
  1. R

    Looking For Sand Sifting Fish Under 4 Inches (10cm)

    Hello everyone, Currently I have in my planted 50g 9 bronze corydoras. 3 marbled crayfish 15 ramshorn snails 15 tiger barbs (Plan to have a pair for Electric blue Acaras) From those the only ones I see are the snails and barbs, so I want to re-home the corys... I'm looking for a fish that...
  2. J

    Stocking 125L tank

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum but have had various fish tank setups over the years & was looking for a few opinions on the stocking of my Juwel 125L tank. After finding the tank in my loft and excitedly deciding to set one up again, my first thought was that I hated maintaining the huge...
  3. E

    Tropica Plant Growth System 60 Kit

    Hi, Anyone know if this kit is any good? I've got it for a 5 gal. Thanks!
  4. E

    Regarding Rotala acrandra and Hygrophila 'araguaia'

    Hi guys, I recently used some aquarium solvent, clay root tabs (clay balls with nutrients), and some rocks to plant the flora named in the title onto the rocks. Does anyone have any experience regarding growing these? I am using CO2 and high light levels. Thanks in advance!
  5. Corydoras_Catwoman

    Tropical fish for a 20 gallon?

    Hi, I have been doing research on fish for many years and have kept freshwater tanks for ever. This is my first time setting up a tropical tank and I’m struggling to find small ‘feature fish’ for my 20 gallon high. Just a note: I’m definitely going to keep some guppies, neon tetras and...
  6. E

    55 Gallon Stocking

    Hello, Just wanted to get some opinions on my stocking for a planted 55gal: 2 x German Blue Ram 5 x Pentazona Barb 6 x Silver Hatchetfish 8 x Cardinal Tetra 6 x Bronze Cory 6 x Adolfoi Cory And then if this goes well and I want more, I'll probably get a pair of Golden Rams. Thoughts?
  7. ukdamon

    Personal Website

    As a lover of fish keeping and photography, I love taking photos of my fish, shrimp and frogs. So as a bit of fun, I have created my own website called 'Soggy Friends'. The site is still fairly new and I still need to do some work on it, but I thought i'd share it with you.
  8. ukdamon

    New Nano Shrimp Tank Setup

    Hello I presently have a community freshwater aquarium doing really well. I want to get a small nano aquarium for shrimp. I would like some advice. Do I cycle the new nano tank from scratch, or can I had material,water or media from my current tank to help with the cycle process? Damon
  9. F

    New To Plants, Want Advice

    I'm new to plants, (other than moss/moss balls) and I am adding a java fern and an Anubis (which comes pre rooted to a piece of driftwood,) and java moss and wanted some advice on how to make sure the plants thrive I a new environment, and how to get the java fern to root in my gravel substrate...
  10. A

    Sailfin Plecco's

    Hi all, new here, my daughter set up a tank (550L) so not a small one, or perhaps it is to you experts out there lol. She has now lost interest and tbh it's stressing me. We have two large Sailfin Plecco's (one 40cm in size and the other is 33cm), the larger one is a complete bully to the...
  11. W

    Neon Tetras not eatign

    Hey guys I got some new Neon Tetras 5 days ago and they haven't been eating no matter how many times I tried to feed them. I've been giving them different foods, including frozen worms, pellets, flakes, freeze dried worms, bug bites, but they aren't taking any of it. It just falls to the bottom...
  12. G

    Fluval Edge 6 Gal with fish

    When I was up in CT cleaning out my Mom's Condo I was originally keeping a look out for a 5 gal tank for a Betta that I ended up not getting. I did get a Fluval Chi 5 gal for $20. But before driving up 2 hours from NY to CT I saw a post about the Fluval Edge with fish and supplies for $150. So...
  13. S

    Hiya, newbie with poss TB emergency

    Hi all, brand new and first time posting. I'm Shireen and I set up a tank in my daughter's room about 18 months ago... 30 litres with plastic and real plants, no heater but sits around 20 degrees as wanted to keep temperate fish. Test the water regularly and have never had any problems. I put in...
  14. H

    Moving to a bigger tank, Advice

    I have a 10 gallon tank at the moment with three zebra danios, 3 small albino corys, a baby molly, and a bristle nose pleco. The pleco has grown a bit bigger than the other fish and has started to bully them when they come near his driftwood. So I decided I'm going to get a 25 or 35 gallon tank...
  15. Jessman

    New tank, what to stock with rams?

    I’ve decided to go back to fish keeping after selling my 4 tanks two years ago. So I’ve just bought a new 160L tank (haven’t picked it up yet so don’t know the parameters or make/model but have been told it’s more than 1meter wide) and I’ve got a list of the fish I would like but need advice...
  16. H

    Driftwood Advice

    So I recently started a new tank, it is going to be strictly plant based until I am happy with how it looks lol, then I'll be adding some fish. I picked up 2 nice pieces of driftwood and currently in the process of water logging them. I let them soak in the tub in really hot water, mostly just...
  17. J

    My first tank!

    Hello everyone! This is my first post and tank! For Christmas I received an Interpret 5.5 gal glow life aquarium kit. It's pretty much set up for globefish, but it's compatible with any. I washed the tank only an hour after opening it and I washed the gravel in a spaghetti strainer so my water...
  18. D

    Feeding and caring for Cardinal Tetras

    Hi guys, Will be getting my Cardinal Tetra’s next week thanks to Byron’s advice. Just a question about their general care and feeding. How many feeds a day? Quantities? Best fish foods? Other general care advice to make their lives happier? Thanks, Dan
  19. C

    Advice + Fish To Keep In 10gal?

    Hello, I'm new to the forum and to fish keeping in general. :) I'm interested in getting into the hobby of fishkeeping and have done lots of research. Of course, I know about the Nitrogen cycle, the pH levels, water temperature, water conditioner, lighting, heating and many other things. Lately...
  20. Gebus

    DIY 3D Background Question

    Whats shakin bacon?? I'm new to the forums and plan on probably being active and posting pictures and what not. I'm not new to the hobby but new to the DIY category. Not sure if this is the place to ask as I browsed the forum topics and couldn't find the appropriate one to post in. As the...
  21. Sege

    Quiet Filter Possibly?

    Hi. :DSo I just got a new filter, and I set it up and everything. It runs just how it's supposed to. I just want to make it quieter. I have my tank under my loft bed, and so I sleep right on top of the noise. It's not really the grumbling sounds that the filter makes as the mechanics run to pump...
  22. Sege

    Any More Fish for a 10 Gallon?

    Hi :) I'm new to the aquarium hobby and I recently refurbished a 10 gallon tank that I bought at a garage sale, (no leaks, thankfully :yahoo:) I have researched a lot of different fish, and I came across AqAdvisor, I tried it out, and people are right that website really helps with stocking...
  23. C

    Found my guppy nose up in plant and a funny colour help!

    Hey! So I got this guppy for my brother about 3 months ago now and I just found him nose up in a plant dead very sad brother, I got him with 1 other guppy who is fine but when I got him he was acting strange straight away, when I got him he was black then he turned white and this carried on I...
  24. R

    Upgrading to a bigger tank eek!

    Hi all, having started fish keeping six months ago with two 30 ltr tanks we are upgrading to a larger 160ltr tank. We want to combine our inmates in one freshwater tank. We have 3 platties, 5 white mountain minows, 6 armino shrip and snails in one and 2or3 greenfire tetra and 5 barbs with 4...
  25. D

    Ram cichlids : I have questions about breeding

    Hello everybody. I'm new to this forum but I just wanted some questions about breeding. I'm getting a pair of gold rams, German blue rams and electric blue rams and my plan was to basically breed them and see how it goes and I just wanted to know exactly what I need for it. Was wondering if...
  26. C

    Check my fish shopping list?

    Hello! I've recently started sorting out the tank I've had since childhood (The scrub mistakes I've made over the last ten years...). So far I have replaced the rubbish internal filter with an eheim ecco pro 130, replaced the substrate and decorated it with some Java ferns, Java moss, Hair...
  27. B

    Swordtail pregnancy??

    Hiya, My male swordtail was the first fish that I got for my tank and I have recently added to females to the tank for some company from of his 'own kind' per say. Anyway, long story short, I think my one female swordtail is pregnant as she is significantly bigger than the other female. I'm...
  28. Fish Swim A Lot

    Beginner Coral Help?

    Hi! I'm new on here, I've been wanting to make an account for a while but just never got around to it, and I figured this question would be a good reason to make one! I have a 37G saltwater fish tank with only dry rock, but it just looks so ugly. I want some more life in it, and so I started to...
  29. Cameronb_01

    Plants For Discus Tank

    Hi Guys,   On the 1st of September 3 Discus fish, (Leopard Snakeskin, Checkerboard and Red Turquoise), are arriving for my 450L tank which is empty apart from substrate and gravel 5 cm deep. I was wondering if I could please run some ideas past you guys regarding the planting of the tank. My...
  30. Ammolite

    Trellimars Battle With Dropsy (Advice Appreciated!)

    Thanks to help in a previous topic I found that my betta, Trellimar, is suffering from the early signs of dropsy. I moved him straight into a hospital tank (3Gallon) to try and improve his condition and hopefully, save him. I thought id post a topic on his situation for advice, and as a daily...
  31. StephanieHinsley


    So I currently have only one fish in a 25-30 gallon tank of brackish water. He's a silver Molly with black spots named Rorik, and ever since his mom died, he's been alone. As a social fish, I worry about him, so I've been thinking about getting him a few tank mates. I'm trying to be careful, one...
  32. B

    Major Fin Rot, Progressed To Severe Body Rot! Need Advice Asap

    This betta is in really bad shape, I've never seen a fish with fin rot this severe. So I got the fish a little over two weeks ago from a prof at my university who uses Betta in behavior studies. When I got him he was already missing about 50% of his fins from a previous bout of fin rot but the...
  33. FroFro

    Mailing Tropical Freshwater Fish? Help!

    Hello! I'm looking to mail a few fish from Ohio (moderate climate) to Arizona. I've already looked up guides for packaging freshwater fish and the materials/boxes needed. I already plan to pay for overnight shipping and I know not to feel my fish for at least 24 hours prior to the day of...
  34. O

    First Fish Tank, Very Excited!

    Evening everyone!   This is my first time posting on here, and my very first fish tank too! My mother-in-law has purchased a 30L Love Fish Prism tank that I've set up for her today, we plan to leave it about a month before putting any fish in, though might add a shrimp or two after 2 weeks if...
  35. B

    Honey Gourami, Khuli Loach, Neon Tetra?

    Hello,   So I posted a few weeks back asking for advice to stock a new tank. I have now purchased a new tank and it is the 100 litre Aqua One UFO-550 corner tank.   I've put this into aqadvisor (as best I can because it doesn't really accommodate for corner tanks) and this seems to fit. Just...
  36. S

    New Tropical Tank

    Hey! I"m new to the site here. My husband and I are wanting to start our own tropical freshwater tank. We've both had fish tanks for most of our lives, but we want to kick it up from basic Meijer and Walmart fish to the more colorful tropical fish. Any advice or tips on some good fish (trying to...
  37. MadameFizzgig

    Is Beach Sand Safe To Use In A Brackish Tank?

    Hi everyone, I've posted here a few times and have yet another question.    Currently, my violet goby that I rescued a few months ago is doing a billion times better than he was when I rescued him. He has been living on a gravel substrate, which I know is not ideal, so I'd like to switch it to...
  38. W

    Advice On Stocking My Community Tank?

    I have a 50 gallon bow front tank that I've had established for a long time but I need to finish stocking it with fish. I currently have 4 Serpae tetras, 5 neon tetras, 3 Sterbai corys, 2 peppered corys, and 1 albino aeneus cory.   My current plan is to have: 8 Neon tetras 0 or 8 Serpae tetras...
  39. mrstwalker

    New To Planted Tanks, Advice Needed!

    So this is going to be a few months out, but I want to gather as much information as I can before I begin this process!   I have always wanted show quality butterfly telescope goldfish. And when I move in the next few months I think I will be at a place I can start the process. I have also...
  40. mrstwalker

    Aquarium Journal - Advice?

    I have heard of several people using/making aquarium journals for their tanks. They log information about water changes, water quality tests, illnesses, medicating, plant care etc. to keep up with the history of their tank. I think this is a marvelous idea and I really want to start a few of my...