anyways back to my point, my black molly is male while my two newer Dalmatian mollies are female. One has more spots than the other(so she...
  5. v kun

    How to cope up with fish death

    Recently , my first ever mother fish died. She was a molly who was about to conceive (her 3rd time) im few days. And I was really attached to her. I wanna know how to cope up the guilt....the insecurities , the pain , the guilt , please help guys. Think of me as your younger brother , I am...
  6. Selina Dionne Slotter

    Molly pregnant?

    I’m not 100% sure but I think my molly is pregnant? I’m not sure because she doesnt look huge but she does look bigger than the other fish did at the pet store (which is why I got her, I thought she was cute but now I’m nervous lol) and her belly is kind of squared off I think? I’ve had her...
  7. C


    Hi I saw today that my white molly was lifeless at the bottom of the tank. Noticing this I got a net to remove her only for her to dart away and then begin spinning and sinking upsides down. I know this is likely swim bladder however there is also red markings, almost like a rash, just before...
  8. Yayamama707

    Sick Molly Floating Tail Up

    So this is an update on my sick Female Molly. Hoping to get some more insight. Current situation is she has been bloated and floating tail up for over 24 hours now. We moved her to a hospital tank yesterday @ 3 pm and is still hanging in there (literally) but now I’m noticing her eyes look a bit...
  9. Yayamama707

    Female Molly having multiple symptoms, HELP!

    Female Dalmatian Molly showing multiple symptoms, on & off. First bloating, then hiding behind heater tail up, then stringy poop, still has appetite but will NOT eat peas. Head shaking on & off. My head is starting to spin trying to narrow down what exactly is happening with her. Right before...
  10. E

    Molly not quite right...?

    Hi all, I could do with some help with one of my platinum lyre tail mollies. We noticed today that he is sort of floating on the surface. I say sort of because he does swim around, albeit slowly. He has his mouth partially open, but doesn't open and close it. He also isn't eating. It almost...
  11. M


    I feel like she has been pregnant for a long time although I'm not sure on the exact amount of time. She has these white things by her anal fin and has for over a week now. What do you guys think?
  12. Lauren J

    Mollies with sunken bellies???

    I lost my new black molly last week after noticing she had a sunken belly after giving birth. This week, my white molly has clamped fins and developed a sunken abdomen almost overnight. She is rubbing up against decorations and rocks. Also, my other black molly also has clamped fins and a slight...
  13. I

    Tank update!

    Unlike most of my other threads that just ask questions in a panic, this one is just me sharing exciting and sad things. In the past week I've had two mollies die. My black one who I assumed has brain damage due to a recent incident, this one I knew was coming she was not eating and lost weight...
  14. C

    My male molly fish’s gonapodium(organ fin) seems like swollen, any idea what it is? Is it a disease?

    My male molly organ fin was normal before but recently I found out his organ fin tip is swollen and that fin can’t close and it seems like he is unable to bend it when he is chasing the female.
  15. N

    My Molly is very pregnant but hasn't given birth, is there any way to induce labor?

    my molly has not given birth yet but she has the gravid spot and has boxed out, sh has nesting habits, and gets the shakes, yet still no fry. I'm worried something may be wrong. Is there any way to induce labor?
  16. J

    White spots on balloon molly

    Hi, thank you in advance for your help! So I saw these white spots on my balloon Molly fish and I quarantined them. Then I looked up ich and it doesn’t look like ich at all and when I looked up other Molly pics, they looked like they all have the same white spots. Just want to make sure this...
  17. J

    Are my Molly fish pregnant?

    Hello everyone, Firstly I apologise for any mistakes I make whilst posting to this forum as this is my first ever post. I am wondering if anyone could help me by informing me if the any of the two mollies of which i have included pictures are pregnant. I am also new to breeding and therefore...
  18. pjwilford

    Love is in the Air

    this tank is seeing a lot of love. It’s spring, I guess!! Should I mark today as day one? And is it a couple of weeks or 60 days of pregnancy? Either way, updates to follow! (slight feeling this female molly won’t make it, though...she doesn’t look too active...does mating make the female seem...
  19. pjwilford

    Pregnant Molly!

    Beautiful black molly. Brought home not too long ago. How long do you think this mommy-to-be has left until she meets her babes?? Hard to tell on the black mollies. Sorry about the quality of the pic. Maybe I can get a better one...
  20. Natala

    Molly or Platy?

    I've bought two new girls for my black Molly male as his mate died last week. He only seems interested in the white female. Is my black/white/iridescent blue girl in fact a Platy? Pictures below...
  21. AquariumFishRescue

    Photograph of our 200 litre aquarium

    This is our 200 litre community aquarium. It is stocked with fish that all seem get along together so far. This list includes live bearers inc Guppies, Mollies and Swordtails, two small Bristlenose Pleco, some Columbian Tetras (some say they are fin nippers but we have not experienced this so...
  22. S

    Happy Tanks

    ok so I’m new here. We all need help from time to time ..... this is why I sought out a forum in the first place, was for advice. On the flip side .... I would like to see everyone’s happy fish, your proud moments, your aquascapes, your monumental centrepiece fish, anything like that. Something...
  23. E

    Help!! Problems with my Dalmatian Molly!

    Hi, im new to this site and desperately need help with one of my fish. Ive had a 10 gallon for a couple of months and one of my most recent additions is a pair of dalmatian mollies. One of them was rather small but thats likely just because hes young. I noticed the smaller of the pair resting on...
  24. L

    Cory catfish chasing Molly

    Hi, I’m new to this forum this is my first thread so I’m sorry if I’m doing this wrong, hopefully you guys can help and I’ll learn along the way. Anyways, I recently noticed my peppered Cory cat chasing around the largest fish in my tank which is my female black molly. It doesn’t seem to be...
  25. M

    Molly laying at the bottom of the tank

    I have three mollies in a 15 gallon tank and my only regular Molly started to lay on the bottom of the tank not moving just breathing. I did switch their tanks yesterday but he seemed happy and okay and now he is the only one just laying there.
  26. A

    Tank Stocking Aggression Issues & Fish ID help?

    Hi All, Tried my hand at salt water fish a few years back and let's just say I'm better off here LOL! Any how, I've had my 29g Biocube running for about 2 months now (recycled from the saltwater experience) About a month ago I stopped at Petsmart and bought some cheap fish in case any died in...
  27. S

    is my molly pregnant

    hello i have a black molly and i don’t know if it’s pregnant or if it is a male, a man ant the pet shop wanted to throw him in the garbage and i just took it here are some photos of it please help me cause i don’t know what to do
  28. W

    Preg. Female Molly Agressive towards Male

    We just recently lost a female molly due to who knows what. No other issues in the tank, she just never grew then started acting completely strange and died. So we bought a Dalmatian lyre tail for our very large and "needy" black molly so he could have 3 females again. Mind you, he and the...
  29. R


    i have a 20 gallon tank with 7 Mollies - 1 male, 4 female, 2 babies. I have been trying for a long time to get my tank up to a better condition. For the last month or so. One of my Mollies, Ryder, has been having patches of raised scales in certain places. At first the fish store said it was...
  30. D

    Can someone help me identify the sex of my fish please??

    Hi, I'm very new to the tropical fish hobby and at the moment I have a Gourami, Balloon Molly, Swordtail and Molly, they've all been together for about 1 week. Yesterday we noticed lots of fry in the tank, but we completely missed the birthing process and realised we have no idea of the gender...
  31. J

    Male Platy bullying Female Black Molly

    I am really hoping someone can help me out! I started out with two platys (one male, one female) and one black molly(female). the molly got cotton mouth and spread it to the platys and in healing them I noticed my black molly becoming “annoying” to the male platy. not even aggressive, just...
  32. S

    Bumps or Warts on Balloon Molly

    Hi all, We have a balloon molly who has developed very large bumps on her side. They are the same color as her normal scales, they look like warts or something but they've gotten very big and no one has responded on any of the forums where we've posted, nor do the people at the pet store have...
  33. F

    First timer here!

    Hi all! Very happy to be part of this group! After reading a ton of posts, I'm still lost so hopefully someone can help me asap. We don't have test strips so we will be getting them today, but we live out of the city so if there's a chance we need anything else, id like to get it in the same...
  34. H

    Need Advice to Acclimate Guppies, Aquaponics

    I am moving 3 guppies (1 make, 2 female) to a larger tank. They are to go from a 5 gallon aquaponic system to a 35 gallon aquaponic system. The 5 gallon system is set to 79 degrees Fahrenheit, has a couple filters with mechanical and established biological filtration, decent aeration, and live...
  35. T

    Query on Molly/Platy difference

    Hi all, i've checked the other threads and am not finding any thing relevant. I have 2 female platys and 2 female mollys. Other than color difference - i notice that their mouths are shaped differently. the Mollys (i think) have wide mouths which seem to extend from side to side. (like a...
  36. fishlover22346

    can anyone ID these fish?

    I adopted thes little guys someone’s pond, I thought they were Molly’s but now that I look at them they look a little different. this pond also had guppies and mosquito fish in it, could they be a hybrid? sorry if they look a little unhealthy, the person with the pond was not caring for them...
  37. fishlover22346

    can anyone ID these fish?

    I adopted thes little guys someone’s pond, I thought they were Molly’s but now that I look at them they look a little different. this pond also had guppies and mosquito fish in it, could they be a hybrid? sorry if they look a little unhealthy, the person with the pond was not caring for them...
  38. fishlover22346

    Is this a wild molly?

    hello guys, I was netting fish for my aquarium at this pond, since it has fish like various cichlids, and mosquito fish. I thought the only livebearing fish in this pond was a mosquito fish, but I caught a fish that somewhat looks like a wild molly. can anyone tell me what this livebearer is...
  39. H

    Golden Black Lyretail Mollies are two different colors?

    Hello! I recently bought two Golden Black Lyretail Mollies and one looks pretty standard but the other is sort of blonde. This is my first time owning Molly fish and I was just wondering if this is normal or if there might be something wrong with him. Both fish are very friendly, lively, and...
  40. misshedge

    Please help! (molly appetite/lethargy)

    Hello. I've posted about Dipstick before, when she was pregnant (unfortunately, all fry were eaten.... but that's not the topic here). Dipstick is a dalmatian molly, and I've had her for about.. 6-7 months? She's been doing fine until about a week ago. She's not eating and hasn't been.. she...