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  1. S

    Road To Recovery

    George I wouldn't say Algae free as there is still a need to clean the glass by the end of the week but nothing major. And thanks for the kind words re the scape Power washer with a sandblasting attachment from B&Q - this will most likely break however as the blasting rod never fits right...
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    Road To Recovery

    Thanks for the comments 50% Water change + 1/2 tsp NO3 + 3/4 tsp espom + 1 1/2 tsp K2SO4 + 2 tsp Bicarb and a smidge of Iron sulphate every other or other day I add 1/4 tsp of trace when I can remember :S NO3 was way too high at one point hence the low amount once a week but since my stock...
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    Road To Recovery

    Thought I'd drag this up from the past and throw an update in :D Today was a good day as I have now rid my tank of the dreaded breeding farm and things are starting to take shape. A few weeks ago I found a decent LFS that would take my unwanted fish, weeks have gone by and several trips to...
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  5. S

    Will Uv Sterilizer Have Any Effect On Ferts?

    Two reasons why I bought mine rightly or wrongly. First was because I had the cash when I was setting up my 55. Swell also had them in stock and so they got my money and second was that I tend to spend amounts of time working away from home, theory being that a UV would prevent any breakouts...
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    Will Uv Sterilizer Have Any Effect On Ferts?

    I picked mine up from Swelluk for about £76 - its a TMC Vecton 15w
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    Will Uv Sterilizer Have Any Effect On Ferts?

    I'm running a UV 24/7 at the moment and need to perform a good trimming each week so I'd say not. Have thought about the "run when required" theory but have a hard enough time remembering to switch my heater back on, after water changes so chances are the UV would end up 24/7 again before long!
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    Looking For Glosso Tips For Keeping Shorter And Thick

    Mine has started to carpet quite nicely although a couple of tall shoots are clearly visible. Strange thing with the taller strands is that there is a distinct lack of roots on these. Just let it grow out as much as you can and trim back any shoots that start to stretch out too much - if there...
  10. S

    Breeding Amano Shrimp

    Any particular sea? My Amano's didn't come with passports :no:
  11. S

    Well I Got So P***ed Off.........

    Have a scan around the larger pond and you will find that many people including some very respected aquatic plant growers are actively using this method. Yeah I agree that you may hardly have ever seen this being used in the UK but over the pond there are many users of Nitrate and Phosphate...
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    Well I Got So P***ed Off.........

    Good luck Rodders! Must admit that just before I went on Holiday I was getting into the same frame of mind with thinking that things were not working out. Then I went away for a week leaving the tank to it's own devices with a small dose of ferts being added. After a week of not being touched...
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    Just Got Back Off My Hols

    The cleaner fish is a lesser spotted neoprene fish which has long runners that go off to the surface The fish in that tank were amazing as there were so many all swimming round so fast. I could have spent all day looking at that tank and got more amazed each time I went down another floor.
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    Just Got Back Off My Hols

    Eusteralis stellata - want to get something to compliment it now and fill in the lower portion and some Ludwigia spec. "Cuba" Couple of pics from my Hols Nice from a distance but the Algae monster had taken its grip when you got close up This was great as the tank actually went up by a...
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  18. S

    Just Got Back Off My Hols

    Think your right about the platy as they have started to take on all manner of markings! keep expecting to find a platy/clown mix breed Strangest thing is that the algea monster was already through the door before I left hence my concerns yet upon my return I found less algae and I had dosed...
  19. S

    Just Got Back Off My Hols

    Well having just spent a week in Tenerife I had to leave my tank in the hands of my neighbour, all I asked is that he fed the fish and didn't go into the whole fert routine with him. Just before I left I did a full water change and added NO3 - Trace and Iron and the usual other good stuff...
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  21. S

    Java Fern Disease?

    I've got the same thing going on with my java although the planlets are fine. Just using it to produce planlets at the moment and then will go for a harsh trim when I'm feeling brave.
  22. S

    Cloudy Water In Planted Tank

    What is your PO4 reading? I get cloudy water just after a water change although this does happen after my initial dose of ferts - iron etc but my PO4 is 5ppm from the tap I believe that a high PO4 reading and high iron content can cause cloudy water Just an idea
  23. S

    Python Water Changer

    I made one as per the sticky but then had problems getting the tank to empty. Add a powerhead to the end of the hose and no more problems :D Water changes are sooo much easier now and can be finished in 30 mins
  24. S

    Ran Out Of Co2! Omg!

    Ken, Can't you rent the tanks over there? Over here in the UK you can rent a bottle for next to nothing and then just pay for the refill
  25. S

    Plant Swapping

    Has it started already? I just did a prune last night and ended up throwing a load of cuttings away - such a waste so count me in Many a time have I bought plants that just don't grow in my tank and ended up throwing them but at least this way others may benefit I wouldn't be interested in...
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    Yay Large Co2

    UV tends to be running 24/7 as I have seen that running them intermittanly can reduce the tube life although don't always believe what you read eh? I got it when I bought my 55G and see it more as a nice to have than a must have.
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    Every Use This Stuff

    From what I have seen this stuff is meant to be really good in terms of value for money etc and some have had more success with it than Eco Shame we can't get it in the UK
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    Yay Large Co2

    Zig, not sure on the volume of the bottle as the markings have taken a beating although I can make out 15KG and 80KG ? As to the Pinpoint I got it from an online place called KoiKit for £67. I've also seen a few things about the magnetic issues but only found that to be a problem when the cable...
  29. S

    Tank Stats, Regarding Co2 Level.

    Yes very much so although there comes a point when the wife will start to say "I know why jobs always take so long" To which I reply "because you don't help" - from a distance and in a very low voice :P
  30. S

    Yay Large Co2

    Well as Simon has recently found out the JBL appears to not need any modding for it to fit on a standard bottle. Just got my bottle tonight and it went on straight away with no hassle, confirmed that the rubber seal fitted into the valve on the bottle and on it went - took Simons handy tip...
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  32. S

    Air Stones

    Not by the looks of it as none of the fish spend any amount of time gasping nor are their gills working overtime. The only time that I get fish at the top is when they are feeding or sucking scum - molly and occasional platy. The master plan as it stands is to get the water flowing a bit more...
  33. S

    Tank Stats, Regarding Co2 Level.

    Oh No!!!! Ceramics on the floor I take it? Easy mate just make sure the floor is level or as near as can be - self leveling cement be your friend which as it happens requires you to take lots of breaks in between :D Notice the trend? My wife can't even change a lightbulb so you can imagine...
  34. S

    Tank Stats, Regarding Co2 Level.

    Handy tip for woodchip - soak with plenty of water and cut into it with a blade - leave to soak for 30mins [very important] whilst you go for a smoke and browse the net for new toys :D You need the 30mins because it is so mind numbing. When 30 minutes has passed repeat the whole thing again...
  35. S

    Tank Stats, Regarding Co2 Level.

    HaHa Sorry to laugh mate but that is so true I've been lucky in the sense that none of my new toys make any noise so the wife has not noticed plus the fact that she only pays a passing interest in the tank even though she sits in the same room as it more than I do! Nearly got rumbled...
  36. S

    Simon's Planted Tank Journal

    I've found this to be very good at keeping my high tap nitrates down although it does drop my KH - bicarb brings this nicely back though. Just reading your original post and I would sugest if you are starting at 2KH then try 1/2 tsp of bicarb to bring it up. Test the water again a bit later and...
  37. S

    Tank Stats, Regarding Co2 Level.

    Simon I am of the same thinking at the moment with higher than average CO2 readings and have seen great results with my plants Sub, Just do what I did and buy the kit without her knowing! I managed to get away with the old "oh I've had that for ages" :P
  38. S

    What Should I Do?

    Cheers Might have to have a drive over there at some point :D
  39. S

    Simon's Planted Tank Journal

    I think that the JBL reg requires an additional convertor to allow for the solenoid to be fitted to the reg direct. Not sure about the Aqua medic fitting but if you have the solenoid and reg fitting together nicely then all the better. The calculator from chucks page HERE gives a good...
  40. S

    What Should I Do?

    I'm with George on this one in the sense of a pre make over play. Work out the dimensions of the tank on the table or floor and go from there. Some great pieces of wood there though - great find! and great looking tank which I have to agree would only look better with some nice twisted wood...