help advice needed

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. T

    Dwarf guarami problems

    I have a blue dwarf guarami in my tank that is not eating even when I put food right in front of him, and is losing color from his back end.i don’t know what to do and I need some help. I have a 20 gallon long with 2 mollies 2 sunburst platties 2 dwarf guaramis (including that one) 2 cory...
  2. R

    Red chin

    I have a black moor goldfish in a 10 gallon tank who has a red spot under his chin. I only noticed it within the past week and I’m not really sure what it is. I tested the water and just did a change and everything is normal. Is it bleeding? If so what do I do?? I tried to take pictures the best...
  3. W

    Malawi Cichlids

    Hello All, I have recently inherited 4 Malawi Cichlids from a friend who could not accommodate them. I have had them for a month now and were originally around 1.5 inches. I’ve seen some growth maybe the largest one not far off 2 inches, but not quite. However I’m currently keeping them within...
  4. R

    White Spot on Betta

    Hello all, I am a bit worried about a white spot I spotted on one of our little guy’s scales. Any idea what it could be? I’m worried it could be the start of ick but worry about starting treatment without knowing the cause. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  5. J

    Id plec and whats this orange thing

    I need help to identify this plec and whats the strange orange bulb on him im abit worried
  6. Danni4

    How many betta and corys can I put in my ten gallon tank?

    So I've had this tank for a while, but recently the goldfish I had in it died after it's mate did, I was wondering how many Cory catfish and betta fish I could put in it without it being a danger to any of them. The tank does not currently have gravel but it does have a heater and heavy duty...
  7. S

    Ammonia is not going down

    I’m new to the forum and I need your help and everyone has probably had to deal with this question. My ammonia levels are high and I’ve tried everything, water changes 35-50% water changes daily adding api conditioner, feeding every other day or every 2 days. This has been going on for a week...
  8. B

    Stocking 65l aquarium

    I have a 65l planted tank currently stocked with 6 cardinal tetras, 6 orange eye lemon tetra and a panda gara. Do you think I’m fully stocked or is there any room for more? It’s been running for well over a year and I’ve had no problems so far I was thinking about a dwarf gourami or maybe a...
  9. Meg0000

    Corydoras substrate?

    Hi, I was wondering if corydoras or loaches could live on clay gravel (the flourite one) or it would hurt their *barbles*(not sure of that word since I speak french lol)
  10. Meg0000

    Help! Paradise fish

    I don't know if the behavior of my juvenile paradise fish is normal, my fish breathes at the surface since it is a labyrinth fish but like sometimes he does it multiples time in a row and also he/she swims left to right of the tank really fast non stop. I also think my paradise fish feels lonely...
  11. C

    Green Severum, parasites? *Need help* any ideas on what it is/ how to treat?

  12. A

    My Betta is Sick! Please Help!

    Hi, good evening! I'm fairly new to fish-keeping. This is my third fish, Vodka. He is a male betta (like my previous two) and ever since I got him he was very active and curious. He would always be aware of everything going on around the tank and would rush to the food whenever I fed him...
  13. T

    Hi! New to fish and have a question please!

    Hi, my parents bought my son some fish this year. We are not sure what gender they are and if this one is female and if so pregnant or overfed? Heres a pic, any help greatly appreciated! Thanks! Toby
  14. z09050

    Help, not sure what has happened to my corydora

    My Cory has not got any barbels, noticed this when I got him. He has not been moving around and is breathing very fast. I think he is weak because before this he was rolling around without control. He looks a lot paler then my other cories (Water parameters if needed) PH 7 Ammonia 0 Nitrites 0
  15. bettabbypearl

    Betta Fish With A Torn Fin, Help Needed!!

    Hi, I'm new to fish keeping, I have one Betta fish, I've had him since July. I keep him in a heated, filtered, planted, 10 gallon tank. He's a Dumbo Halfmoon, so he has pretty big fins, and up until now they've been healthy and growing really well. Tonight I noticed a fairly large tear on his...
  16. B

    Start of clamped fins?

    Hi! My new betta (double tail half moon) has been living in his 3.5gal for 4 days now after buying him from PetSmart. Hes very active but today i noticed the top of his double tail seems a bit clamped. The tank has a heater, temp is around 77-78F, filter and testing for ammonia this morning...
  17. B

    Gold ram help!

    Hello! First time posting here, hoping I’m doing it in the right place. My female gold ram has a white mark on her tail and a red mark on her face. This showed up over night. From last night at 7pm when I feed and shut off lights, to 8am today when I do morning feed. She’s also quite thick and...
  18. R

    Help, is my guppies stressed or?

    Hi everyone. 3 females, 2 pregnant & 7 males, all guppies. My guppies been acting strange since morning. Usually they are super active but since morning, I noticed that they are not swimming around & instead just wiggling their tails & hiding behind. Can it be stress due to environment...
  19. K

    Help not sure what this is!!!

    Hello all. Brand new here. I have a 20 gallon tank. Last night or of nowhere the beta fish we had developed very bad fin rot on his tail and he had white specs on him. The tetras we have also had white specs. Fearing the worst I assumed it was ich. Went to get ich medication from pet smart as...
  20. FishDude15423123

    I really need encouragement

    I was just told I need to return more than half of my fish. Should I buy a 55 gallon and start raising a bala shark? (I will increase tank size as it grows) I don't have money now but am starting a gofundme soon!
  21. FishDude15423123

    Help Im New to fishkeeping

    Hi My first question shall be is my 10 gallon tank overstocked i have 2 dwarf gouramis 1 kuhli loach a swordtail a white tetra and a emerald green cory cat? I believe so but I want to make sure :)
  22. L

    New neon tetra dead

    Helpppp! New fish dead! I bought 6 neon tertras yesterday and added them to my 60l tank that had 6 guppies already in and had been running for 2 months in total and 1 month with the guppies in. Put them in yesterday and everything seemed fine, swimming in a school, exploring, I’ve come home...
  23. J

    Guppy fry fins squeezed?

    Hello all, I have six guppy fry that are around 2 weeks old. Only until today, I noticed that their caudal fins are squeezed together like when your fingers are squashed together and they keep gulping for air, could that be caused by low temperatures I'm worried that it might be a disease. Could...
  24. T

    How many harlequin rasboras, if any?

    I have a 20 gallon live planted aquarium with a Betta and 6 Albino Cory cats. I had about 8 neons but I think the water ph, hardness and alkalinity might have been too much, it was a pH of 8.3 with a very hard rating and a high alkalinity rating(if there are numbers for that too my test strips...