
  1. J

    4Mm Glass For Tank?

    I am getting a lot of window panes and there all 4mm thick in my area just wanted to know what would be the biggest size tank I could make with 4mm maybe 2 foot length 1 foot width and 2 foot high? Or what would be the ideal size? That would be safe? Or could I stick two peices of 4mm together...
  2. B

    Just Joined

    Hi   Just joined this morning, my name is Lee and i have been keeping Tropical fish for 30years and have kept all different types but never mbuna cichlids so for my 43yr birthday i am going to sett up a tank so i can have 3 - 4 species naturallyi am reading as much info on the net and forums as...
  3. J

    What Are My Zebra Danios Upto:s?

    I had 5 zebra danios they where fine in the tank could always see at least 3 of them at all times I got them to put ammonia in my tank so It would cycle I have now cycled my tank so was going to give them away but have grown fond to them and am keeping them but I put a small silver shark in...
  4. B

    Red Cherry Shrimp Sale

    Does anyone have or know of any Red Cherry Shrimp for sale?   Ive had a new tank 80l setup for 3months with a trio of betta splendorus in. I WANT SHRIMP. so bad   Does anyone have any shrimp for sale. Id prefer hi qual red cherrys but id be interested in nice bumblebees or anything new =)  ...
  5. J

    What Fish Should I Breed?

    I'm looking for a fish to breed in a 120 litre tank I want a colourful and a fish that won't eat it's own eggs the majority of the time, I want a fish that sells for quite a bit too was going to breed electric blue rams but I don't really know yet could someone give me some advice. My tank! Ph...
  6. argoma

    New Tank!

    Hi everyone,   so i told you i would keep you posted on how the new tank thing was going. I got it in the morning, and set it up after lunch. I bought dark red gravel as i said i would and put it in there. The little...
  7. tmoney7

    Good Fish Food

    So at the moment i have pygmy corys and a betta in a 10 gal and they both have their own food specifically for them.  When i get my other 10 gal tank cycled (which should be in about a week and a half) i will be putting endlers in there.  So what i was wondering is what kind of food i should get...
  8. tmoney7

    Good Fish Food

    So at the moment i have pygmy corys and a betta in a 10 gal and they both have their own food specifically for them.  When i get my other 10 gal tank cycled (which should be in about a week and a half) i will be putting endlers in there.  So what i was wondering is what kind of food i should get...
  9. ChaseO

    Filter For 20G Reef Tank

    New to saltwater aquariums, I have had a freshwater aquarium before but want to get started with salt water aquarium. I have a 20 gallon long aquarium. I want to get a filter for it, that will be suitable for corals in the future anemones, and fish. I don't want to spend over hundred and $120...
  10. R

    I Have A New Tank

    I have brought a tank and have left it to run for a week and a half and i have brought 6 fish, 2albino corydoras, 2mollies and 2guppies, the fish have been in for afew days but the tank is cloudy and was cloudy before i put the fish in, what shall i do? I have changed about 10% of the water...
  11. J

    Electric Blue Ram Help!

    I am currently in process of cycling my tank and was going to get electric blue rams and breed them but was looking into it and seems really hard just to get the water right I know the ph doesn't really matter aslong as its stable and in low 7's or 6's what I don't get is how I know if my water...
  12. J

    What Is Wrong With Him?

    What's wrong with my fish?
  13. J

    Pink Tropical Fish

    Are there any pink fish? Like a intense pink? Please put pictures up and names if there is any?
  14. J

    Electric Blue Rams

    my ph is 6.5, my ammonia is 0.50ppm, my nitrite is around 0.5-0.10, my nitrate is around 40ppm but i have no fish so dont mind about the nitrate at the moment i will just do a water change. my water is at 82 degrees too.   am i doing okay as this is my first tank i will be getting the fish in a...
  15. J

    Is This Oscar Rare?

    Is this Oscar rare and how much is it worth?
  16. jellychris

    Cave Using Fish Suggestions

    I have a tropical nano tank that I'm thing of making a custom 3d background for, incorporating lots of tunnels and caves But what kind of fish (or crustacean) would use them the most? And take into account that this a nano tank. I've thought of gold dojo loaches or mabye a dwarf cichlid. Thanks...
  17. C

    Fish Identification

    Hello,   A buddy of mine is moving to a new apartment and is giving me his 2 fish. He has no idea what kind of fish they are because he got them as a gift. If someone can please identify them it will help me out a lot.   Thank you. 
  18. X

    String Algae

    Hi, I have an algae problem in my tank and was wandering what fish will eat the string/hair algae and is compatible with discus? I have a SAE but it doesn't look like he's eating any algae.  I have done many water changes but the algae always comes back, I am also limiting my lights to be on for...
  19. J

    What Is This Rock And Is It Safe For My Tank?

    i found alot of this rock in my garden which im guessing is slate but not sure and it had patches of black stuff on it which i think is tar i have sterilised the rock/slate and scraped as much of the black stuff of as possible i have put it in my tank but i have no fish in the tank yet and am...
  20. Fiji

    New 55 Gallon Questions

    Hello I am currently setting up a freshwater 55 gallon fish tank that's been laying around in my garage for a while. I have some questions about the compatibility of the fish I would like to put in it. 1 angelfish 4-5 boesemani rainbowfish 4-5 Cory catfish 1 dojo loach 1 blue gourami I also...
  21. Squatchmen

    Hey, From Nj

    I'm a newbie at fish keeping and it took a while but found my perfect stocking list for my aquarium, here they are, but I would really like a premiere fish that a combination of peaceful, beautiful, large - here are the other fish on my list, I need help find the one large fish that could be my...
  22. Valiant

    Best Online Fish Store

    I wanted to get habrosus corydoras but they don't seem to have them at any of my local pet stores, so is there any online websites that sell this type of fish? I've heard about but alot of people have complaints about them.
  23. B

    Freshwater Aquarium - Dried Seaweed Query.

    Hi, just a query.   Ive rebuilt an 80l freshwater tank, new substrate but lots of the orignal plants and an oversized hob filter with lots of mature filter media. Been cycling with a 50/50 mix of old tank water (from my 150l tank's water change) and new de-chlor tap water.   I used a load of...
  24. FurFinFeathers

    Betta Tank Upgrade Advice

    i want to upgrade my betta to a 2.5 gallon tank so he can be happier and healthier. I was wondering if it was possible to put a filter and heater in the tank, and if so, which ones? I was looking at these:  ...
  25. AngelAi

    My New Bettas

    my new green lace bettas. they are not here yet but they will be soon and after I'm done conditioning them i'm gonna try to breed.  getting 2 females. 
  26. AngelAi

    I Have An Idea!

    I dont know much about salt water tanks. but What if someone Made a filter that was also a heater? if there is not something like that already. It would save space in your tank.
  27. AngelAi

    Are These Fish Hard To Take Care Of?

      I Never had a salt water tank before just fresh water. I was thinking when I get the money to of getting a salt water tank and I would really like a tank of these little guys, And I was wondering if any other fish can go in with them or can they even be in a tank with more then one? are they...
  28. B

    Help! Quantity Of Fish?

    I am in the process of fish less cycling my 90litre tank. I'm looking into the fish I would like in my tank. But I'm not sure how many of each I should get. Can you help with a few ideas so I know I won't over stock my tank please Fish I'm looking at getting are Guppies male and female (I...
  29. AngelAi

    Hello Every One!

    hello every one! I'm new  to the site. and rather new to fish keeping but from learning about breeding betta fish I have learned a few neat tricks and what not. I'm hopping to get into the hobby a bit more. I have around 10 tanks with all kinda fish. some are just grow out tanks for my fry. I'm...
  30. RossC

    Practical Fishkeeping Magazine Subscription £40 Inc P+P 12 Months

    Title: Practical Fishkeeping Magazine Subscription for a Year Quantity for sale: 12 Months, 1 copy per month Delivery or Collection: Delivery Sales price: £40 for whole year including P+P Postage & Packaging: Free Location: Walsall, UK / Post to anywhere in UK Photograph: (this is the cover of...
  31. NomNomTiger

    Sex My Angels Please !

    I think I sexed them correct but not sure.  Are they both female ?
  32. D

    Urgent Urgent Help Needed!

    Hi Guys so im going to give you a basic break down of the history of my setup and what i need help with.   I bought a 4ft tank with angel fish and a few other fish. very mature tank (jewel)   didnt like angel fish or tank so sold it.   Bought a used marine tank. took all substrate out and...
  33. D

    First Tropical Fish Tank, Need Some Help And Advice

    Hello,   I'm hoping you can help me...   On Friday I won an auction on ebay for an 80 x 30cm fish tank with heater and a Fluval 4 filter (not sure what type of filter pad it has, as I can only find info on the Fluval 4 Plus).   It also came with a stand, light and 9 fish!   I gave it all a good...
  34. P

    Help With Stocking A 135 Gallon Freshwater Tank

    No african cichlids, I would like more than one stocking Idea please
  35. Y

    My Platy Had Babies, But She Is Only 3 Months Old?

    hi there, my platy had babies but she is only 3 months old? is this okay?   I have a video of her having one of them, I don't know if she's too young? any help?  
  36. LicianDragon

    Resources For Setting Up A Paludarium?

    I love the look of paludariums and have always wanted to create one but I can't find any good sources that explain the process. Some of the ones I've seen have potting soil in the above ground part but I'd be worried about anything leeching from that potting soil into the water and possibly...
  37. D

    Betta Fish Male Problem - The Fish Is Freaking Out

    Hey, there. I need help. My sister's fish which is a Betta fish and is now under my care cause of reasons. Well the fish was normal every day until yesterday which started to have some "freak out" 's.. the first time it happened was when i entered from the exit door of my house and the fish just...
  38. S

    Ammonia Levels At 8.0 Ppm! Help!

    Hello, We recently noticed that out tiger barbs were just laying around, not eating as much, and losing a lot of color. We are beginners so we do not know much about taking care of fish tanks. It is a fairly new tank it is about 2-3 weeks old. So we bought an API Liquid Test kit and the levels...
  39. M

    Sunset Fire Platy Pregnant?

    Hello everyone, I currently have a tank with two sunset fire platy's and two angelfish. One of the platy's seems to have a big bulge in its stomach compared to the other one. They are both females but had been in a tank with other males before being moved into this one. I am begining to think...
  40. NorthEastFisherman

    Fully Aquatic Newts?

    I have several tanks a 29g, 26g, 15g, 10g, and a few couple gallon tanks. Just browsing petco and saw lizards and geckos and thought how cool they were but my parents would never let me get a gecko or lizard but im sure i could get an aquatic newt of somesort. My question is; is there a fully...