
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. A

    Science Teacher Needs Identification Help!

    Hello!   So I am a science teacher who was wondering if anyone could identify the following two types of fish for my classroom:         The first fish species are two striped little guys. One of them has some orange on its dorsal fin with two black spots while the other is more plain looking...
  2. mrstwalker

    Ordering Fish - Help!

    Here lately the stock of Bettas and Orandas at the LFS have been pretty lousy. I am looking to set up a tank for either a betta (already have 2) or  2 Oranda goldfish. I am looking to purchase quality fish of either species from a good breeder.   Does anyone know a good website I could purchase...
  3. mrstwalker

    Angel Fish/gourami - Help!

    My husband and I have recently aquired a 55 gal tank. We are rigorously doing research trying to decide on what to stock the tank with.    We are interested in doing around 3-4 angels and 3-4 gourami's in the tank, we have done a lot of research on how these fish do together and for the most...
  4. mrstwalker

    Fish Brag! Monster Rainbow Trout

    A rainbow trout my husband caught in a wild stream in NC. Beautiful monster fish! 
  5. xohaibshahzad

    New To Keeping Fish

    Hi, i want to make a fish tank, i have no idea of "how to keep fish", i just want to have a fish tank, full of fishes that's it, i don't want to hurt them either that's why i am asking for your opinion here. the tank i want to prepare is of 8mm glass, the size 'd be around   L= 5Ft (60") W= 2Ft...
  6. ArsenalFan11

    Is This Sunset Platy Pregnant?

    Currently in a hatchery, been in tank for around a month and a half, rarely comes out. Definitely female. Please help! Any suggestions and questions are welcome!  
  7. M

    Pregnant Tiger Barb? Green Splodge On Glass?

    Hi, I am slightly panicking at the moment because I am unsure as to 2 things going on in my tank. Firstly my tiger barb is very fat and I'm almost 100% sure she's pregnant. However I have just noticed a green splodge about 1cm by 1cm with darker green dots in the middle on the side of the tank...
  8. tomh1232

    Hi Im New To This Forum ! :)

    Well where to start.  I suppose a short introduction would be suitable. Hi my names Tom i am 21 years old and have been addicted to nature since i was very young i live in Birmingham city *uk* and i have recently become addicted to fish it started with tadpoles then frogs and we have a pond so...
  9. rcampbel04

    New Member - Did My Research After Buying A Tank = /

    Hello everyone. As you can tell from my title, i am new AND made the mistake of not doing my research before buying an aquarium setup. That being said, i have a fresh new 10 gallon tank with two fish in it (angelfish and a blood parrot) and i am caught between returning the fish to do a fishless...
  10. mcontra25

    New To Fish Hobby, Looking For Some Advice.

    Hello All,  I just recently inherited a 55 gallon tank that was being occupied by a 8 inch Red Tail Tin Foil Barb and two 6 inch Pictus Catfish. The tank itself came with an External Hanging Agua-Tech 30/60 Power Filter and a External Hanging Aqueion Power Filter 10. I do recognize that Barbs...
  11. D34DLY

    Stocking A 75 Gallon (291Litres) Tank

    Hey guys!   So I need help for stocking suggestions (those who had helped a few months ago may recognise me. I'm back again, but this time have a few measurements changed. :) )   Here is my tap water quality:    Anyway, I need some ideas on what fish I should stock. I would like a community...
  12. Kabernick30

    Biggest Fish For A 26 Gallon?

    Im looking for a big/midsized fish for my 26 gallon its cycled and only has 3 fish in it Any suggestions?
  13. KruseZoo

    Two Pleco's In One Tank?

    Hi, I have a 55 gallon tank that has been established for almost two years, and I have a common plecostomus that is probably around  3-4 years old. He is about 9 inches long. I saw this little peppermint plecostomus at the LFS yesterday and fell in love with him Is it possible to have 2 pleco's...
  14. M

    My Mollies

    I recently got 2 Molly 1)black and 1)Dalmatian and also A Mickey platy. Here's the problem my Dalmatian I know is a male well he keeps going after my black Molly trying to mate but it also looks like a male. I'd like to know whether my black Molly could be changing sexes Or if I should get some...
  15. Kabernick30

    How Many Cories Is Enough?

    I know to have a balanced tank, you want to distribute top, middle and bottom swimmers and not overcrowd but cories stick to the bottom of the tank so would it matter whether you only had 2-3 or a big school like 6-7 since they dominate the tank floor and wouldnt cause overcrowding because they...
  16. M

    Is My Swordtail Pregnant?

    Hi there, I recently purchased one female and one male swordtail, I have had them in my community tank for about 12 days. I am really keen for my swordtail to have fry, but I am not sure if she is pregnant or not! I will attach an image of the fish below.. If the fish is not pregnant I would...
  17. Kabernick30

    New Tank Concern

    Recently 3 of my 6 fish have died due to what appears to be a internal parasite causing dropsy. I currently have nothing to treat the tank however im curious if ishould treat it or is it to late as it seems to be spreading. Also would transferring gravel, driftwood and filter media to a new...
  18. G

    Help Started A Few Days Ago

    I had three rainbow fish one died and the other two have this white stuff on its mouth. What is it and can it be cured? Could it be spread from fish to fish.
  19. A

    Help, Odd Fish

    Hi,   I have just come back from my local tropical fish shop and started acclimating my new fish when i realised that i have an odd fish, it think its a tetra but it is on its own as it was in a bag of ottos can someone tell me what to do???   Thanks in advance  
  20. ChancesMama

    Betta And Ottos.

    Hello everyone! Since everyone here is so nice and informative, I've decided to ask you another question. I have quite a fair amount of fish knowledge under mt belt and let me stress that I am in no way saying that this needs to happen. My beta is comfortable and I will be getting her a bigger...
  21. C


    My Fishing has been doing this right after I did a 50% water change. My water is well Oxygenated. Someone help, im supposed to sell this fish soon, it cant die ! 
  22. B

    Betta Fry Advice.

    Hi guys just a quick one.   Ive now bred 2 lines of bettas, 2weeks and 4 weeks old. Now my question is when will they grow?! lol silly question i know bt its my 1st time with bettas. my 4 week old fry obviously bigger than 2 week old but yet still they are about the size of day old guppy fry...
  23. B

    Female All Red Delta Guppy Fry

    Hi guys just a quick one. Got some new stock about 6 months ago including a trio of all red big tailed guppies, v nice. Now ive let em too it 2 times now (the trio is young less than a year old) and ive got 2 batchs of fry about 50 in total. They are 4 weeks and 8 weeks old respec.   Now my...
  24. J

    Can't Keep Nitrate Level Down

    I wannt to keep my nitrate low but it comes out the tap around 20-25ppm which I know is fine for my fish as they have been alive for several years but recently wanted to breed my fish and I know nitrate over 20ppm kills most of the fry of as I have been told unless this is untrue, I was...
  25. J

    Rainbow Cichlid Eggs!

    My first set of eggs after 2 weeks first time breeding rainbow cichlids any advice that would help me be more successful? Breeding pair.
  26. T

    Hello Everyone

    Just posting here to introduce myself and give everyone a little information. I haven't been in the aquarium hobby as long as most (about 2 years now) but I am picking up on everything fast and want to continue learning about eveything there is to know in the hobby. Right now I am mainly into...
  27. J

    Do You Need A Light Constantly On When Breeding?

    Just wondering do you need a source of light contantly when breeding rainbow cichlids as how will the male fertilise the eggs in the dark when he can't see? Or can they see in the dark? Just wanted to know as I have a breeding pair and don't know whether to switch the light of in the night or...
  28. I

    Is This Helleri Pregnant?

    Hello,   I am wondering if this helleri is pregnant. What is your opinion?  
  29. J

    My Fish

    Some of my fish
  30. J

    Golden Sevrum

  31. J

    Gold Sevrum Male And Female?

    Are these male and fema just want to make sure. The one I think is male. The one I thinks female.
  32. R

    How Much To Feed?

    So I have a tank with two not-yet-full-grown angelfish, a goldfish, 6 neon tetras, a bottom feeder and a snail. How much should I be feeding them everyday? I'm just not sure. 
  33. LaurenRhiain

    Best Cichlids For 60Ltr Tank?

    Hey all! I now have an empty fully cycled 60 litre tank which I'm going to clean and water check before re-stocking.  I was wondering what the best sort of Cichlids would be for a 60 litre tank? I really need some help and info on this as I'd love to keep Cichlids of a smaller size- any...
  34. jecolaco

    Sticking Glass Tank For Aquarium

    I'm looking for an adhesive to stick my glass aquarium. where I live no aquarium silicone is available. can I use 'feviquick' or 'fevibond' or 'marine fevicol' from the local hardware stores? are these brands safe for freshwater aquariums?   thanks
  35. W

    Stocking 20G High Tank

    I am getting a 20 gallon tank tomorrow. I am planning on the fish I would stock it with and how I would cycle it?   My current plan for fish is: 2 Dwarf Gourami's 3 Guppies 4 Albino Cory Catfish 5 Silver Hatchet fish I ran this through and it sad 99% stocking capacity.   I was...
  36. Kabernick30

    Best Medium Peaceful Fish

    What are your favourite peaceful medium sized fish? (3-6 inches)   my favourite is the boesemani rainbow fish
  37. Kabernick30

    Stocking Question

    I have a 26 gallon tank with driftwood and a few live plants   i currently have.. 1 albino cory catfish 2 platies 1swordtail 1  black phantom tetra   can i add a school of cherry barbs and an angelfish?   im looking to transition to a semi aggressive tank
  38. ChancesMama

    Need Help With Ammonia Levels!

    Okay so, I have been struggling with Ammonia for about a month and I think I know what I want but I need to be sure so this wont happen again. I have a 28gallon (roughly 106 litres), currently I have 8 neon tetras and 4 cherry barbs but they will be gone by next week. I first noticed my ammonia...
  39. ChancesMama

    Transferring Fish

    Hello all! I have a small dilemma but I have to have an answer pronto!     I have a 28 gallon tank that is currently housing 8 neon tetras and 4 Cherry Barbs. I've been having a constant struggle with the Ammonia levels and have decided to get rid of all my fish and start over. This being said...
  40. SJKS

    Fish Swimming Tail Down

    Hey guys, I have a yellow guppy that is swimming with it's tail very low down and seems to sink a lot. It also seems to gave gone a bit paler in colour (it was yellow and pearly and now just very pale). The guppy's tail also seems to be very tatty recently (as does the other yellow guppy, but he...