
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. BakedFish

    Is my Fish Sick?

    I have a male molly living in a 20-gallon with 2 small shrimp, a few small snails, a bristle nose pleco, 3 female mollies (two of which are his daughters), 2 male guppies, 4 baby mollies, and 6 tetras. Around 3 weeks ago I saw him sitting at the bottom of the tank barely moving. The day before...
  2. S

    Is my mollys pregnant?

    Hi I'm new here 👋 I have some Molly 🐟 But I don't know if it is pregnant or just fat molly I have 3 of them 🥰 "black, white and orange" And please tell me if I can know when it will be give birth 🤔 That's the best shot I get 😄
  3. I

    Help! Molly fish keep dying

    Hi, I’m pretty new to fish keeping and this is my first time keeping mollies. My tank is over 1 month old and had been cycled before adding any fish. The tank now contains 3 mollies and 3 emerald eye rasboras. It’s only the mollies that are getting sick. They start acting lethargic and then...
  4. kpewv

    my 20g community

    hi there! this is my journal for my 20g planted community. it is VERY stocked but rest assured i do regular water changes and have been keeping fish a while. images are of the whole tank and my baby betta boy courtney!! stocking: the beastie boys (sailfin molly trio) reo speedwagon (5 pygmy...
  5. GothFishKeeper

    Is my fish sick or just pregnant?

    I recently donated all of the juvenile mollies in my tank to the LFS I work at, and now that there’s more room in the tank my mollies have been “doing it” nonstop. Yesterday I noticed that my black molly’s belly was a bit bigger and more squared off, but now I’m concerned. She’s removing herself...
  6. GothFishKeeper

    My fish just got fed A LOT of peas

    Okay so I originally thought my platy was pregnant, but it’s been well over a month since she’s been so big so I’m pretty sure she has bloat. I heard that feeding fish peas would help bloat, so I thawed a handful of frozen peas in water and dropped a few in. Then I went out for a couple hours...
  7. GothFishKeeper

    Molly Sex Change??

    Hey guys! So I’m a bit concerned/confused about my gold nugget molly named July. I got her about 6 weeks ago, and then about a week later I got a male Lyretail molly (named Ember). July was most definitely a female up until today, as you can see from the first picture of her. Ember definitely...
  8. GothFishKeeper

    My name is Payton

    Hi, my name is Payton (GothFishKeeper) and I currently have a 20G tank with 7 live plants (1 Amazon Sword, 4 Anubias Barteri, and 2 bundles of hornwort wrapped around a medium sized spider wood branch in the center of the tank) and 10 fish (1 Dwarf Gourami M, 5 Mollies 4F & 1M, 2 Platys 1F & 1M...
  9. M

    One stressed Molly?

    Hi everyone, this is my first post to the forum: I have a 120g tank 5 x 2 x 2, which I moved the fish from 2 tanks into So it currently has 24 tetras (neon, black neon and harlequin) About 20 or so mollys 2 gourami's (a honey and a snakeskin) 2 bristlenose (baby and a fully grown 1 synodontis...
  10. K

    bizarre growths only on black scales question.

    history: i have a 37g live planted tank in it i have a young dwarf pleco, 7ish mollies, dwarf pleco, and 3 other sucker fish(i think they are panda gorys). my mental health took a turn for the worst and i neglected all tank care.(im better now and im fixing problems around my life, house, and...
  11. H

    Is my Molly Pregnant? Or have Dropsy? Newbie here

    I thought my Dalmatian Molly was male but it looks pregnant with a very bloated belly. It has been like this for a couple of weeks. Any advice?
  12. Stefan3289

    Molly gave birth, need advice!

    Hello all, So I noticed today my Molly, who I didn’t know was pregnant as I was treating the tank for intestinal worms I thought she just had a lot of worms and bloated, laid fry. I’ve counted 4 of them, and I’m not sure what I should do now. I don’t have a nursery tank, and nor will my parents...
  13. M

    Seem to be losing all my molly fish :(

    Tank size: 250L tank age: 1 Year pH: 7.4 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0ppm nitrate: 20ppm kH: 240 ppm (mg/L) gH: 180 ppm (mg/L) tank temp: 24C Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): I have had a large amount of my molly fish get very ill. I'm not...
  14. Stefan3289

    Molly lethargic and losing weight

    Hello all, So I have a 29g tank and I’ve noticed the last few weeks one of my mollies has been getting lethargic and looks quite a bit skinner compared to the other lyretail mollies I have. It’s looked skinny since I got it but seems to be getting worse. She was eating fine but today when I...
  15. J

    Pregnant or something else?

    I’m out of town at the moment and have a friend taking care of my fish, my female silver Molly was normal size when I left and now she is huge. Not sure if it’s just pregnancy or something else. Any help would be appreciated.
  16. H

    Need help figuring out if fish are platys or mollies

    Hello. I purchased some fish today that were labeled as platys but now that I see them in the tank I'm not sure if they are platys or mollies, especially the one in the second photo. Can anyone help me identify them? Thank you.
  17. D

    Dalmatian Molly Not Swimming

    Help! I just set up a tank less than a week ago with 5 female mollies. I’m new to this but it’s important to me that my fish are happy and healthy. One of my mollies seems off. She doesn’t swim around and stays in the top corner near the heater. My other 4 mollies seem fine and swim around. At...
  18. F

    SOS! Is any molly pregnant?

    Hello friends, i am new here, i was looking for a forum to post my mollies to check if any of these 2 mollies is pregnant. I am waiting for a fast answer so i can put the pregnant in safe place to give birth! Thank you for your time.
  19. E

    Very pregnant molly!

    Hi there, I believe my molly is extremely close to giving birth. I am just about to separate her from the main tank, but want to ensure it isn’t too soon. What do you guys think?
  20. C

    My molly is pregnant…Right?

    Hello, I am sure my molly is pregnant, but I want someone to estimate how long until she could give birth… I’ll attach photos below
  21. MollyFishMomma

    New Molly madness

    Hi! I’m so excited to have found this forum! I’m new to gosh keeping and have fallen in love with mollies! I currently have 4 adult females and 1 adult male (and some fry 🤪). I’ve learned a lot over the past couple of months and look forward to learning even more from members here.
  22. Katemine

    Nursery tank is finally complete.

    10 gal set up for live bearing mothers and their fry. No males allowed. Non pregnant females and males are kept in a studding tank. I love this hobby. It is keeping ke very happy. Let me know what you think of it.
  23. O

    PLEASE HELP! (neverminded approval took to long so now my fish died)

    What is causing this? It’s a Dalmatian Molly. Video (Might still be processing)
  24. J

    Can’t add any new fish without them dying

    Hello all, I have multiple tanks (2x20 gallon) and (2x10 gallon), and in one of the twenty gallons I would like to add another Balloon Belly Molly. I have tried adding 3 over the course of the last couple months, but all the new ones die within about a week. The tank has 2 mature female ballon...
  25. K

    PLEASE HELP! Gigantic Molly Unexplainable - Photos and stats included

    Hey y’all! I consider myself pretty knowledgeable when it comes to tank things and what I lack knowledge on, Google to the rescue. But this one has me all sorts of confused. I “adopted” this Molly 3 months ago. My local fish store has a “Kae Tank” that he puts fish in that he can’t sell for...
  26. Y

    Odd molly fish behavior

    Hi, I recently bought some new fish for my aquarium a few days ago. They are 3 mollies and 2 guppies. Yesterday I noticed that a female Molly was acting strange, going up and down the tank and then staying at the bottom of the tank. I did a water change and tested the water and all levels were...
  27. B

    Black Molly with White on Lips

    Hello! My balloon molly , Mom , has gotten sicks. I would prefer not to cull her if possible as she is my favorite molly and I'm quite attached to her. I will attach an image of her condition; the back of her dorsal fin also looks a little strange. The rest of my fish are healthy. I have a 10...
  28. K

    Molly with discoloured patch on one side

    Hi all! I've used this forum before to search for answers, but I just registered now as I'm very worried about a whitish patch on the side of one of my new mollies. I added 2 new female mollies to keep the original male Molly company. I know everyone asks for parameters first, so here's the...
  29. J

    Dalmatian Molly strange behavior

    So for a few months, off and on, my Dalmatian Molly would hang out at the bottom of the tank just flapping her fins and tails as if she was swimming. She would just chill at the bottom for hours. And just today she started swimming around with the back of her body to the left more. She only is...
  30. Kelseyghardin125

    Sexxing my Lyretail Molly

    Hello again! Can someone identify if this is male or female lyretail creamsicle Molly? I have a make Dalmatian Molly in my tank also and know that the Dalmatian Molly is a male. He constantly is chasing my lyretail and rubbing his nose on the lyretail’s belly like an attempt to mate or...
  31. Circus

    Picked up Free Tank, Free Fish

    So I was browsing the marketplace yesterday and came upon an ad for free fish tanks. I, of course, hopped on it. Just got home after picking it up and setting it up. It turns out, she still had the fish, but would have no tanknonce I left with the last one. She offered the fish as well. I...
  32. Circus

    Are these Muppies or just XL Guppies?

    So a friend close to me bought some tanks that came with fish, which he didn't want. I said I would take them off his hands. Ot was a mixed lot of neon tetra and supposedly guppies, but two of these female are absolutely huge. I suspect they are actually a crossbreed, and therefore infertile...
  33. Mollyforever

    Is my molly actually a platy?

    My male black molly started to change colors and i was wondering if he is actually a platy. Also he is in the tank with female black molly who is not getting pregnant. Im moving the two fish to a newly cycled tank in a few days and will add two other female mollies from my LFS. can anyone...
  34. Mollyforever

    Normal molly poop?

    Hello 👋 My black molly has a strange color poop. Is this normal? He has been pooping clear poops with red tips for the past two days i fed him some peas and flakes.
  35. D

    Help?! My molly is attacking new fish?

    So I have over a 20 gallon tank which my Molly shared with a DG. I got new fish which have bright stripes on them so I moved my DG into another tank. After I put these guys in my Molly started attacking them! I even watched him bury in sand until one would pass by!! I took my Molly pit...
  36. P

    Help whats wrong with my 2 day old molly fry?

    i have a 2 day old molly fry he/she is randomly twirling in the middle of swimming and just continues to swim normally as if nothing happened I included a video please help
  37. P

    Is this camallanus worms or just poop?

    This is the second molly I noticed yo have this when i pulled it out it just looks like a red piece of splinter not moving or anything and not squishy like poop
  38. P

    Pregnant molly in breeder net

    I have a pregnant Dalmatian molly. I have no idea how far along she is. But i wanted to know is it okay to keep her in a breeder net form now till she gives birth with some floating plants?
  39. P

    Video Please help whats wrong with my molly

    Hi please help whats wrong with my molly he is swimming straight up and down!! Hes eating normally but just randomly strates swimming like this
  40. U

    Male molly died (due to some unknown reason)

    Hi everyone, My male balloon molly died when I woke up and was about to feed the fishes. Is this because of ammonia burns? I change 50% or more water every week. Or did some other fish attack him? I only have tropical fishes in this tank and there are many hiding spots with plants and...