Tank Stats, Regarding Co2 Level.


Fish Crazy
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score

My brain is dead after a long day, and I have only just bought a GH & KH test kit. My readings are as follows:

KH= 17

So what do you make my Co2 level? I think its around 44mg per litre! :crazy:


Cheers Simon. So thats a little high then? The new co2 reactor is overdoing it! Very good case for telling the Mrs that that I need pressurised Co2 now... !LOL!

They will never understand the need for pressurized co2, but they could talk your socks off about cloths, soaps and what not! :lol:

From the advice I've had in the past, its better to have your co2 slightly higher, as the the KH can be different from the true KH, so your co2 reading are always lower than you think.

I was advised to turn my co2 up slowly, until the fish started to cling to the surface, that would be the max co2 for my tank.

I,ve had readings as high as 60+ppm without and probs with my fish, its on it when it reached 100+ the probs started, they soon came around with an air stone though.
They will never understand the need for pressurized co2, but they could talk your socks off about cloths, soaps and what not! :lol:

From the advice I've had in the past, its better to have your co2 slightly higher, as the the KH can be different from the true KH, so your co2 reading are always lower than you think.

I was advised to turn my co2 up slowly, until the fish started to cling to the surface, that would be the max co2 for my tank.

I,ve had readings as high as 60+ppm without and probs with my fish, its on it when it reached 100+ the probs started, they soon came around with an air stone though.

Simon I am of the same thinking at the moment with higher than average CO2 readings and have seen great results with my plants

Sub, Just do what I did and buy the kit without her knowing! I managed to get away with the old "oh I've had that for ages" :p

You can never be sure to 'sell' another fishy gizmo or gadget to the Mrs. They have this odd ability that enables them to somehow make sure that they get value for money too! Kind of like, 'Well, if you have your new Co2 Kit, then can't you get that new whatsit for my kitchen'

It invariably ends up with you paying out twice what the fishy whotsit would cost in 'compensation'. :huh:

Still, the fish house arrives very soon. 4m x 3M of retreat bliss :shifty:

If they only knew..... :lol:

Sub, Just do what I did and buy the kit without her knowing! I managed to get away with the old "oh I've had that for ages" :p

Yeah.....Right! And get rumbled on day one! And there was me thinking that I had been sly and got my new Co2 reactor in the tank un-noticed.

The inquistion started when 'The tank sounds different!', 'Hmm, whats that thingy in the corner behing the woody thing?'

It was all over -_- Then the order was issued forth.......

I'm on wallpaper duty on Saturday.....

Note to oneself. Phone the Aquamedic rep tommorow and tell him the bloody thing make too much noise, and ask him if he can hang wallpaper with six repeats per drop!

Rotten buggers!


Sorry to laugh mate but that is so true

I've been lucky in the sense that none of my new toys make any noise so the wife has not noticed plus the fact that she only pays a passing interest in the tank even though she sits in the same room as it more than I do!

Nearly got rumbled recently when the postman kept bringing parcels every second morning although working from home allows me to say things like "work have sent it for me to test" :D plus I get to order things based on delivery times i.e. after she has gone to work!

Good luck with the wall paper as I'm back to removing chip paper from the back room at weekend :(

I got round the woodchip thing by plaster boarding over it!

It took two days to remove a 6'x6' square.

One call to the brother-in-law and it was sorted.

My heads going to hurt on Saturday. I might arrange a meal out tommorow, and convince her that Saturday is not a good day.......it's going to cost me. However, a day at Bluewater, or a day wallpapering?......Hmm, which would you choose? :lol:


Sorry to laugh mate but that is so true

I've been lucky in the sense that none of my new toys make any noise so the wife has not noticed plus the fact that she only pays a passing interest in the tank even though she sits in the same room as it more than I do!

Nearly got rumbled recently when the postman kept bringing parcels every second morning although working from home allows me to say things like "work have sent it for me to test" :D plus I get to order things based on delivery times i.e. after she has gone to work!

Good luck with the wall paper as I'm back to removing chip paper from the back room at weekend :(

My wife like to looks nosy at the site when i go to the loo, so you better hope she dosn't see this site or else your rumbled :crazy:
Handy tip for woodchip - soak with plenty of water and cut into it with a blade - leave to soak for 30mins [very important] whilst you go for a smoke and browse the net for new toys :D You need the 30mins because it is so mind numbing. When 30 minutes has passed repeat the whole thing again.

Yeah it may take time but you get to do lots of other things through the day - reckon I could get away with a water change.

As to Bluewater I'm not so sure after having to work out how to get Broadband into the whole of the place :S

Should know that place of by heart by know
Handy tip for woodchip - soak with plenty of water and cut into it with a blade - leave to soak for 30mins [very important] whilst you go for a smoke and browse the net for new toys :D You need the 30mins because it is so mind numbing. When 30 minutes has passed repeat the whole thing again.

Yeah it may take time but you get to do lots of other things through the day - reckon I could get away with a water change.

As to Bluewater I'm not so sure after having to work out how to get Broadband into the whole of the place :S

Should know that place of by heart by know


Don't be giving her ideas you rotten git! Its like this, bearing in mind that nobody bothered to strip the existing paper inbetween wallpaperings...

1956-House built.
1957 wallpaper goes up in small bedroom.
1959 wallpaper goes up in small bedroom.
1962 wallpaper goes up in small bedroom.
nobody stripping the walls inbetween, its a council house after all.

2006 Can I really be bothered? Phone up somebody else to do it B) Delegate.

Cheers, ;)


PS, Now shes walking around talking about Bluewater :blink: Now either she is the witch I think she is, or shes been 'avin a nosey'.

Another note to myself, don't talk about the Missus too much, they find out (note the capital 'M', if thats not included then the spanish inquistion will start just as we get into bed) :fun:
Cheers for this thread people! Fish and wallpaper advice in one place, what more could you ask for!


Just had my valentine gift.

A list as long as your arm with 'jobs to do'.

Seems they do snoop on you when you are at work. And logging out won't work cos she knows all my passwords anyway. :huh:

Seems that wallpapering is not the only thing on the list. Anybody got ideas on how to lay ceramic tiles?

Seems that wallpapering is not the only thing on the list. Anybody got ideas on how to lay ceramic tiles?

Oh No!!!!

Ceramics on the floor I take it?

Easy mate just make sure the floor is level or as near as can be - self leveling cement be your friend which as it happens requires you to take lots of breaks in between :D Notice the trend?

My wife can't even change a lightbulb so you can imagine my lists :crazy: I'm sure she can but it's along the same lines as me with the iron.

What was this thread about again????
What was this thread about again????

Ha Ha!

Who cares? I vote we start our own DIY section, we will all be able to pool our DIY skills so that we can learn how to take lots of breaks :shifty: . We shall have sections on how to avoid not taking a break, and info on the best way to ensure a smooth transition from work to break, and back to work again. :lol:

Anybody any ideas...... :blink:

Am I learning Ste_J?


PS, Simon? Any ideas from yourself of the taking of breaks? I've been taking a look at some of your exploits, and you seem rather too energetic for me. Have you managed to sneak the breaks in around all those bits of wood?

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