betta (female)

  1. kellyrazz1996

    Suddenly obsessed with this little female betta

    I've been wanting a red male betta for the past few months and finally set myself to the task of preparing for one. Lots of reading and a 20 gallon tank later and I found myself searching through three different pet stores, but none of the betta were calling out to me. I ended up going home with...
  2. D

    Betty fin rot or fin nipping ?

    Hello. I have been noticing that my beta fish fin has been looking a little rugged lately. I’m not quite sure if it could be mild fin rot, tear, or nipping. Water conditions are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 15 nitrate If it’s fin rot, how could I help prevent it from getting worse & can it spread to...
  3. S

    Is my betta sick?

    Hello everyone! Im new to the hobby and would like some advice regarding my Betta because she is turning white. She's been in her active self as usual though, no loss of appetite too. What should I do?
  4. P

    Is this Ich?

    Hello! I purchased a female betta 9 days ago and placed her in a new aquarium. I added a new Java Fern yesterday and today I noticed white particles on her fins, mostly tail. Is it ich? The tank has a filter but there is some ammonia (.25 ppm?) which I have been trying to control by dosing...
  5. L

    Help! Patches on Betta’s Head

    So today I noticed my female betta has a few patches on her head and she hasn’t had them before. I tried taking photos of it, but she kept moving so I could only get this one (pictured below). Im still pretty new to the whole betta/tropical fish keeping, but I’ve had her for over a year and a...
  6. JackieP

    Please help with my betta fish

    Hello, so I just bought my betta fish like four days ago. Tank is clean and cycled 0 ammonia 0 nitrites. So after I bought my fish I noticed she has some white on her nose. Almost like she’s missing scales. Also her little front fins are a little frayed. She’s eating and swimming around a lot...
  7. CrazyBettaLady

    Fancy Dan and Joan of Arc

    Hello! I'd like to post something good today, so I'm going to show off my two beautiful crowntail bettas, Fancy Dan and Joan! Joan (full name is Jeanne d'Arc, or in English "Joan of Arc") is a beautiful blue/turquoise/green/sorta iridescent female crowntail that has a very friendly and...
  8. primsloaches16

    How to stop my Betta from being a glutton?

    Hey yall! After my stocking thread, I'm sure y'all are aware of my currently way overstocked tank which I'm getting prepped for fixin'! One of the inhabitants is my lovely betta, Honey. (Name not so fitting, shes a "wild" colored female betta with some pretty blue and red on her fins, when I got...
  9. Bettagills

    White Growth on Betta - EMERGENCY - unsure of what it is

    Azora is a Halfmoon female betta fish of about a year old. She is energetic, happy, colorful, eats frequently and with no issue. About a month ago I noticed a small white dot (bump) growing above her right eye. I research and began treating her for a fungal issue using pimafix. After a week of...
  10. M

    Betta tail has changed? is it hurt?

    Hi everyone, so I have had my Betta fish for approximately 5-6 weeks now and I have noticed a change in tail shape. When I first got him he as a square shape notch in his back tail and it was very smooth and I think just part of his build. However I have since noticed it has changed to a long...
  11. hetsu

    Need a Multi-use timer

    Hi!! I'm new to the forum and relatively new to the fish-keeping hobby (at least in doing a good job at it; I had some pretty pathetic tanks as a kid when I didn't know any better). Right now, I'm trying to find a timer that will do two timings at once, because I only want to buy two separate...
  12. Reddd.head

    Planning on breeding this pair!

    Hey!I have a beloved purple elephant ear betta female, and a close friend of mine has what I believe to be a pretty half moon male betta that we’d like to breed and get offspring from, which we’d be keeping in our own collections! Take a look at this pair and let me know what you think! What...
  13. S

    In the middle of a cycle

    Hey guys! So I am brand new to all of this! I had some Betta fish when I was younger but honestly was too young to properly take care of them. Durning the quarantine, I decided to buy one. When I did, I set up the tank how most people would think it is okay to set up a Betta tank because this...
  14. J

    Male Betta Not Making Bubble Nest - Breeding first time

    Hello, As of today i have given breeding my male and female betta fish. My female is in a tank with my male an she is inside a jar, at first she had the stripes that mean she is scared and now she has the breeding stripes. My water parameters are all ok, temperature is at the correct level and...
  15. J

    Female betta with juvenile apisto

    I have a juvenile apisto triple red and was curious if it could workout with a female betta in my community 29 gallon planted? Any advice appreciated thanks.
  16. C

    Betta, does my betta have velvet??

    Could you inform me whether she has velvet or just the colouring. Thank you
  17. M

    What is this on my new betta?

    1 day after purchasing this betta I noticed a white thing hanging off her. It’s been 2 days and it’s not going anywhere. It’s very close to her anus (right next to I think)and she is able to poop, which is a light brown color. I watched her and the feces came out just fine but didn’t phase the...
  18. L

    Please help!!! Betta Fish with facial swelling/injury (?)

    Please help! My female betta, Lady Fish, has what appears to be some swelling/roughed up area of scaled and whitish discoloration to the left side of her face. I just noticed this tonight, she looked perfectly fine yesterday. I'm not sure if this is an injury or some sort of...
  19. Danni4

    How many betta and corys can I put in my ten gallon tank?

    So I've had this tank for a while, but recently the goldfish I had in it died after it's mate did, I was wondering how many Cory catfish and betta fish I could put in it without it being a danger to any of them. The tank does not currently have gravel but it does have a heater and heavy duty...
  20. F

    Red streaks on gills and face

    If anyone has any ideas on what this may be it would be hugely appreciated. Please find pictures below. The red streaks were present when I purchased her, I thought it was part of her colouring as it was one streak by each gill but have now noticed a second streak on each side - again appearing...
  21. P

    Is my Betta Ok?

    I bought my Betta about 2 months ago and she's been in a living in a tank in my dorm room. I don't have a heater but ive been putter her near a lamp and checking the temperature to make sure she's warm. She eats fine and swims normally except when she sees me she swims very fast towards me and...
  22. Bettapuppy

    Introducing Frida!

    I got myself a new betta today! I got a little tiny, halfmoon, female. She’s a bit dull now, but I can see traces of blue and red on her. I chose to name her Frida after the famous artist Frida Khalo. This is my first time owning a female. Are there any differences I should know about?
  23. SRbettas

    Stocking and tankmates for betta

    Hi, Ive recently moved my sorority of three and my trio of kuhli loaches to a 15 gallon tank (57 litres). I was wondering what other fish i could have in the tank preferably something not red or white as tyat is thd colour of my bettas and i want all my fish to stand out. Would Endlers...
  24. fisharecool789

    betta fish growth

    i unfortunately don’t have an LFS so i bought my betta from petsmart and she’s really hard to take pics of cuz she’s always dashing around (very rowdy fish) and i was looking through old pics and this is the comparison of august vs october ! so happy to see her get so big and grow such pretty fins
  25. Ama

    Some doubts about my new betta

    Yesterday my dad bought this pal and he didn't ask anything about her. Some of my doubts are mentioned below 1)How old is she 2 )What type of betta is this 3)when she get ready to b NB:- currently I'm keeping both of them on a small glass.... I'm actually planning to buy new homes for them
  26. fisharecool789

    questions ! (sorority tank, betta fish & angel fish? & more betta questions)

    first off, i am not sure if i’m posting to the right topic ! the simply “betta” topic is unavailable rn for some reason. jojo (my betta) always swims along the glass (it’s reflective so she said swimming around with her reflection) and i want to know if that’s normal. i can’t tell if she’s...
  27. S

    Moldy Betta

    I purchased a veil tail female today. When I got her I noticed her fins were a bit clamped( at least that’s what I thought. I’m not for sure that’s what it is) however there was nothing else that caught my eye as alarming. I took her home to place her into my heated/planted/cycled 10 gallon...
  28. S

    Female Betta Tankmates? Similar Fish?

    I am thinking about getting a 10 gallon tank. I’m still fairly new to the hobby as I’ve only had my first and current male betta for around 5 months. He is in a heated/cycled/filtered/ planted 10 gallon with one nerite snail. While he is a healthy boy he’s also a very aggressive one(especially...
  29. fisharecool789

    is my betta sick?

    i was feeding my betta this morning (i feed her blood worms every other day since that’s what a lot of my friends who keep bettas suggested) and i noticed a weird white thing on her nose/head. i’m not sure if that’s just part of her coloring (bc on her body scales she has scales that aren’t red)...
  30. fisharecool789

    tank update?

    hey everyone, sorry if i’m posting under the wrong topic : ( there are just so many i don’t know which one to post under! but i got two cryptocorn plants, as well as an amazon (amazonian?) sword plant (i think?), my female veiltail betta is getting along really well with my guppies !!! the 3...
  31. C

    Why isn’t my baby betta growing?

    I bought a baby female betta about 5 months ago. She’s been very happy, healthy, and active, however she hasn’t grown in size much at all since I got her. Is it something I’m doing wrong or do they just grow really slow?
  32. D

    Betta sorority

    Morning Folks! Over the past few weeks, I’ve been flirting with the idea of turning my fluval flex 15 tank into a betta sorority. Currently I only have one betta smaragdina female in the planted black water tank. Here are my concerns, I’m not entirely sure what stocking rate would be suitable...
  33. RedSarah

    New Betta - help identifying color/pattern?

    Hi all! I went to the LFS planning to pick up some plants and a few more amano shrimp... and I left with a lovely betta named Queenie. I recently lost the fish in my 5.5 gallon, so it has been sad and unoccupied for the first time in almost two years -- needless to say, I'm glad to have...
  34. Dnee1977

    Baby Bettas

    Hi I am still rather new, but raised fish before. I just have a question regarding baby Bettas. I currently have 3 baby/juvenile female Bettas: Luna- white with red fins measures a little less than an inch; I’ve had her for about 3 months Jaws- brownish reddish, measures a little less than an...
  35. E

    Sick Betta?

    Hi all, My name is Emily and I have had my bet ta Regina for about 3 months now. She has never really been very crazy, she usually swims around fine and hides a lot near the water filter in her tank. This past week she has been laying on the bottom of her tank, or on top of her princess castle...
  36. Chelipe831

    New Baby Betta for the Aquarium

    How old would you say she is ? Purchased at Petco.
  37. S


    Please help! My baby betta looks like she's bleeding on both sides of her head. She is in a heated filtered and cycled 6.5 gal tank with two bronze corydoras.. Her tank is next to my work station at home so I always keep an eye on her and she's never displayed signs of aggression towards the...
  38. G

    BETTA TUMOR?! Help please!

    Hi! I’ve had my betta for about 3 months now and she’s just beautiful. However, when I first got her she had a blue scale right behind her gill which I never thought anything of. I’ve noticed it change over time but today I’ve really noticed just how large it’s actually become. It’s now all...
  39. P

    Good product for torn fins?

    Hey there! I have a female koi betta named Poplar, and she is a great personality. She lives with a little female bristlenose pleco in their 10 gallon, and both fish are happy and healthy. The problem however, is that SawWhet (pleco) and Poplar tend to fight over veggies (cucumber, nori...
  40. bristlenoseitplecoman

    Betta laying on bottom and panting

    Tank size: 7.5 Gallons pH: 8.0 (I know it is high, it is just this area's water) ammonia: None nitrite: None nitrate: .5 ppm kH: high (as always) gH: high (as always) tank temp: 77 degrees Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): The betta has...