betta (male)

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  1. A

    What is going on with my Betta?

    Hey , please help, my Betta stays sometimes like this . What is going on?
  2. Emilee Maphui

    Could my Betta scales be starting to pine cone? (Dropsy?)

    I had bought a Male Adult Betta 3 months ago in August. He is a red crowntail, and has been generally healthy since I have had him, until a few weeks ago. I had some problems with constipation, but I had held up a mirror to him, and he had gone to the bathroom and the mild swelling went down. I...
  3. T

    White patch suddenly appeared on head

    I’ve had this Betta for not even a week now. This morning he looked fine but I went to turn the tank lights off and he had some white patch on his head. Here he is two days ago: And here he is now: I have no idea what this could be, anyone here know if it’s an infection or if I should...
  4. F

    Male Betta with Red Tailed Shark

    This is not perminant but right now I have a male betta fish, red tailed shark, and a few other small passive fish in a 10 gallon tank. (The RTS is still a baby and will be moved out within a few months or so when I get a 40 gallon tank). I'm worried about both the betta and the RTS as the RTS...
  5. V

    Newbie, New tank, Tons of questions.

    Greetings everyone, My name is Victor and I'm new to this hobby. English is not my first language so please bear with my broken thread, I need help in fixing some non-fatal but still serious tank problems. I settled up a new fresh water tank for a betta a while ago, it holds about ten gallons...
  6. K

    Constantly Worried my New Betta is Dying...

    I've had my betta for almost a month now, and while I thought fish are supposed to be pretty low maintenance, I spend most of my day worrying he is sick and analyzing his every move. Is there a betta expert out there that can tell me if by looking at him, he's healthy or not? He is almost always...
  7. blueseas

    Tips on stocking?

    So, I've just bought a 10 g and i was wondering what people think of my idea of having one male half moon betta and then introducing around 7 neon tetras a little later on or even at the same time? my tank has been cycling for about a month and my filter has been running. i have a heater too...
  8. K

    Thank you, saved betta

    Just wanted to extend a thank you to all who have helped and posted previous to me regarding their sick betta. I have a betta who was on the brink of death, stopped eating, stopped moving, heavy breathing, fins began to rot who has come back to life. I would have lost him without this forum...
  9. S

    What is wrong with my boy?

    I have a male half moon plakat elephant ear called shadow and he had dropsy about 2 to 3 weeks ago and has fully recovered and last night I noticed his scales are either missing or changing colour and I do not know what is happening with him. He is behaving as usual and still eating. When he had...
  10. A

    My betta doesn't look happy.

    Hi guys. My betta fish looks always tired and sad . Sometimes he turns aside and usually stays at the bottom. His aquarium is 2.5 gallon. His temperature is 25-27° I don't overfeed him. And now he lives alone in the aquarium. He only gets happy when he sees me ( he become more active and look...
  11. W

    Small Oddball Tank Mates

    Hi guys, I’m new to this hobby and have been doing a lot of research, both online and in stores. I’ve been told different things pretty much everywhere I go. I’ve got a 55 Litre tank set up, and i’m definitely getting a betta fish. Are there any small oddball fish you would recommend? I...
  12. K

    Help, lethargic heavily breathing betta

    Hello all, Need some help with my Betta. I’ve had him for a year and a half, not sure how old he was when I got him. For the past week he has been lying on the bottom of the tank breathing heavy through his gills. His color looks good, no evidence of ick or fun rot. He comes up for food 1-3...
  13. A

    How to calm my betta fish?

    Hey guys! Today a put an angelfish with my betta , the angelfish looks really calm and isn't aggressive but my betta is really scared and he's trying to hide. I'm worrying about him what shoud I do to calm him down. Sometimes the angelfish tries to get close to him but he just freaks out...
  14. C

    New betta concerns

    Hey, I bought a betta earlier today and put him in my ten gallon tank. He seems really terrified and has been hanging out near the top (aside from a few times where he ventured into the plants) most of the day. Is he okay? Is he just stressed out from the new environment? He came in one of...
  15. M


    I have had my crowntail betta for a month and a half. The week I got him I noticed he had a nearly invisible black spot of fin rot, I figured if I kept up with water changes it would fix itself but it's now all over his fins. His fins are ragged, black at the tips and developing small holes in...
  16. PetMaster

    Killer Fish on the Loose???

    I have a 5 gallon tank. All fish were male. Day 1: I placed 2 Mickey Mouse Platys and 1 Blue Platy in it. Day 1 (6 hours later): 1 Mickey Mouse Platy is missing, assume he is dead. Day 3: Introduce 1 Black Molly and 1 Dalmatian Molly with the 2 remaining Platys. Day 32: Both Mollys are...
  17. V

    Shredded, Bloated Betta

    Hi. I'm a new betta owner, and I bought my fish about two months ago. I took care of him for the first month, and he was shy but healthy. After a month of vacation and leaving the fish in my fathers' care, I am very stressed with his new appearance. Although he is happy and friendly, is eating...
  18. E

    Betta Fish and community tanks

    Hi! So I’m new to the hobby and was hoping someone could impart a little fishy knowledge to me. I currently have a SD Betta and five Neon Tetras in a 45 litre tank. They don’t bother each other, and the Betta doesn’t seem particularly aggressive towards them. I’m hoping to build on this...
  19. L

    How does my Halfmoon Betta male look?

    Just brought home this Halfmoon Betta from Petco today, thought he looks decently healthy but this is my first Betta ever, any fin rot or signs of sickness? I appreciate any comments!
  20. B

    PLEASE HELP! My fish is sick.

    I have two betta fish males. One in my room, the other in my office room. I've had the one in the office room for about 6 months. He came in from a family that wasnt able to care for him anymore. His water was pretty dirty and looked poorly taken care of so I bought him to give him a better...
  21. Nebula

    My fighter looks ill and weak need urgent help!!!

    Hi, the last week or so I've realized my fighter has been getting weaker and weaker until the last few days where he's been laying on the gravel, today I have notice that there is odd colouring on his gills and think it may be a disease or parasites but can't tell what it is, I have attached...
  22. V

    Rot or Not?

    Not sure if my betta has fin rot or if it’s black coloring? He has the black coloring on his gills too, so I’m not sure if it is coloring or rot of some kind. Would love to know your opinions! I have 5 ghost shrimp (they get along very well) with him in his tank, so I’ll have to either be very...
  23. M

    Plants for Betta tank

    I just got a new Betta in a 5 gallon tank, and was wondering what aquatic plants would be good for it.
  24. K

    My betta has brown spots wtf

    iv had my betta boy for months now and I love him so much but over the past few days his gotten spots on his head these brown ones I have no clue why is whatever is clean and so is his tank I checked all the levels and it’s all how it should be! I’m so confused please help what should I use to...
  25. RacketyWharf93


    So my little guy Paco has been in a 5 gallon by himself lots of space! He's been in there for awhile now but he recently something has been worrying me! The right side of his face has swelled up mostly below his eye and there is these white bumps. He's become pretty lethargic and I don't know...
  26. B

    Is my Betta dying or sick?

    Hi I’m new to the forum and I need some help! My Betta Rocky is not doing well. I have had him over a year now and has been acting very strange the last few days. I recently moved him from a community tank to a single species tank of 2.5 gallons with a filter and heater. For some reason now he...
  27. giobelkoicenter

    Mini aquascape empty jar bottle with betta will make you awe

    This is my mini aquascape setup empty jar bottle with beautiful halfmoon nave blue betta
  28. N

    Overstocked 10 gallon?

    Hi there, After 23 days of fishless cycling my 10 gallon finally could process 3ppms of ammonia in 24 hours with zero nitrates. Since then I've rescaped (twice!!!) And finally stocked my tank. I put 4 panda corys, one large zebra nerite, one small tiger nerite, and my male koi half moon betta I...
  29. baetta

    Help! I need to create water movement..

    Hello all! I have recently dived into Betta ownership! I absolutely adore them. My tank has biofilm at the surface. As far ask I understand, this is not bad but correct me if I am wrong!! My tank is 6.7gals and has a filter which is pretty low flow as I had done my research to see that Bettas do...
  30. N

    Help! Lethargic betta!!

    Hi there, I recently completed my first aquabid purchase--a gorgeous big fin koi half moon male that came from Thailand. I unboxed him Thursday evening, he wasn't dead but arrived with a good bit of his tail fin missing. I couldn't tell if it was fin rot or if he was tail nipping during...
  31. C

    Sick betta

    My Betta has been sick lately. At the beginning I thought it was fun for but now I think it is a fungus infection. This is my first Betta I have had since a child and I’m not really sure what to do to help him. He is in a 1 gallon tank with a heater. I know, I should have him in a bigger tank...
  32. kitta98


    I think I may have brought a disease into my tank. Ever since I last added my 5 female guppies I have had 5 guppies for two male and three female, and a molly in one tank and recently I think I somehow contaminated my betta tank causing one of my before very healthy bright looking betta to die...
  33. T

    Is my betta injured or sick? white spot, red spot, some gold

    Hi! I'm new to this forum, so I apologize if this isn't in the right section or anything. But, I'm worried about my betta, and I think I need advice! I got him from Petco in October 2017 (a few months ago). The poor boy has been dealing with fin rot for a few months (for reasons that I'm unsure...
  34. I

    Need help setting up betta in a community

    I have been thinking about upgrading my betta's tank for a while now since his current home is a bit too small for him and he has started biting his fins. However, I don't have infinite funds and want to make sure that if I spend the money that everything is set up so that he can be the happiest...
  35. G

    Betta Fry Gatsby

    Hi guys; So I've never had a betta fry before and would appreciate some general guidelines or help. My betta boy Gatsby is about 6 weeks I believe (i got him from Petco) And last night he was swimming all over the place so happy in his new home and today hes been lying in his plant a...
  36. N

    Betta tail rot--proper treatment??

    Hi there! I'm new to this forum as well as being a new fishy caregiver!! I recently got a male veiltail about a month back named nugget. He is in a 5gallon planted tank with standard gravel, driftwood, 3 ghost shrimps, and some moss balls (will post pictures). About 2 weeks after I got him I...
  37. Whisp

    Help Identify Betta

    Hello everyone! I am new here and new to owning Betta fish and am confused as to what type of Betta fish I might have. When I got him from the pet store they marked him as a half moon tail Opal Betta Male, well I can't find any information on the breed of a Opal Betta? So I asked someone who...
  38. D

    Please help!!

    Ok, so I bought a Betta a few months ago now and he has started showing signs of tattered and torn fins?? I’m quite concerned it may be Fin Rot but I need some help confirming this or not. I can provide pictures if needed. Now I have been reading up, but how can you tell if there is redness...
  39. Potterm97

    Male Betta keeps resting on bottom of tank.

    Long story short The Walmart in my town got in a shipment of bettas meant for another store and I wanted to rescue one of them from starvation. I did not know about the nitrogen cycle and put the betta in the tank the day I got him. I started doing research realized i mess up and started...
  40. M

    Fish compatability recommendations

    Hi, I have a 64 litre (17 US gallon) tank, it has been running for about 3 weeks. All water tests are fine and fish seem healthy. I currently have: 1 male betta 1 red tailed shark 1 swordtail 1 platy 1 angelfish 1 clown loach 5 guppies 5 cardinal tetras I know this is to many fish for my...