betta (female)

  1. MistLaFey

    Female Betta with Clamped Fins

    This past June, a friend of mine gave me two female Betta fish in a split half-gallon tank for my birthday. I have since moved them into separate 3 gallon filtered tanks from API. One of the bettas, Scarlet, has clamped fins. She is hiding, and seems to be stressed. I changed about 50% of her...
  2. Gina_TheBetta

    Plenty of Platys

    I have 2 female betta and 5 platys (2 orange 3 red wags, 3 males 3 females). I adore female fish. They're in my 20 gallon. Then I have one female betta, 2 cherry barbs and 3 albino cherries. 3 cherry shrimp 3 ember tetras and 3 snails. I dont know why I got pairs of 3, I just did. I feel I'm...
  3. Gina_TheBetta

    A Quick Study

    Salutations hobbiest. After months of debating whether I should get a lizard or fish I chose (drum roll please) Fish. I now have a 10 gallon for my female standard veiltail betta. After changing and rearranging I found she did well with the 2 cherry barbs and 3 albino cherries, where as she was...
  4. S

    Bloated Female Betta, constipated, egg bound, or dreaded dropsy?

    Hello Tropical Fish Forums! I'm a long time reader, first time writer. Can you please help me figure out if my betta is egg bound, constipated, or has dropsy? Video for reference: . Symptoms: Swollen belly for about 2-3 weeks. I first noticed when I got my male betta. They were never housed...