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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Tigsy

    Rainbow Cichlids

    well mum and dad definitely are protective of their babies. another fish managed to enter their hiding place which has resulted  in the parents killing it
  2. Tigsy

    Rainbow Cichlids

    ah cool thanx for the info will defo get some xx
  3. Tigsy

    Rainbow Cichlids

    lol. thanks just see one escape n dad scooped him up in his mouth n put him back. bless its nice watching fish take care of their young ones
  4. Tigsy

    Rainbow Cichlids

    ive  only had my rainbow cichlids for two weeks and already we have hatched eggs. they've laid them inside a fake log so its hard to tell how many there are, but Ive definitely seen afew swimming about in there andi know they can lay up to 500 at a time.   love watching mum n dad protecting...
  5. Tigsy

    Help Id And Info Before I Buy One

    thanx for all your help everyone had a little read up and guess i wont be getting one  :( he is cute though
  6. Tigsy

    Help Id And Info Before I Buy One

    can anyone give me the name of this gorgeous looking creature? i saw it in my my LFS (no name on tank) and wanted to look it up before i decide to buy one, also if anyone has kept one of these any info would be greatly appreciated  
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  8. Tigsy

    Whats Wrong With My Dragon Goby?

    ah sorry for the delay in replying and thanks for your response. sadly he passed away two days afteri posted.   he was being feed on blood worm, tetra prima which is a complete food for discus and other mid-water and bottom-feeding fish, and anything else he managed to scavinge from the  bottom...
  9. Tigsy

    Spotted Climbing Perch?

    i have leopard danios in with my climbing perch. hes left them alone but did eat all the rummynose.   i also have sailfin pleco, hoplo catfish, knight gobys, dragon gobys, african knife fish guarmis n various other catfish. they all get along just fine
  10. Tigsy

    Whats Wrong With My Dragon Goby?

    ok so here we have picks of fatty and skinny. they were both purchased on the same day (afew months ago now) and both looked very similar in size to one n other... but now as you can see one is growing nicely and getting fat, while the other has become rather skinny looking   i search the tank...
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  12. fatty.jpg


  13. Tigsy

    Me Feeding A Tiger

    absolutely loved it. i would volunteer too if i lived closer to a zoo.
  14. Tigsy

    Cory Eggs Hatched

    almost 2 weeks later i still have 6 fry growing and thriving nicely. think the others must have gone up the filter. will check when their abit bigger and easier to find amongst all the crap lol
  15. Tigsy

    Me Feeding A Tiger

    no it was the Wildlife Heritage Foundation in Kent. its where they breed all the endangered cats wow that must have been amazing. thats what i wana do next and cuddle the cubs
  16. Tigsy

    Cory Eggs Hatched

    have 11 babies now and just watched 2 of them hatching. i have a professional II filtering the tank aswel as a 8 inch airstone hopefully that should be ok its funny how the eggs were all layed on the same day but have been hatching everyday since tuesday.
  17. Tigsy

    Cory Eggs Hatched

    thanx. will do
  18. Tigsy

    Cory Eggs Hatched

    after five attemps of saving cory eggs and almost giving up, i finally have some fry yey. 2 hatched tuesday, 3 yesterday and 2 more today now its wait n see time as to if if i can manage to raise them.
  19. Tigsy

    What Gouramis Do I Have

    ah cool thanx. i have a 5ft x 2ft x 2ft tank so plenty of room for them
  20. Tigsy

    What Gouramis Do I Have

    can anyone id these please
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  23. Tigsy

    Will My Guppy Die?

    thank you x
  24. Tigsy

    Will My Guppy Die?

    i took her to my lfs and they comfirmed it to be dropsy and euthanised her :( her lump coming out her bum had gone clear but you could see veins in it and all her colouring had gone pale her side turned red this morning n looked rather saw but she was still swimming about and eating
  25. Tigsy

    Will My Guppy Die?

    shes swimming about with her head pointing downwards and tail up in the air and also has a big pink lump coming out her bum. is there anything i can do?
  26. Tigsy

    Easy To Breed Fish ?

    my peppered corys fertalise and lay eggs every month with out fail and my leopard danios every couple of weeks ive not made any changes to my water at all so i would say they are pretty easy to breed if u want eggs. only thing i do tend to do is when i see the corys T'ing (fertalising the eggs)...
  27. Tigsy

    Eggs Hatching

    well we counted over 30 babies when they hatched but two weeks later theres only one babie swimming around and no sign of any dead ones, yes i did cover up the filter. but anyway my danios have laid more eggs today lolfrisky lil things they are
  28. Tigsy

    Deformed Guppy

    good point there
  29. Tigsy

    Deformed Guppy

    yeah he really is that deformed. the glass was just to get a closer pic poor thing lol. he went like that at 1-2 weeks old ive had them like that before, lasted well into adulthood i know sometimes u have to be cruel to be kind but i dont think i could bring myself to kill him off other than...
  30. Tigsy

    Deformed Guppy

    my deformed guppy
  31. guppy.jpg


  32. Tigsy

    Can Anyone Identify This Fry?

    guppys at afew days old are normally a transparant greyish colour then turn black before getting any other colour so would have to agree with everyone else deffo a platty
  33. Tigsy

    Eggs Hatching

    ah dont have any pics of the eggs sorry they were tiny, about the size of a grain of sugar (maybe smaller) and transparant but she laid loads so seeing as i had no substrate in the tank just loads of plastic weed (to stop the parents getting at the eggs) you could say it looked like i'd missed...
  34. Tigsy

    Eggs Hatching

    lol sorry :fun: have u definately got a male? he looks slimline while the females have a bigger belly. i really didnt do anything to encourage them. hang in there, they will be at it before u know it :)
  35. Tigsy

    Eggs Hatching

    well what can i say ...... i have finally watched my first lot of babies hatching from their eggs one thing will say tho is.... OMG leopard danio babies are sooooooo tiny lol and i thought guppies were small
  36. Tigsy

    How Come My Tetras And Danios Wont Breed :(

    my danio eggs have been hatching today lots of really tiny babies :)
  37. Tigsy

    How Come My Tetras And Danios Wont Breed :(

    lol. well in the last 2 days i have guppy fry, danio eggs and now cory cat eggs too i have 1 male n 3 female danios
  38. Tigsy

    How Come My Tetras And Danios Wont Breed :(

    i just watched mine. when i saw the male circling and chasing a female, i put them all in the nursing tank with nothing but plastic weed covering the bottom (some prefer to use marbles or stones) that way the eggs drop to the bottom an the parents cant get at them. when my females looked...
  39. Tigsy

    How Come My Tetras And Danios Wont Breed :(

    hmmm well i have 3 leopard danios, 1 x male, 3 x female and have rather alot of eggs from them. i know the eggs are theirs as i placed only the danios in a nursing tank. following morning i have lots of eggs anyway i have just regular tapwater have not added anything to it and am not in a soft...
  40. Tigsy

    My 6 Inch Clown Loaches

    yeah just have the two. i took them off a lady who wanted to get rid of all her fish