Ok so a while ago I posted about my big o pregnant mom guppy anyway she gave birth recently to 11 beautiful fry 🥳🎉 So basically one of the fry is like almost white can someone tell me why or anything this is only my second batch of guppy fry ever
Some of the pics are kinda bad and ignore the...
I bought this guppy and another while they were both pregnant. About a week ago I found 9 babies but I thought the biggest guppy (as you can see in the photos below) would give birth first. She still looks pregnant though and the other smaller female didn’t look that pregnant. Anyway I thought...
I'm in the process of trying to make a strain of guppy, and I specifically am wanting a solid white body without using albino. Anyone have information on how the white platinum gene works, and potentially know of anyone that has white platinum that is x linked? (I want the females to have it as...
I recently adopted a few female guppies. One of them, Cephia, is dealing with some fungus around her mouth.
She is in a 1-gal hospital tank being treated with Kanaplex. Today is the 4th day. I gave the second dose yesterday.
Yesterday she was looking great, back to eating, swimming...
Hi there.
More than a month ago, I made a post asking if a guppy I had recently bought is pregnant. She has not had babies yet and I am concerned she is infested with Camallanus worms.
I bought another guppy with this one and both looked a bit fat in the shop, but since then it's gotten much...
Hi, this is my first time posting and I have no idea what to do. I’ve only owned my guppies for three months so I’m quite new to fish keeping.
I found my smallest guppy (Canyon) struggling to swim this morning. I found him struggling near the bottom but when I came near, he was twirling...
A few days ago, I purchased a few female guppies from a chain pet shop. It looked like they did not care for their fish well and I decided to get a few to put them in a better environment.
One of the guppies has a relatively large belly. Could she have something like intestinal worms? Was she...
What is the water volume of the tank? 28L not enough, I’m aware, and shopping for a second hand 100-200L tank.
How long has the tank been running? Mid Oct /23
Does it have a filter? Yes HOB
Does it have a heater? Yes, 25w
What is the water temperature? 25-27*c typically
What is the entire...
My guppy has a bad prolapse. I treated him for a milder one a couple of weeks ago, which resolved quickly. This one is worse and he is looking thinner and very weak. I have isolated him for the time being. To me he looks a bit far gone, but guppies can be resilient.
How can I prevent this in...
I have two tanks the same size. I have a trio of guppies in each tank. One male and two females, with a small number of fry. The biggest female is chasing the other two fish relentlessly, and nipping fins of the male who can’t swim as fast. She never seems to stop. I have a small, cycled, bare...
Hello, I’m freaking out. I have plenty of guppies and they live well, but just tonight I noticed one of my guppies has this ball like thing hanging by their stomach/rectum. I’m freaking out. What is this? What could have caused this? What do I do? PLEASE HELP.
My new guppy! She dropped some fry today but unfortunately perceived the moment of each birth as snack time. Luckily a few escaped. Her tail is larger then the male she is with, I’ve not seen a female with fins so big before.
Recently I’ve found 2 guppy fry in my tank that have very large stomachs and a red almost blood coloured line on the stomachs, I’m not sure what it is and can’t find an answer when I search for it. It looks like defect and it’s making it hard for them to swim. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi All,
I have recently purchased this guppy and it was sold to us as a male. As you can see from the photo, it has a large black spot on its belly. Not sure what it could be so I googled and understand female guppies have gravid spots. What do you guys think? Is this male or female? And if...
Hi all,
After a few years I decided to convert my 30 gallon gourami tank into a livebearer community tank. I re-homed the last surviving gourami and added 4 platys, 9 guppies and 8 tetra. Stupidly I didn’t quarantine in any way and now regretting it (I’m not an experienced fish keeper I’ve only...
Request Help. My platinum guppy is acting odd. See below for full explanation. Any insight would be helpful. Currently, the guppy in question has been moved to a quarantine tank in case he's being bullied by the other guppies or in case of fin rot.
Tank size: 5 gallon (currently in 1/2 gallon...
My guppy is definitely very pregnant with a black stomach bottom, I moved her to another smaller tank like bottle, but she looks very very stressed rather than calm as other sites tells me, is there anything I can do or should I just move her back to the bigger tank with other guppies? Thanks :)
I have recently bought some guppies from 3 different stores, and now the death count (after a week) spiked to like 3 a day... Any ideas? There are more males than females, and they had white "floof" fungi looking things on their bodies. I did find a male and female mating and still "attached"...
hey guys :) I have just bought a 10 gallon tank after my betta died and I wanted to try something new. I'm looking for suggestions on how to stock it. At the minute I'm thinking about livebearers although I would only get males because I'm not wanting fry.
Guppies? Platies? Mollies? Endlers...
This might been a more or less “she may survive but maybe not” thread, but one of my cobra female guppies started showing symptoms of an infection a week ago.I do not have much experience with fungus and infections but I have been treating the tank for a good 4 days with API Melafix (and ick...
Good Morning!!
I’m new to this forum and very excited to be here. I’ve been keeping fish for many many years and now only keep one thirty gallon tank. I have this unusual male guppy that has a triple swordtail. Has anyone seen a guppy like this?
One of my guppies seems to have distanced himself from the others about two weeks ago.
I didn't really think anything of it, but hes always in one corner, in his own little world.
He is still eating and looks healthy?
Checking in to give ya’ll an update on my guppy fry from my last post! They are about three months now. Some have great colors, others haven’t colored yet. What do you guyse think? The fry in the first pic is absolutely stunning.
I have a very healthy 200l tank with a variety of fish who are all doing well.
I've noticed that one of the ten guppies is very fat and I'm very concerned.
I've had him for almost a year.
I originally thought the guppies were female but it turns out they're all male, so he definitely isn't...
Poor little guy looks like one of mine, I’d say it’s a bacterial infection of some sort, what do y’all think? I told the store, they’ll usually shut down and treat sick tanks.
I would like to set up a small, well planted aquarium with a nice filter, hiding place, and heater if needed. I have done research and have an idea on how i would stock it, but as i am a beginner, i need some confirmation or recommendations to make sure i do it right.
I was thinking 5...
So, I’ve only kept bettas but I’m wanting to branch out. I have very hard water and recently learned guppies do good in hard water! So I definitely wanna try them
I’m thinking of doing a 20 gallon, heavily planted tank. For stocking I want to do all males, because I don’t want to deal with...
I need to euthanize my guppy. How do I do it? I've got clove oil but I have no idea how much I need to put in
Edit: I've already done it now, he died within 5 seconds
All five of my guppies are staying at the bottom of the tank, they havent lost any colour.
I've only noticed them doing this today, I have a feeling I've over stocked the tank.
I am trying to set up the 200l as quickly as possible but things are taking a while to arrive.
Is there a way to...
Hi, I have a 70L fresh water tank. I have 2 koris and started with about 6 female guppies and 4 male guppies. I’ve had them for about 7 months and it was going well. They have been procreating and I think I ended up with about 25 guppies or so. I went to my usual fish shop yesterday and they...
Update- Following two very helpful and informative responses, a new and much bigger 150litre tank has been ordered so everyone will be having an upgrade to a tank over double the size of their existing tanks. The bigger the better! I have enough supplies to set up a temporary 60ltr accommodation...
I recently bought this fish from Petsmart. The employee said it was a platy and ended up picking a random sku because she didn't know which breed it was. I was thinking it was a very large female guppy but she's a lit bigger than guppies I've raised. (2in. in length) The black spot seems to be...
I have a difficult time identifying my guppies genders sometimes. Can someone help me identify this one? This is my first time on this forum so I hope this isn’t the wrong place to post.
If you need a better picture let me know!
I would just like to clarify, what exactly would be consider a heathy guppy's poop?
I see things about unhealthy or strange guppy poop, but I don't actually see any healthy poop. I just want to make sure I know what is what.
Here is an update on my 3-month-old guppy fry from my previous post.
Because of their rapid growth, you can already see their stunning colors. Most of the males have long black tails and blue shine on the body area with a hint of orange. Others are completely black with a hint of blue on their...
My name is Mirta, I'm from Italy, and I share an aquarium with my boyfriend Chrysovalantis.
We have two aquariums and half(...). I'll explain what I mean!
We have a 30L aquarium (with glass structure), a 16L aquarium (same as the previous one) and a 5L aquarium that we use as quarantine.
We have...
Been keeping an eye for a few days and I'm unsure if I should treat for dropsy with medication or.... Euthanize? Never seen swelling like this but she was eating and swimming fine until just this afternoon, now she is facing down.....
The photo of the orange tailed guppy in plain background is...