help advice needed

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. A

    Betta ate weird crystals

    I've noticed that when my water conditioner dries on the side of the bottle it leaves white crystals. Well today a crystal popped off the bottle and into the tank, and my betta ate it. Will she be okay? Here's an image of the water conditioner I use and a close up of the crystals
  2. G

    Guppie with inflated blobs

    Hello everyone!! I was wondering if anyone knew what was wrong with my guppie. He seems to have these strange blobs on his dorsal fin, I’ve done some research and can’t seem to find the answer on how to remove the blobs. I do a 25% water change once per week. His behavior is quite normal too he...
  3. N

    EMERGENCY- tetra having a white patch on side???

    Hi, I recently got 6 tetras and when I checked on them tdy, i noticed that one of the big tetras had a white spot on his side. The white patch was mot fuzzy or anything but I’m thinking that it may be neon tetra disease. The tetras r also in a 10 gallon with 6 other guppies. The water quality...
  4. Lo Ki Gorgeous

    What's wrong with my guppy/ tank?

    Hello everyone I'm afraid I'm not sure how to add a video on here, but I'll try to explain what's up with him. Sorry if this is a bit long. But I appreciate the help. My guppy started swimming very erratically yesterday and was swimming up and down from the bottom to the top several times...
  5. N

    Serpae tetras always slightly/barely falling but twitching to stay balanced

    Hi! I got 2 serpae tetras last Saturday and they always go twitch to stay balanced. My water parameters are fine and they are in a 10 gallon tank with 5 guppies and 3 tetras. I did some research and they are suppose to twitch swim but I’m just worried. Is there behavior normal or is there...
  6. N

    Why are my guppies getting rlly bloated?

    Hi, I bought some guppies a little over a month ago and I’m realizing that some of them are getting rlly bloated. I don’t know if it’s from dropsy or overfeeding. I have 5 guppies in a 10 gallon. I just don’t know what to do! Ammonia-0 Nitrie-0 Nitrate-20 Here is what one of them looks like!
  7. Y

    Betta Breathing extra heavy after Jungle fungus cure

    I just added jungle fungus cure three hours ago to treat my betta for columnaris but now he's breathing extra heavy. I added the correct dose but I'm scared that I poisoned him! Should I do a emergency water change or is it too late?
  8. H

    Bronze Corydora female is panting

    I noticed a couple of days ago that my big female bronze cory was panting. Normally they move their mouth/gills when eating food, but she does this constantly now and has never shown this behavior before. Other than her mouth/gills moving rapidly, she also goes up for air a bit more than usual-...
  9. CozyCat

    Please help! Cloudy water

    Hi I set this tank up in September 2021 and have been dealing with cloudy water since late November. The filter sponges constantly clog with brown gunk and you can't see the back of the tank let alone the big piece of driftwood that's suppose to be in the middle. A layer of brown gunk coats...
  10. B

    molly disease, help pls !

    I have a black balloon molly. as i was doing a water change today i noticed he has a grey film on him and his fins are clamped, he is actively swimming and acting normal though. i am thinking it is velvet but i am not sure. what do i do? there are 2 other fish in the tank and some snails. i do...
  11. C

    Unknown affliction

    What is wrong with her? Viral, bacterial??? The other one died from (I presume) a bloated belly that looked similar to this where the scales stuck out. Any ideas??
  12. D

    Planted fish tank tips for 60 gallon?

    Hey guys, I’ve recently gotten a 60 gallon fish tank, starting to do a cycle, and for this tank I’ve decided I want to try live plants. big step for me definitely as it is my first ever try. I want to go with the low maintenance ones so I was thinking Java fern, Anubias, anubias petite, moss...
  13. H

    Egg like sack hanging on black molly.

    Hey guys! First time poster here. I have not been able to find any info on this issue so I created an account in the hopes of someone helping me or at least informing me on what this issue is so I can avoid it happening again. Little backstory: my apartment building cought on fire and I had to...
  14. 75gallon

    My fish keep dieing

    My fish keep dieing in my 250 litter aquarium, it started off as cotton mouth, on one of my sword tails, then my guppys had white fungus on there body, I have been treating this tank for over 2 months now an nothing is working, water conditions are perfect, pics of 2 guppys that have it today...
  15. K

    Thinking I Need to Rehome My Fish

    I absolutely hate to think this but I honestly don’t know what else to do anymore besides just start over. I’ve made a lot of mistakes and really think they’re suffering for it and at this point, I don’t know what to do anymore. My only main problem rn is that I just don’t know how to go about...
  16. S

    Free tank and fish to give away!

    Hi everyone, Need some help ASAP if at all possible! Sadly, my Mum passed away earlier this year. She left behind a decent sized tank with a few tetras and other tropical fish. I haven’t lived at home with her for a while but my brother still lived with her, however, he has no intention of...
  17. S

    Never ending ammonia issue

    Problem is we keep getting ammonia spikes, we changed water daily and it went good now it’s back to crap. Today the worst it’s been since sitting at 4. Question is I currently have the fish in a 100L tank. But I also have a spare 25L tank. Should I start cycling this tank, if so how long before...
  18. R

    Is my platt pregnant? Or prolapsing?

    Hi guys, My Platy fish has become a lot larger over the past month, obviously females are bigger than males anyway, but we were sure they were pregnant and the fish shop thought so too. We separated her but she never gave birth, and has a white thing poking out of her Anus sometimes. We placed...
  19. C

    Is my Betta ok?

    I’ve had my Betta about a month now and today I spotted this white/grey stuff on his tail. Is this a sign of disease? Or has he just got something stuck on there? His behaviour has not changed, he is still swimming around, eating and coming to the front of his tank to be sociable. He has a...
  20. bianca_m35

    Corydoras wont stop dying

    Sooo I'm really starting to get frustrated. I had 9 panda Cory's, 6 peppered corys, and 6 bronze corys. I'm left 5 bronze and 1 peppered Cory. Well I got 5 new peppered corys and now one of my bronze corys died. So peppered corys and 4 bronze at the moment. They eat a very big range of foods...
  21. Convictlover

    Ongoing 0.25ppm Nitrite Problem With Water Changes

    Help! My tank is cycled and has been running for over 6 weeks. All my levels have been great up until last week. My nitrite spiked at 1.0-2.0ppm. I did a 50% water change and it dropped to 0.25ppm straight away but has now been stuck at 0.25ppm for over a week. I have been doing 30-50% water...
  22. F

    guppy with mass in stomach area

    there is a red growth on the guppy i put in some medicine but i don't know if i need to do anything else or what it is
  23. A

    Betta Slime coat/receding fin

    Hi! I've had a betta fish for a few months now, and with every water change his fin recedes and has long tears along it. Initially I was told it was most likely fin rot, and I tried using bettafix and trisulfur tablets which helped a little, but would never cure his tail leaving it as bad as it...
  24. shaziasadiqah

    Anyone know what's this on my honey gourami?

    hello, i have noticed that my male honey gourami have been making bubbles and chasing the female, i know he is a bit harsh on her too so the female usually hides all the time. but, today i saw this on her, it almost looks like just a wound (probably caused by the male) but i'm not sure. the...
  25. R

    Guppy Fry

    Hello! Can someone give me some tips at caring for 160+ guppy fry. My aunt wanted to throw her sons guppies (I separated them by gender the first time I got them) so I decided to adopt them since my brother has been wanting some for a while now, and noticed that 3 of them was pregnant, the...
  26. jessicarf00

    help! - high ph in betta tank

    i made a post last night about how my betta is breathing heavily and pacing after doing a water change. today he isn’t pacing as much but still seems to be breathing heavy. i just tested the water and the ph looks like it’s around 8 - 8.2. yikes! is this what’s causing his behavior? how should i...
  27. jessicarf00

    betta pacing & breathing heavily

    i got my very first betta, harry, two weeks ago today. today i did his first water change and took out about half of the water and replaced it with conditioned water (tried to keep it about 80 degrees.) i didn’t notice him doing this immediately after the change, but recently he’s being darting...
  28. Dopatri

    HELP! My Betta is close to death!

    UPDATE: Unfortunately my fish passed away shortly after posting this. I did however take some gorgeous shots of her scales. I’m absolutely in awe of the photos. They look majestic, at least I can remember her by looking at these photos. I want to share them with you. My female Betta isn’t...
  29. B

    Help!!! Betta Sick??

    Hi guys, I'm new to this forum but I have a problem with one of my fish! I have a young male butterfly half-moon betta in a community tank (he's very a very gentle soul). Yesterday I found him 'stuck' behind the water heater (now I know bettas are notorious for sticking themselves places they...
  30. Missjane1995

    Is my ember tetra pregnant

    Hello Everyone! Im new here. I've had my fish for quite a few months now and they've all been doing fine. I watch them daily so usually notice anything thats off or strange behaviour. One out of my six ember tetras has a little bulge under them and seems to be at the tops breathing radically...
  31. AquariumCookie

    New Mystery Snail Refusing To Sink

    So I just got a golden mystery snail along with two other black mystery snails one mystery snail in my 10 gallon completely fine my other black mystery snail in with my golden mystery snail in my 20 gallon and the black one is completely fine while my golden mystery snail refuses to sink to the...
  32. E

    Freyed Guppy Tails

    I have 6 male guppy’s and they all seem to have some type of trauma to the tail, some look freyed and split and others look like chunks are missing. I’ve been monitoring this for a while and removed fish and ornaments incase it was overcrowding problem and still hasn’t improved. I’m wondering if...
  33. E

    Black mould in tank

    I’ve only recently become a fish owner! Started my tank about 6 months ago, I’ve noticed some algae or mould furry looking on my castle ornament and wondered if this is harmful or dangerous? And if so the best way to get rid of it ☺️
  34. R84achey

    2 lemon tetras dead in 24hrs no obvious signs

    I’m so confused right now & sad right now. I’ve had 2 lemon tetras die in 24 hours. I’ve obviously removed them and there’s no obvious signs of illness or injuries. My parameters are ph 7 ammonia zero, nitrite zero and nitrates in the 5-10 range. I’ve had the tank set up around 2 months now, it...
  35. Sushiiii

    Need help with betta!!!

    Hi! I have a betta fish named Finley, I’ve had him for two years and honestly, I had no idea what I was doing at first, but now I have educated myself more on bettas proper care. I had my Betta in a 10 gallon and he was doing well for months and I noticed his right pectoral fin was almost gone...
  36. Mistymercer


    I am very new to the hobby, very under-educated and don't have a lot of money. When I took on this hobby (rehome a betta fish for a friend of mine) not realizing how little I REALLY new, how much it would cost and how much there is to learn! My dream tank is a freshwater tank with lots of...
  37. Aquarist2020

    How soon can I add corals?

    I know most people say the later the better but I don't really have the patience. I'm at the nitrate no3 spike right now. After the spike is over how soon can I put corals? Btw I'm using Fritz turbo start 900. Thank you.
  38. C

    Orange molly has a bump and possible parasite?

    Hi, I am new to the fishkeeping hobby and had some help from a friend on setting up my tank. Unfortunately this orange molly that I got from petsmart looks to have a problem. Seems as if theree a bump on its stomach with something hanging out of it. I think it might be a parasite. I would...
  39. UnknownFishies

    Internal bleeding!?

    My black skirt tetra looks like it’s internally bleeding! I saw a red dot on it about 5 days ago and thought I just saw an organ inside of it. (I know, stupid) After 3 days I saw it got larger and on the 4th it got significantly smaller so I thought it was just healing but now it looks bad! It...
  40. D

    Help! My glofish are dying and I can’t figure out why. :(

    I’m going to try to provide as much information as possible, so please bare with me. On March 26th I bought a Aqueon Neoglow Aquarium Kit Hexagon. It is an 8 gal. tank, I realized afterwards that the fish have to be in a tank of 10 gal. or more. My mom told me that we had to let the filter run...