betta (male)

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  1. Gracie1275

    Fin Rot??

    I have a male Halfmoon Twintail Betta named Craig. He is my first fish and I have only had him for three days. I have him in a 10 gallon tank with a heater, filter, and plenty of decorations and hiding spots. The first day I had him, his color was fine. His body is a beautiful dark blue, and his...
  2. B

    Betta tank mates?

    Hi there hopefully I have gotten the correct category for my question :) I have recently purchased a 22 litre tank and was looking at getting a betta. From my research this seems like a good size, but I was wondering about tank mates. Is there any tank mates that you recommend or would a Betta...
  3. RacketyWharf93


    So my I cleaned my betta tank today but the gas bubbles appeared was just curious how long it takes before I can put him back in it because he's in a cramped little bowl right now and he isn't too happy bout it. Also I've yried everything to feed him bloodworms but he literally doesn't like them...
  4. S

    HELP!! betta got stuck in filter

    ive had my betta fish Frosty for about a year now and I love him dearly. I noticed he was hanging around by his filter and wouldn’t eat yesterday—and today I was going to clean his tank and I noticed he was stuck!!! He eventually lodged himself free but now his fins are turning black an he won’t...
  5. Y

    Need help with my betta.

    Tank size: 55l pH: 7.5 ammonia: dont have a test nitrite: <0.3 nitrate: dont have a test kH: 3° gH: 3° tank temp: 25° (I'll explain why it's low) So the 18th of October I got my first fish a dumbo betta. First day he glass surfed near his air pump which made me turn it off and he stopped...
  6. O

    New Betta Fish

    Hi, I'm new here. I'm not really experienced with fish, but I do want to make sure that I take care of them correctly. I recently got a new Betta at my local pet store, the owner is a huge fish lover and has had the store for over 30 years, I trust them immensely and go there instead of Petco...
  7. T

    Unusual water change help

    So I know how to normally change my betta's water when his tank and the new water are the same temperature. The issue is I live in a dorm with no AC so I have a fan on his little tank so the temperature doesn't go too high. However, because of the fan on his water, the water I want to add is a...
  8. H

    Rescue Betta and Fin Rot

    I recently bought a new betta from the dreaded Walmart. His antiseptic water had faded from bright blue to clear, he had absolutely no food, and it appeared that he has a pretty terrible case of fin rot. I've had many happy and healthy bettas and when I saw his condition it broke my heart to see...
  9. P

    How to Cure Fin Rot

    Hello, I know many similar threads have been posted, but it's difficult to find them all and synthesize the relevant information to my situation, so I'd greatly appreciate some advice. I got a new male veltail betta fish a week and a half ago from the pet store. I was mildly suspicious he had...
  10. P

    My Betta tank

    This is a photo of my Betta tank I've been cycling for a few weeks. The Betta and horned nerite snails will be shipped on Monday!! I'm so nervous because I've never shipped fish before
  11. A

    Hello! I'm new to raising my betta babies and I need some help because I think one of them is sick

    Hello please help me if you can! I got this betta a few weeks back alone with another Betta that sadly passed. My betta has been weak since the other betta passed (they share a tank) and I'm afraid that he may have gotten sick because of my other betta that passed. Yesterday he was gasping...
  12. B

    Betta stressed or sick?Need help!

    So,I've had my betta Eros for about a two weeks and he was in great health at the time.I made sure to clean his tank and decorations before placing them inside and I added conditioner to the tap water.I allowed the water to be filtered for about a week before getting him and dosed the water with...
  13. H

    Betta progress!

    I bought this betta from a store that was closing down, he was the very last one and he looked very sad so I decided to take him home.. I bought him a 2.5 gallon, a heater, and a filter along with some fake plants. I knew this tank was only temporary though.. I didn't think he was sick.. just...
  14. Woody781

    Can a Betta live with Cherry Shrimp?

    Can a Betta live with Cherry Shrimp? or would they be eaten? Are they compatible?
  15. S

    EMERGENCY! New betta fin rot??

    i got this male betta a little over a week ago and had him in a 1.5 gal bowl and two days ago i moved him to a 3.5 gallon tank with a filter and heater, my thermometer says the temp is at 81 degrees, but i've noticed a black outline on his tail and it kinda looks like the ends of his fins are a...
  16. Woody781

    New Betta -colour change

    I have only had my Betta a week now and he was at first pinky purple and now he has change colour -more purple. The first 2 pictures are of the betta at the fish shop just before I got him. The next 2 pictures are today. Would too much light cause this?? Should I be worried? Usually he has...
  17. Willard The Betta

    Help! Does my betta have velvet?

    Hi everyone! Let me start by saying, I am a proud new owner of Willard the betta! I want only what's best for him, and since I do not have a lot of knowledge in betta fish care, I've been doing some research. I see that velvet is common in betta fish, and Willard has a gold shimmer.... Since you...
  18. Willard The Betta

    Help! Velvet or iridescence?

    Hi everyone! Let me start by saying, I am a proud new owner of Willard the betta! I want only what's best for him, and since I do not have a lot of knowledge in betta fish care, I've been doing some research. I see that velvet is common in betta fish, and Willard has a gold shimmer.... Since you...
  19. Willard The Betta

    Velvet? Iredescense? I'm new to this!

    Hi everyone! Let me start by saying, I am a proud new owner of Willard the betta! I want only what's best for him, and since I do not have a lot of knowledge in betta fish care, I've been doing some research. I see that velvet is common in betta fish, and Willard has a gold shimmer.... Since you...
  20. S

    Hello! I'm new here! I have a question about my male Betta fish. I hope someone can help me!

    Hello! I have a male betta fish. I bought him last July 1, 2017. I bought him a small tank. I also added ceramic decoration and plants. On his first two weeks, he was happy and kept swimming in his tank. But then few days from now, like 2 - 3 days.. he started eating slowly. I thought I just...
  21. B

    Help! What's This Thing On My Betta?

    I've had my Halfmoon Betta, Angel, for about 2 months. I noticed this weird growth(?) on him this morning and I've been super worried about it. Can anybody help me identify it? I keep his water between 78 - 85 degrees. I change it and condition it every week. He's fed twice a day (Aqueon Betta...
  22. K

    Concerned about my betta resting on the bottom

    I have a male betta i got from petco as a birthday present in march. its now july and i was gone for 5 days for a funeral and came back to see my neighbor had over fed him and his tank wasnt looking good. he was still swimming and acting normal so i left again to see another family member for a...
  23. RezKat

    Betta is at bottom of tank

    Hi was wondering if anyone can help. I have a 20 litre tank, temp at 24C with filter and pump. My tank has a Albino catfish, Platy and a Betta. The betta recently has been on the ground and not moving alot, iv noticed over the past few weeks his tail looked shredded now it is short, his fins...
  24. C

    Seashells for Betta Aquarium

    I just got my first paradise betta and tank. I wanted to use shells from when my family visited Florida. My father claimed I could boil them for 6 minutes or more and then rise them well. Will this work? I want to make sure to keep my fish living and thriving as much as possible. Also any...
  25. A

    Scale loss on my betta? Pls help

    Hi all, My betta had this white patch on his head, it's not raised or 'fuzzy' as you can see in the pictures. I'm not even sure if it's something to worry about but another member told me it might be scale loss. What helps alleviate this?? And what do you make of these pictures. Thankyou for...
  26. A

    Please Help!!

    I'm afraid my fish, John Quincy Adams, is sick! He had a white spot on his fin when I first got him 9 months ago but it did not grow or change so I left it alone. I've begun to notice that his tail looks like it might be deteriorating and some of his dark blue color is lightening. He has...
  27. musicalbetta

    Help! Betta is inactive??

    I have a halfmoon twin tail betta fish and he's been very inactive lately, he's been hanging out at the bottom of the tank and doesn't really do anything. He still eats and moves around every few hours (or if i get him to). I also just started going back to school and haven't been seeing him...
  28. bytez

    HELP: what type of betta

    Hello! I just recently bought a betta but not sure what type or if its a good quality.. i love him already but i just want to know what type of betta he is.. his scales shine but not sure if he is a metallic c butterfly betta. hope you can identify his classification
  29. M

    Sick Betta - Help Required

    I rescued 2 male Betta 3 weeks ago that were in a small glass bowl and with a glass sheet seperating them & nothing else in there. I bought a duo 20lt tank with filter, heater. Boys settled and fine. I changed the water Sunday (with conditioner and temp to 26 degrees) and boys went back fine...
  30. M

    Sick Betta Fish - Help Required

    I rescued 2 male betta about 3 was ago having seen them in a tiny bowl with a glass separating them and nothing else in their. I have bought a duo 20l tank. The boys have done well and adjusted. I changed the water on Sunday, used conditioner and they were fine. Since Monday morning now one...
  31. S

    Can I turn my betta filter off at night?

    Hi, my question is exactly as stated above. I just got a betta fish a couple days ago, and the noise of the filter is driving me nuts. The first night it was actually just a very quiet hum which I didn't mind. But tonight it's suddenly much louder and keeping me awake. I have looked up threads...
  32. B

    New Betta Help!

    Hi guys, I ordered my new betta on Friday and he finally arrived today! What should have been exciting turned in to terror when I opened his box and saw that his bag had leaked and as such had very minimal oxygen/water remaining with no heat pack. I saw he was moving quite rapidly so started...
  33. JohnathanSt

    My Betta has gone mental!

    Hi All. Hopefully you can help me.I have a small fish tank homing my betta fish and some neon tetra. For over a month now they have all co existed and were best of friends. For some reason my Betta, over the last few days, has decided to go full on psycho. He wont stop chasing the tetra around...
  34. A

    Betta's fins shredding?

    I'm just wondering if anyone might know what's going on with my bettas fins, at the bottom they look like they are shredding. There is no discolouration where they are shredding, they've never looked like that before. I've had him for 7 months. Thanks
  35. B

    Tank setup

    Hello all, apologies if I posted in the wrong forum, new around these parts. I have a blue male Betta. Currently he is in a 3 gallon tank by himself, he's been there for roughly 6 months. Since he's an active fellow, I have recently begun to feel like he needs some more space. My plan was to...
  36. Crazy_fish_mom


    I'm new to the forum thing but I'm excited to share what I know. I currently have these fish and tanks: 10gallon Mr. Whiskers-Gourami Rebel-Betta Adam-Cory Catfish 6 ghost shrimp- unnamed 5 gallon Midnight-Betta Cory 1&2- Cory catfish 2.5 gallon Luka-Betta 2 gallon Phoenix- Betta...
  37. M

    Advice in moving betta to a 5G tank

    Hello all, I have had my male crowntail in a 1G filtered and heated Betta tank for the last 10 months. I have been using Topfin Betta water conditioner with him (Yes, I know prime is supposed to be better but this is what he came with), and giving him 90% water changes every 10 days. It sounds...
  38. C

    New betta

    Hello all I got my first betta yesterday! I've been successful with only goldfish in the past, and I wanted to try something new. A friend recommended a betta for their hardiness and beauty, so thats what I got! He is a male Crowntail. Right now he is living in a 5 gallon tank with one live...
  39. Waterfins

    I'm worried I did something wrong

    I just got my crowntail betta and placed him in his heated 2.5 gallon tank after acclimating him to the water. I set this aquarium up weeks before and tested the water, the PH was 7.0 and the temperature stays around 25 degrees Celsius. I also added some bacteria supplement. After a few days he...
  40. Ammolite

    Quickly advancing finrot, help!

    About 3 weeks ago i 'rescued' a betta from my local pet store, he was being sold as a half moon but clearly wasn't (He's actually a delta tail upon further research) He was significantly smaller then any betta i'd seen being sold at the store, so i suspected he was a juvenile. He was sitting at...