
  1. P

    Possibly Starting A Saltwater/reef Tank? Lots Of Questions!

    alrighty here goes,   I've had freshwater tanks up till now for quite a while, I'd say a few years 3 or so give or take, had all types of freshwater fish but now want to expand. I have an unused and good 55g tank with led lights (day and night setting (don't know if that matters)) I'm good...
  2. mrstwalker

    New To Treating Tap Water. Please Help!

    Hi everyone! It has been such a long time since I have posted! Anyway, I have a question for anyone that can help!    I have been blessed to live in an area that only uses well water. And because of this, I have never had to buy the water treatments. I just put the water in the tank and let it...
  3. E

    Help Me, Dear God One Of My Mollies Had Babies!

    So I got some new fish recently, in particular a balloon belly molly and lyretail molly which, as you guys know, have live babies. Today I got home and looked in the aquarium and saw some strange things at the top I thought at first were bubbles, and then quickly realized were eight baby fish...
  4. P

    Just Need Some Advice...

    Okay so i am new here, created an account so i could get some insight on something my fish has been doing for a couple days now. I have 2 Mollies, and 4 Neon Tetras in a 29 gallon tank, its been cycled for 6 months and i have had no major issues with it. I started out with the Tetras since they...
  5. A

    Axolotl! Best Way To Care For Them?

    Hi guys! I just snagged an Axolotl from my friend who breeds them. So far, I have the little bud in a thirty gallon tank all alone. I don't have any substrate in it, and just some pebbles(large) and some glass cut "rock". I also have a large pot type decoration that my new buddy hides behind a...
  6. G

    Pregnant Guppy Died - Infectious?

    My poor pregnant guppy I had for 3 months, and she was pregnant for the third time when suddenly she started having this odd clear string coming from what I presumed was her birth canal. It had also yellow flecks in it so I looked online and couldn't find anything relevant - maybe the beginning...
  7. noobgamers

    Bottom To Mid Dwelling Fish For A 20 Gallon

    hey guys doing a 20 gallon soon and looking for a mid to bottom dwelling fish thats a bit more unusual so no neon tetra or cherry  barbs can adjust ph and temperature to suit ty for any advice no aggresive fish please e.g angelfish tiger barbs
  8. D

    Help Needed

    Hello im new here. I am disabled and i have a professional come and service my 100 litre  every month but im a bit worried as i wanted to try live plants instead of plastic and he told me i would need a sand substrate for the plants and he put it over my old gravel and between the gravel and...
  9. A

    Is Advert For Another Forum Removed Wrong? - 55G Stocking Questions

    My Planned Stocking: (9) Odessa Barbs (7) Cherry Barbs (1) Gold Nugget Pleco - l177 (1 - Pair) Dwarf Flag Cichlid First of all, I know that Advert for another forum removed isn't always perfect, and I only used it as a last resort. Although I didn't expect to see this either:  Warning...
  10. BabyMatthew

    New Hobbiest Mom Needs Help!

    Hi folks, I'm three weeks into the cycling phase (No Fish) and have a reading of 3ppm of ammonia (5 days) and 0 nitrate and 0 nitrites readings. It's been four to five days since I adjusted the ammonia reading because it was too high. I did a 25% water change and in about three days it lowered...
  11. Barb-barian

    Cycling A Tank Look For Some Suggestions

    Started cycling a 60g long and since i'm new to cichlids i thought i would ask the interwebs for some advice.  i'm looking to get some of the 5 inch variety or at least around there.  i have been looking around the different shops and websites to see what kinds i like. i really like the peacocks...
  12. Deepatlantis

    Filter Media Advice Needed Please

    Hi, I have a Classica Paradom 60 tank and I've never replaced the filter media but it's starting to fall apart. The tank is fully cycled and established. I don't know what type of filter I need. It is a freshwater tropical tank and I believe it came with a fine white polyester sponge filter, but...
  13. M

    Is My Swordtail Pregnant?

    Hi there, I recently purchased one female and one male swordtail, I have had them in my community tank for about 12 days. I am really keen for my swordtail to have fry, but I am not sure if she is pregnant or not! I will attach an image of the fish below.. If the fish is not pregnant I would...
  14. Kabernick30

    Stocking/gourami Question

    I have a 26 gallon community tank with 4 danios, and a dwarf spotted pleco. Im looking to get a school of fish, and a centerpiece fish like a honey gourami or 3 spot opaline gourami Does anyone have any recommendations for a school of fish and whether a singular gourami would be too aggressive...
  15. G

    Stocking Advice

    i have a fluval roma 125 which has been running for a month and slowly adding the fish into the tank to help with the cycle and would like some stocking advice???   i already have;   1 GBR 1 Honey gourami 3 Rummy nose tetras 2 Cardinal tetra      any ideas of what else i could add or how much...
  16. B

    Betta Fry Advice.

    Hi guys just a quick one.   Ive now bred 2 lines of bettas, 2weeks and 4 weeks old. Now my question is when will they grow?! lol silly question i know bt its my 1st time with bettas. my 4 week old fry obviously bigger than 2 week old but yet still they are about the size of day old guppy fry...
  17. G

    Show Me Your Tank(S) :)

    What's up? Just made this thread to learn about each of you guys. just post a picture or video of your tank(s) if possible, or just give me a description of it/them. It's just mostly to learn about the other members (or guests), along with inspiration and advice on my tank. If any of you want to...
  18. G

    Show Me Your Tank(S) :)

    What's up? Just made this thread to learn about each of you guys. just post a picture or video of your tank(s) if possible, or just give me a description of it/them. It's just mostly to learn about the other members (or guests), along with inspiration and advice on my tank. If any of you want to...
  19. G

    Check Out My 10 Gallon Aquarium

    Hello Everyone! i made this topic just to show everyone my 10 gallon fish tank. there is a video link at the bottom. please watch it and tell me what you think, how i can improve it, advice, tips, or just post pictures/videos of your own tank(s). my tank has guppies, mollies, and swordtails, and...
  20. G

    Check Out My 10 Gallon Aquarium

    Hello Everyone! i made this topic just to show everyone my 10 gallon fish tank. there is a video link at the bottom. please watch it and tell me what you think, how i can improve it, advice, tips, or just post pictures/videos of your own tank(s). my tank has guppies, mollies, and swordtails, and...
  21. G

    Starting Up My First Real Aquarium. Need Lots Of Help/advice Please&#3

    So I have recently acquired the funds to start up my main aquarium I have been dreaming of. I want to have the perfect aquarium. I have dealt with a 10 gallon and a 5 gallon, but now it is time to upgrade and get serious about this. I do not have any restrictions except for a $600 budget. I was...
  22. FurFinFeathers

    Betta Tank Upgrade Advice

    i want to upgrade my betta to a 2.5 gallon tank so he can be happier and healthier. I was wondering if it was possible to put a filter and heater in the tank, and if so, which ones? I was looking at these:  ...
  23. M

    New To Plants, Advice Wanted... (Many Questions)

    Hi guys, I'm still a fish noob however, I'm really into fish keeping now, and I want to advance myself into live plants, sorry but I have quite a few questions... This is what iv ordered...
  24. A

    Looks Like Im Gonna Be A Gouramis Keeper

    So after changing my mind on what type of fish i was going to keep i have finally settled on Gouramis, but that is as far as i have got. What i really want is a few different species that could live in the same 190L tank, or even to have a pair of gouramis as "feature fish" in a community type...
  25. A

    Just Enough To Make Me Dangerous

    Hi everyone,   Im a long time reptile keeper who has decided to branch out into aquatics. Yet to set up my first tank as i have been reading up as much as i can before i jump in. I will no doubt pick everyones brains soon as my plan is to create a 190L planted tropical aquarium and hopefully...
  26. Mamashack

    Water Test Results Chart With Advice - Opinions Requested Please

    Would appreciate if experienced fish-keepers would take a look at these links to water test results charts with advice. I used them myself before I saw the light and started following the fishless cycling route, but must say I wasn't happy with and therefore ignored the advice about adjusting pH...
  27. Mamashack

    More Bad Advice Being Given Out! Yet another woeful online piece on how to set up a new tank. Think the title of this thread might give a clue to my opinion on it. Said my piece in the comments section...
  28. chelsiethegreat

    Tankmate Advice: Corys And What?

    right now i have 4 emerald cory cats, and two juli cory cats. ideally i would like to acquire two more julis.. i'm just waiting on my local fish store at this point..   i have a 15 gallon tank.. all natural with a couple plants and a few nice peices of driftwood...   i would kindof like to get a...
  29. ellosunshinee

    Setting Up A New 55 Gal..need Advice

    Hey everyone. I am new to the community. Hello! I currently have a 10 gallon aquarium. I acquired this aquarium from my parents who did not take care of the tank at all. They really knew nothing about fish it seems. They had one of each species. I tried to rid this tank of problems but I am not...
  30. C

    Jewel Cichlids

    hi i am thinking of buying two pairs of jewels can anyone help me with advice on keeping,breeding etc.cheers peter
  31. VickyChaiTea

    Cories For 10Gal Betta Tank?

    Sooooooo I am looking for something to go with my little blue dragon PK in my 10gal. The tanks established- cycled, planted, heated, etc. It's always done well.   I tried otos a while ago... water parameters were perfect in every way, tank was caked in algae, acclimated them sloooowly and by the...
  32. P

    Black Moor Sudden Death - Curiousity/guilt

    Hello there. 2 weeks ago I was left with my mother's/sister's fish after they moved out of my home. From what I can tell, the fish is a black moor fish. My reason for posting is that, I have just now discovered the fish dead in its tank, despite there being no signs of anything out of the...
  33. B

    Ok, Advice For Beginning A Fish Store?

    OK, so, my goal in life is to open a pet fish store. Anyone have advice? PS I live in Michigan if that helps any. Thank you. :)
  34. bikerfish

    More Cories

    Hi all My tank is 38 inches long and 15 inches wide with substrate . At the moment I have 4 skunk, 6 albino and 3 panda cories the question is , the size of my tank do you think there is enough room to add 3 more panda cories ? they are normal size , not the large ones you can buy. I have a very...
  35. K

    New To Aquariums Bought A 3 Gallon Tank

    Hi Tropical fish forums, I am new to the aquarium world and was looking for some advice to get started. I have owned a couple of Beta fish before always in a vase like bowl with a peace lilly ontop. I have bought a 3 gallon aquarium (which I know is small) and I wanted some advice on how to...
  36. K

    Extremely Finicky Fire Eel - Need Advice

    Hi there! I have a 9-10" Fire Eel that I'm having issues with food-wise. The only food he will readily take are your typical garden earthworms, and it's been this way since I got him a few months ago. However, now that the weather is getting colder, these worms are becoming more and more...