
  1. G

    Pregnant molly

    How much longer do you guys think sorry she’s pooping
  2. Dopatri

    Is my Balloon Molly fry suffering?

    Hi, yesterday I discovered my Molly gave birth, I found 4 teeny tiny little fry all hiding together so I scooped them up and put them in their own little hatchery. However, one of them I’ve noticed is struggling to keep afloat. It can swim, but it spends most of the time on the bottom. It’s...
  3. D

    Molly has a growth?

    Good morning. I woke up and noticed my Molly has a situation and I’ve never seen it before. Hoping anyone can help. Pic below...
  4. G

    Here is the video! Is she pregnant

    Is she pregnant? I’m posting the video for people.
  5. G

    Is molly pregnant

    Is my Molly pregnant? The white one
  6. G

    Molly pregnant???

    Is my molly pregnant?? I have one picture up if you have Instagram I have a video to add
  7. T

    Need help new to fish!

    Hey guys I bought a white molly yesterday along with a red tail shark. However in a 3 hour time period whilst I was at work I came home to discover my red tail shark has dissapeared. I checked the floor and all surroundings I thoroughly checked the tank and tank items and he’s nowhere to be...
  8. A

    Molly fish - red eye

    Hi all. New to the forum. This is the first time I’ve had any issues with my fish. I’ve got 2 Dalmatian mollies and one of them has got a really red eye only on one side. I’ve tried to get a picture but she is only staying towards the back of the tank. I have just moved her from a tank to...
  9. N

    Pregnant or Sick Molly? Dark Spot on Stomach

    Hi y'all! I noticed that my female speckled Molly has a little bulge on her belly, particularly her left side. She is a little stretched and these scales seem white, with a little gray discoloration (see pics) Water: nitrate/nitrite 0 PH is 7.5 Ammonia 0 Take has been established since October...
  10. Linkandnavi

    Stocking a 450L

    Evening everyone, My 450L (approx 119 US gallon) recently finished cycling. 150 x 50 x 60cm. I'm in the process of slowly stocking it over the next few months. I've not run a tank of this size before so I'm feeling my way in with the stocking levels. At the moment, it has two Siamese Algae...
  11. E

    Molly has dropsy?

    Hi, After my last message about a few fish dying, there seemed to be no issues after I gave the tank a water change...until now. One of my mollies seems to be swimming around a lot slower and it’s scales have puffed up, I had a look on the internet and believe it might be dropsy? Is there anyway...
  12. H

    Molly died giving birth?

    My molly looked pregnant and like she was going to give birth this morning (she appeared to be crowning - I guess?). When I came back a few hours later she still looked like she was crowning and she also had what looked like a wound the front of her abdomen with something stringy coming out. She...
  13. carligraceee

    Flashing in my female molly?

    I recently found out that Watson is now Emma... lol but I have always noticed some flashing from her every now and then. It wasn’t consistent, it doesn’t happen every day. Maybe two times a week but i just want to know if she is showing off or not. I use AQAdvisor stocking calculator, I’ve...
  14. carligraceee

    Aggressive mollies and now I’m stressed

    Okay so I’ve always known mollies tend to be aggressive. Especially the males. But I have been able to fix this situation in the past and wanted help sexing my mollies! If they are males, then i have too many males and i need to replace two of them with females (i have one female molly and one...
  15. S

    HELP PLEASE. Fish staying at surface.

    Hi all. I’m new to the fish keeping hobby, I’m from uk. We bought a 40L tank from a pet shop, cleaned tank, gravel and plastic plants etc, installed filter and heater set at (25 degrees Celsius)that came with the tank, filled tank to the water level marked on the filter, we added tapsafe and...
  16. G

    Sudden Molly deaths!

    Hi all i recently just got my first tank in September. I had comets in it for the longest time. About a month ago I added 6 mollies And 3 corys. on the 26th I removed the comets (as they were too large) and I’ve had 2 mollies die on me! I also added some more water as the water was getting low...
  17. A


    EDIT!!!! Update!!!! MOLLY HAD BABIES ABOUT 3 HOURS AFTER POSTED. HERES PICS. My molly is pregnant and about to pop I just don’t know what I’m doing and need help lol. Here she is. Idk how long she’s been pregnant all I know is she’s about to give birth maybe. The male is freaking out hanging...
  18. carligraceee

    Pea puffers with mollies???

    Hey all! PSA: If you follow my threads you know I have a water issue right now so know I am NOT getting new fish until this gets sorted out. However, for when I can introduce new fish to my tank, I want to know which would go well with my remaining two mollies and a platy. I looked up Pea...
  19. carligraceee

    Bent spine in my Platy fry :( (that rhymes, it was unintentional)

    Hey guys! So I have been raising three baby platys for awhile now. I think they reached a month old a couple days ago. However, one died a day ago and when I looked closely at his body to find anything abnormal, I saw he had taken on a sort of krill shape (almost like a boomerang). I then looked...
  20. G

    Molly Behavior and Feeding Issue

    For context, I have a 30 gal tank with Current Satellite LEDs, moderately planted with gravel bottom, mostly hornwart, water sprite, swords and java ferns, lots of driftwood, with 15 cardinals, 8 pygmy corys and 5 cherry shrimp. I have two female lyretail mollies and one black sailfin male...
  21. Falconwithaboxon


    Okay guys this might be a weird question but do fish get sad when one of their tank mates dies? I noticed that, about a month ago when one of my mollies died, the other mollies in my tank were not as active for a few days. I assumed it was sickness but they didn't show any symptoms except the...
  22. Falconwithaboxon


    So I have way over stocked my tank and I'm looking to get a new one. I have 2 angelfish, 3 dwarf gourami, 2 mollies, 4 platies, 10 neon tetras, 4 cories, 4 algae eaters, 4 danios, and 3 snails. I had 20 ghost shrimp but I'm pretty sure they got ate by my other fish as there's no bodies from...
  23. J

    Does my Molly look pregnant?

    Hi, Looking for some help if possible. One of my mollies looks huge compared to the others. Do you think she's pregnant or just well fed?! We have moved her into a hatchery as we aren't sure if she's ready to drop or pop. Any advice greatly appreciated! Jamie
  24. C

    Pregnant orange molly fish, black fry?

    Hi, First post on here so apologies if I've done anything wrong... So, I have 4 female Mollies in my tank. The orange Molly is the one who is more obviously pregnant but the fry are black - is this normal or is there a chance that 1 of the other mollies has given birth to them? Another thing...
  25. L

    Mollg pregnancy

    Any idea how long till she goves birth
  26. S

    How to raise GH without PH getting too alkaline.

    I'm keeping livebearers: platy, molly, guppies. The platy and guppy do ok, but the molly's always have issues. I lose fish every now and again to common livebearer diseases. My tank parameters have always been good. I use an Api kit. Ammonia: 0, Nitrite: 0, Nitrate: 5-10, Ph 7.8, temp 78. Water...
  27. K

    Baby fry...need advice!

    Hi all! My mickey mouse platy has birthed her fry this morning. I could probably see around 15 to 20 fry in the birthing net, and wasn't sure she was done yet. I've come to check on her progress and I think I only see about 10 maybe less? So I was worried she was eating them so I've popped her...
  28. O

    Fry Identification Guppy or Molly

    Hi one of my fish in my community tank recently gave birth to some fry. But currently I have two types of livebearers in the tank and I wasnt awake when the fish gave birth. Down below are the pictures. I have a few guppies and three Dalmatian Mollys and currently the fry are in a breeder box...
  29. FishFry420

    Pooping Black Molly

    Hi Everyone. I just got a male black molly earlier today and it is pooping so much, Im a beginner at owning a fishtank but I have the basic setup 20 g tank, filter, heater, decor. I have had the tank and 4 other fish for about two weeks now and got three more today (the black molly and two...
  30. T

    Dead Molly

    Hi, I woke up today to find one of my Mollies dead. Over the past two days this molly has seemed lethargic, just sitting at the bottom of the tank although he would still swim around and eat at feeding time. I am really at a loss to say why he died and am worried that it could be something...
  31. K

    What's up with my molly?

    Can anyone suggest what might be up with my dalmatian molly? She has been lying down here like this pretty much all day. Did come up to feed. Other fish in tank fine. Water parameters normal.
  32. brokenoob!

    Molly not giving Birth after 5.5 weeks?

    Hey everybody! I've had my Molly Pearl for a while now, she gave birth to her first brood (with me anyways) about 2 months ago, delivery was quick and she returned to being a happy little fish! 2-3 Weeks after the first pregnancy I noticed she was getting bigger again--That was 5 1/2 weeks ago...
  33. W

    Help needed - mysterious cause of death for all fish. 4 remaining but not doing well.

    Request Help Tank size: 100L/26gal pH: 7.2-7.4 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 20ppm gH: 150 ppm tank temp: 28 degree Celsius (previously 26 but have upped since fish started getting sick) Volume and Frequency of water changes: Normal routine 1-2 per week 25-50% - treat with prime and stress...
  34. brokenoob!

    Platinum/Creamsicle Lyretail Molly with tiny black spots?

    Hello everyone! I've had the most amazing Platinum Lyretail Molly named Pearl for just over two months now. She has the biggest personality I've ever seen, if I get within 5 feet of the glass she comes up to me sounds crazy but literally almost wags her tail in excitement like a dog...
  35. B

    Thoughts on this stocking combination?

    Hi All. Interested in as many thoughts as possible on this stocking. This would be a gradual build up from where I am now. 55 gallon(240l) Temp 24.5 Degrees C. PH 6.5/6.8, Live plants Stem and moss ball with a java fern., Fine, very small gravel, Betta 2000 Canister filter(turns over the tank...
  36. C

    Guppy Dieing

    Hi So I have a 105 litre tank, in it is the following 3 neons (less than there should be but I currently can't change that given lockdown) 1 adult female molly 6 molly fry (around 3 months old) 1 guppy My issue is the guppy has come oddly docile, barely moving and barely swimming. I found...
  37. J

    Injured molly

    Hello, I have noticed this morning that one of my Mollies is injured or got an infection, not sure?? Is there any way I can help him ? And do you know what it could be ?
  38. C

    Filter Question

    Hi, I have a 105L tank, long. The filter on it is a 1000EF all pond solutions one that, according to the website has a flow rate of 1000 litres per hour. I was just wondering if this is too strong? The flow coming out of it is pretty hefty but it has been running for a good couple of months...
  39. T

    Is my Balloon Molly pregnant?

    We have noticed the black spot on her belly which also looks a bit boxed-shaped (usually signs of pregnancy). She has been a bit aggressive with the other fish but staying particularly close to one of the other balloon mollies pretty much all the time. She has been staying close to the heater...
  40. C

    Adding New Fish with Fry

    Hi, So I have a 105L tank stocked with 1x Guppy 1x Molly and 3x Tetra (not enough I know I plan on getting more) i also have 6x Molly Fry thanks to the Molly giving birth two days after i got it The fry are big enough now and swim around the tank without being hassled (about 2/3 the size of...