betta (female)

  1. P

    looking for a nice centerpiece to go along with my betta (75 gal planted)

    i’m currently looking to add another centerpiece to my 75 gallon, i already have a female betta but would like another fish that really pops tank contains: 5 cory cats, 12 gold barbs, female betta, 10 red eye tetras, 12 neons, 5 black neons, 6 guppies, and 15 embers never once have i had any...
  2. Stefan3289

    Betta Sorority tank journal (so far)

    Hello all, I thought I would make a little journal for what I have learned so far with my betta sorority (Has been very successful!) Any tips would also be helpful. I have a lot of experience in the past with male bettas, but first time trying this set up. Planted standard 29 gallon tank (30 x...
  3. N

    Female betta tankmates

    I have a 30 gallon tank with 12 celestial pearl danios, 12 harlequin rasboras and 6 kuhli loaches, can I add a female betta? I understand that CPD are very shy fish and I don't want to stress them out by the betta being there. I also don't want the betta to be stressed by all the small fish...
  4. Thermal

    My betta has a wound on top of her head.

    This is Val, I got her 2 days ago from a breeder via shipping. When the parcel arrived, I noticed that she was not in good condition, a nasty wound on her head, a lot of missing scales, and pale fins. I tried to contact the seller to ask if she already looked similar or already like this before...
  5. C

    Help me stock my tank!

    Hey! I’ve got a heavily planted 15 gallon tank which currently has 4 guppies, 3 amano shrimp and two snails. What else should I put in there? I’ve been looking at small schooling fish like chilli rasboras and maybe a female Betta? Any ideas?
  6. RelativeFishBeginner06470

    Could someone help ID this?

    Hello, our female betta always had a version of this white material on her scales since she was purchased. It is localized to her head. She is otherwise very healthy, as is the tank she's in. Does anyone know what this is or how to treat? I have these available: Jungle Fungus Clear Fritz...
  7. B

    HELP! Betta fish staying at bottom of the tank

    Hi all, I’ve noticed my betta fish is staying at the bottom of my fish tank a lot and only coming up for air, she sometimes comes up once daily for food but that’s it. I have also noticed her top fin is rather droopy and some red has appeared on her head which I have attempted to treat with...
  8. H

    Mysterious illness

    Tank 55 gallon & 15 gallon Nitrate 20 Nitrite 0 Hardness 150 Chlorine 0 Alkalinity 100 pH 7.2 78 degrees The above readings have been steady for at least 3 months. Tank mates are: 20 pygmy corydoras (55g) started with but moved---> 2 female bettas (15 gallon split tank) started...
  9. PygmyMitch

    Female Betta with Tank mates

    I think we all know that usually male bettas are more territorial than female bettas and that it’s not a good idea to keep a male betta with other community fish. That being said some people have kept a male betta successfully in community tanks. However can a single female be kept with other...
  10. V

    No!! Unexpected swim in peace!!

    I had a betta in a 5 gallon, with heater and filter. The other day I realized she was acting really lethargic. I realized her heater wasn't working like it was supposed to. So, since this was an emergency situation, I took the heater from my other tank to place it in her tank, so she didn't...
  11. T

    My Betta is sick, help!

    I had my female betta, Sunshine, in a 10 gallon with 4 Rosies (that pink feeder fish) and a small algae eater(unsure of breed).my tank is heated and filtered. I came to find 2 dead Rosies and a dead algae eater the other day. I removed the filter and exchanged 1/4 of the water. I have a well...
  12. M

    Bettas and Guppies Help

    Update- Following two very helpful and informative responses, a new and much bigger 150litre tank has been ordered so everyone will be having an upgrade to a tank over double the size of their existing tanks. The bigger the better! I have enough supplies to set up a temporary 60ltr accommodation...
  13. V

    Is it okay to add my betta during cycling?

    I've had a little ammonia spike in the first week, and nothing since then. It's only week two, but my parents are getting impatient and telling me it should be fine for fish now. The only stocking will be that betta, but I don't want to put her life in danger. She was in a community tank but now...
  14. V

    Is it normal for koi bettas to change color?

    When I first got her, she was labeled as a koi betta and had the colors of one. Now, like half a year later she has turned pink and blue. Her colors don't resemble a koi fish anymore and I'm confused.
  15. C

    Possible poorly female betta

    Hi, This is my first keeping of Bettas and I have had a female in my community tank for about 6 months. Water levels are fine Amonia/nitrites 0 pH 7. She has a white patch on her head behind one eye, and I have tried treating it with white spot/ fungus meds and a general tonic none of which...
  16. M


    This is my sister’s female betta fish. She has never been in another tank with a male betta and she eats and moves around fine.. I initially thought it was just constipation, but now I’m not too sure. I don’t think it’s dropsy either because her scales are fine, but I’m still not sure. Does...
  17. H

    Possible parasite?

    I just got another betta a few weeks ago and noticed a white substance right in front of her lower fin, on her belly, when I got her. It’s there while she poops, her poop appears segmented but brown. She’s from PetSmart in a split 20 gallon with another female I got at the same time. they had a...
  18. D

    Gravel vs sand

    Ive had gravel in my betta tank (I also have shrimp and snails (mainly assassins because they've been breeding a lot lately)) I also have some live plants. I was tired of the ugly black and white gravel and decided to redo her tank. I ordered more live plants and some sand. Ive been reading now...
  19. biofish

    Betta fish pineconing and loosing scales

    Hey y’all. I made a discussion post a couple months ago about this but my beta recovered and now she’s relapsed. Badly. She didn’t make it through the night. But I would still like to figure out what was wrong + how to treat it in the future. I thought it was dropsy 2 months ago. Her tummy...
  20. M

    Emergency tank set up!

    I’ve had a tank up and running for 2 months now and I have 2 female bettas, 6 cardinal tetras and 4 cherry shrimp in a 48lt tank. My bettas where the first fish added and I’ve never had any problems with fighting or chasing …. Until I added my shrimp! Water parameters have been fine for 3+ weeks...
  21. bettafishlover86

    Please help! Betta with dropsy lying on side!

    My betta with dropsy is laying on her side. She keeps getting up and swimming around but keeps dropping to the ground. Is she dying? If so, is there anyway I can save her?
  22. M

    Adding fish

    Hey! So I’ve recently done a fish in cycle and all has gone well it’s been up and running for about 6 weeks now and my parameters have been maintaining nicely! I currently have 2 female betta in a 48lt square planted tank. Since everything has been steady I’m looking at possibly adding a...
  23. M

    Female betta fins torn?

    Hey! I’ve woken up this morning to one my female bettas dorsal fins/ tail fins torn. I did a 50% water change 16th and let sit till today 18th to check parameters see below Nitrate=20 Nitrite=0 Ph=7.0 Kh=80 Gh=120 Ammonia= Couldn’t measure (out of test strips and didn’t realise) I’ve had...
  24. cmhassinger

    Sick betta?

    So I have this little female betta I had only a few weeks. I noticed the other day her belly is getting big. I only fed every other day and when I do she hardly eats that much so I know she isn’t just fat. Today while doing a tank clean I’ve noticed she doesn’t have as much energy has she used...
  25. sgropp311

    Please help me ID this betta

    Hi, I'm having trouble determining the tail type and coloring of this female betta, can someone help out? The first two pics are older, the other is from today.
  26. helena.lovesbettas

    My new girl!

    I just got a new female two days ago and I wanted to show people how beautiful she is! BUT I need help with a name. She’s super spunky and she moves really quickly, she LOVES food, and she’s supposedly a half moon? Not too sure on that.. She’s really healthy and i’m super excited for our journey
  27. helena.lovesbettas

    Is this dropsy?

    I quite literally got this fish YESTERDAY. She’s extremely active but she seems like she may have dropsy. Either that or she’s just over weight. Can you guys give me some insight? She’s not pineconing or anything so i’m just a little concerned.
  28. S

    male betta aggressive towards females & only 1 tank

  29. Dopatri

    Are my female Bettas trying to mate?

    Hey! This is a bit of an unusual question. But I recently bought two young female betta fish. I already have two existing Betta females in the tank, fully grown. These new bettas I bought look to be younger as they are smaller in size. However I’ve noticed both of my new females on different...
  30. FloridaChick

    Karen from Fort Lauderdale Florida

    I'm fairly new to fish. Got freshwater aquariums and slowly added to them. I have a male betta I "rescued" fromPetsmart, 3 small kuhli Loaches and a few mystery snails in a 4 gallon tank and ummm (don't judge me ?) a 10 gallon tank with 6 female bettas (they get along fine), 5 tetras, 3 kuhli...
  31. F

    $50 budget Betta sorority tank

    Hey guys! I recently started a betta sorority nano tank. I had an aquarium 10 years ago but things have changed a lot since then, equipments, the theory in general. I decided to ask this forum for ways to improve my tank, some advice from experts, equipment wise, aesthetically, anything...
  32. G

    Biorb questions

    Hey, I’ve just rehomed a biorb 15l freshwater tank with what I believe to be a female betta and 2 shrimp. They’ve lived in there for quite a few months but the owners are moving and can’t take them. I had a big tropical tank about 7 years ago but freshwater is different. This one little fish...
  33. Blu_bruh

    Ich on betta

    Pls help. i used to be on here more and i have entirely new tank its 20 gal with 3 female bettas one of which looks like she got ich on top of her head (picture below). Theres also snails and shrimp and a few corries. I know copper based ich medicines can kill like half of my tank so i did a...
  34. Alamarell

    Need help identifying this!

    Hello! I've recently started my first aquarium about 7-8 months ago. I bought a new betta fish (Rosalina) a little over a month ago. Since I bought Rosalina I noticed she has something worm-like attached to one of her fins. I did research on anchor worms but it doesn't have a split head and...
  35. R

    Betta and ADF issue!

    I have had a female betta in a 5.5 gal tank for a few months now. Shes was a sorority fish so I wanted to get her a new tank mate, but 2 betas in a 5.5 gal seemed mean. So I got an African drawf frog. They were doing great, both very friendly and active. However, after a week in the tank, I woke...
  36. C

    New Betta!

    Hi! I just got three lovely female betta, and I love them all very much. I am new to owning betta, but I have done a lot of research. I have three questions. My first question is how often do betta take in oxygen from the top of a tank? My betta do swim around the tank, but they go up to the top...
  37. 3

    How to do a Betta sorority?

    i am going to get a 105l/27g tank. Do you think a beta sority is ok in this. Any advice on it. Can I buy a few first then add some later? Cheers
  38. H

    Help Determining Sex of Betta

    Hi all, Recently purchased this betta. She is listed as a female, but I am not so sure. Would really appreciate any help with this.
  39. Ellie Potts

    55g Betta tank??

    I've read some mixed things on sorority tanks in 20 gallons... but what about in a heavily planted 55 gallon? I'd really like to try this out but have no idea where to start - how many betta's should I get? Species only, or add some endlers/cardinal tetras as distraction? Is this even worth...
  40. L

    Advice for plants to keep in my tank

    Hey guys! I’ve recently got a betta(named moose) and a mystery snail(named Jeff), so far they both doing great and very active. I’m going to be upgrading my tank from 2 Gallon to either a 5 or 10 gallon within the next month so I’ll have a lot more room for plants. I was wondering if anyone had...