
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. C

    Bloated cory fry

    I have recently hatched Corydoras eggs for the first time. I have 3 fry currently in a breeding tank floating in the main tank. Two of them seem fine and are behaving as expected, but one of them seems to have a bloated abdomen and is struggling to swim or move around. Can anyone tell me what...
  2. D

    Going on Holiday with Guppy fry!

    So I am going on holiday on for 2 weeks, I currently have 3 female guppies and 10 guppy fry in a breeder box in a 54 litre tank. I am looking for advice on feeding them both and any tips. I have bought an automatic feeder which I can set 3x a day for the fry. But was wondering about the the...
  3. GothFishKeeper

    Need advice for breeding setup

    So my current setup is a 20G tank with live plants including hornwort wrapped around some spider wood as a “tree” to provide cover for my molly fry. The issue is that I have 11 full size fish in my tank, and I already have 20+ fry from one of my mollies giving birth. On top of that I have two...
  4. Tacocat

    Raising ram fry in community tank?

    I have a pair of Bolivian rams that laid eggs last week for the first time in a month and I was pretty excited. The eggs disappeared a couple days ago and today I found where the wrigglers went. I know that I probably won’t have the best outcome with survival rate but I want to know if there’s a...
  5. P

    Black Molly stuck in labor?

    I have a black Molly fish that gave birth to only one fish last week. I am home all day and have been keeping an eye on her and I haven't seen any other fry. She is acting the same as she was right before she went into labor. She's either wagging her tail fast near the heater or swimming around...
  6. samuraikitty7

    Endler females give birth a few fry at a time?

    About a month ago, I got a few female cobra endlers from another state...two fully mature, two less than. The two mature ones gave birth to a handful of fry. I don't have any mature males in this tank. Now I see a few more little fry. I know they can hold onto sperm for several months, but...
  7. Ram419

    Guppy fry

    Found this single fry yeseterday just hanging out in the breeder box.
  8. M


    So we discovered during a water change 3 little fry - presuming they are mollies Weve googled how to save them (i know a lot have probably been eaten) and found a 'fry trap' using a bottle with food in and a small hole for them to get into but so far no luck 😔 Ive ordered a hatchery type...
  9. MothMeat


    my polar blues finally had their babies, what should i do ??? at what point is human intervention necessary if at all??
  10. R

    Help, Emergency fry tank setup

    So I’m in a bit of a pickle. I’m wondering if someone can give me some advice. I have a pregnant swordtail in my 20gallon community tank and I also have a pair of (what I believe to be) sunset thicklipped gourami’s, which up until yesterday were in my community tank. However a couple of fish had...
  11. Lene

    Platy fry 2 weeks old

    Beginner’s luck? My coral platy gave birth to 35 little ones! They’re now two weeks old, very cute and still super tiny ❤️ I keep them in a separate tank, but how long is it recommended to keep them in a safe area? 8 weeks? Btw: I don’t plan on keeping them myself as my tank is too small for that.
  12. Darya

    Update on my 3rd gen guppies!

    Hi! Checking in to give ya’ll an update on my guppy fry from my last post! They are about three months now. Some have great colors, others haven’t colored yet. What do you guyse think? The fry in the first pic is absolutely stunning.
  13. C


    Can anyone help me i think my fish has laid eggs, what do i do to get prepared? tia
  14. M

    Fry invasion

    Hi all , I have 4 female swordtails and they have all decided to give birth at once and all are surviving 😯😯🤪, I'm not really into breeding and I thought most of them would be eaten by other fish,, this has definitely not happened, Amy advice ??
  15. E

    Very pregnant molly!

    Hi there, I believe my molly is extremely close to giving birth. I am just about to separate her from the main tank, but want to ensure it isn’t too soon. What do you guys think?
  16. V

    Close call story with fry

    I was doing a water change when I noticed one of my platy fry in the bucket. I had already dumped out most of the water. I probably didn't notice him at first because water isn't the only thing that gets sucked out (Gunk, fish poop, my sand if I'm not careful). Since the bucket was nearly empty...
  17. ella777

    Anyone know how to stop breeding?

    Hello! How can I house 6 rosy barbs without them breeding? I already have 1 male and 2 young females and I'm getting 3 more soon. The male has been chasing the females around quite a bit and I don't know if he's trying to breed or make friends. I definitely don't want them breeding. Apparently...
  18. V

    Breeder net fail??

    So, I had several babies that were living in a breeder net for a couple weeks. Today after I had added a new fish, there's only one baby left in the net. Meaning the rest either escaped or died. But I didn't think they were small enough to fit through the holes for that to happen. I don't...
  19. H

    Surprise explosion of fry!

    So I've been working on my newest project which is a 75 gal planted tank over the past few months. So far, everything is going absolutely wonderfully and apparently a little too much so! Currently, I have two adult gold gouramis (both male and female) and woke up the other day to an explosion...
  20. R


    hi, so i’ve got some danio and platy fish in my tank and i didn’t know that any were pregnant however when i looked in my tank tonight i saw this hovering near the filter and I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what breed it is. I’ve been looking very closely on images and videos of...
  21. Kyshiara

    Baby goldfish

    Hello! My goldfish have been breeding, and I have about 40-50 fry. Half of them are an Orange Goldfish x Sarasa Comet, and the other half an Orange Goldfish x Shubunkin. The Sarasa fry are around 3 weeks, and their caudal fins are developing nicely. They are in a jar currently, but I plan to...
  22. DoveFliesFree

    Is my platy pregnant/when will she give birth

    Hello! I have 3 female platy fish living with a male platy, and one of the females is very very large. Could someone please help identify if this is a pregnancy, and if it is when she will give birth? I have had pregnant fish but I miss the minnows and they get eaten :( The male is aggressively...
  23. V

    Is she big enough to not get eaten or should I put her in the net?

    My platies had babies, idk if I want to keep them all but this is definitely one, I want to keep. Should I throw her in the breeder net for safety? I do have places for them to hide but despite this the fry are out in the open a lot. I would like her to free roam, so it doesn't slow her growth...
  24. Darya

    Update on my guppy fry - now 3 months old!

    Here is an update on my 3-month-old guppy fry from my previous post. Because of their rapid growth, you can already see their stunning colors. Most of the males have long black tails and blue shine on the body area with a hint of orange. Others are completely black with a hint of blue on their...
  25. outofwater

    Is this fry fat, or does it have worms?

    Hi everyone, last Saturday I went by a nearby lfs and bought 3 ottos. Upon arrival at home I noticed a small, unknown fry in the bag. Couple of days later an otto died, so I went back to the store with the fish and water sample. After confirming all params were OK, (0 ammonia and nitrites, 10...
  26. Eardz

    Panda Corydoras Eggs

    Hi all, I found a few eggs from my panda Corydoras, I’ve never seen them breed and this is the first time I have seen eggs. Should I do anything special? I have just separated them within the tank for now. I’d love to see them hatch and grow to be strong fry and eventually adult fish to join...
  27. B

    Mixing Cory Eggs

    With the help of some other users advice, my first batch of peppered cory fry have hatched in the 2L cookie jar yesterday, I have been doing daily water changes. They have been spawning for months, but I have only just realised how tiny they are/ they've been escaping the breeder box slits the...
  28. E

    Is my pregnant guppy about to give birth?

    I have had this female guppy for about 2 weeks and she's been pregnant since day 1. I just separated her into a birthing container but am unsure if she's actually about to give birth soon. Her belly seems to have that "shape" I've read about and her gravid spot has gotten very big over the last...
  29. S

    Bristlenose pleco guarding eggs??

    Hi, I recently got a male albino bristlenose pleco, unknown to me at the time because I’m only a year into fish keeping… I must’ve had all female bristlenoses in my tank already when I got him because none of the other have spikes even half as big as his… Anyway, since he has been in the tank...
  30. G

    Possibly pregnant Swordtail help!!

    Fat or pregnant swordtail ?? Is she is pregnant how much longer do you think until babies? … so sorry she is pooping😂 It’s a koi female swordtail and I also have a male koi swordtail I have another post too today for a platy if u can help with that too won’t let me put vids so they are blurry
  31. Xious

    Dying Fish?

    Hello! I'm relatively new to the hobby, about a year in. I have a 155g tank with 2 Oscars, 2 catfish, and 2 goldfish (that the oscars didn't eat and have grown). I also have a 55g planted tank that's cycled and houses an army of Cherry Shrimp, plants, and 5 snails. Recently i've added guppies...
  32. LuluH

    Baby guppys and filter intake pipe

    Can anyone recommend a good preventative measure to stop the very young fry under a month old from being swept into the cylinder's end that is black plastic with gaps. i used the toes' tip of a ladies fine stocking and elastic band over it this week but found one fish was attached by its mouth...
  33. Kelseyghardin125

    Pregnant Endler Guppy - Does this look normal?

    I purchased a couple of Endler females from the aquarium store yesterday. The employee said a couple of them that she picked *should* be fixing to pop. After getting them home and having time to thoroughly look them over, I noticed that 2 of them look seriously miserable. One is swimming...
  34. Linkandnavi

    My current six tank setups

    Hi guys, Haven't done this before but thought I'd post my current tank setups. Apologies for the quality of photos/reflections. Taken just before dawn, room lights off, blinds closed and tank lights on and still have reflections... :rolleyes: Anyhow! Tank #1: Angelfish community in my...
  35. Barry Tetra

    Lemon tetra fries

    Hello everyone. I found some fries in the tank with 6 lemon tetras. Do I need to move the fries or adults to QT tank?
  36. M

    Aggression levels of betta brothers

    Hey so, recently my opal male betta and koi female mated and I have been raising their fry for 3 weeks now. I plan on selling/giving away the male offspring and actually wondered if male betta brothers who have always lived in the same space together will get along as adults too. I am assuming...
  37. Circus

    Development of N. Multifasciatus

    How long does it take for the Neolamprologus Multifasciatus fry to reach sexual maturity? I have a trio, 2F 1M, with a batch of fry from each female. Each clutch emerged 2 to 3 weeks apart. The first set of fry look like miniature versions of the adults, and the second are still developing...
  38. Circus

    80 gallon with Orange Chromide Fry

    Rather than the usual pair in my 29 gallon (who have yet to successfully raise their fry), a pair of Orange Chromides in my 80 gallon tank decided to pair off. They are about 2 weeks in from first laying of eggs.
  39. P

    Help whats wrong with my 2 day old molly fry?

    i have a 2 day old molly fry he/she is randomly twirling in the middle of swimming and just continues to swim normally as if nothing happened I included a video please help
  40. R

    Guppy Fry

    Hello! Can someone give me some tips at caring for 160+ guppy fry. My aunt wanted to throw her sons guppies (I separated them by gender the first time I got them) so I decided to adopt them since my brother has been wanting some for a while now, and noticed that 3 of them was pregnant, the...