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    1000 Us Gal Project

    whats the running cost of this beast? i remember reading about a guy near me in nottingham who had a massive tank and he had to shut it down due to a 5000 electric bill!
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    Brackish Tidal Tank With Gobies

    how do you make a tank tidal?
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    3864.18 Litre Bullet Tank My 5Th Tank

    lol wow whats the expected cost? itll has a LOT of potential to house a lot of nice fish.
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    Filter Cleaning: I Made A Mistake

    it could just be loose "poo" and stuff from the medias been disturbed and its all been pushed in to the tank.   happened to me a few times if you leave the filter off for too long all the gunk comes loose. now when i turn my filter back on i have a super fine net i put over the out pipe to catch...
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    My Asian Highback Redtail Golden Arowana + Friends !

    lovely looking fish. id love to see a full tank shot of everything together.   im hoping to soon(by the end of next summer) have a 6 foot tank with either cichlids or a couple of beasts lol
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    Filter Cleaning: I Made A Mistake

    i always clean my filter with normal hot tap water about once every two months.    take out all the media trays put them aside and scrub out all the algae and sand and stuff. been doing this for over a year now and NEVER had a mini cycle or anything.   last month i cleaned my whole...
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    4 Shops And No Glass Cats

    where abouts are you located?
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    Dwarf Cichlids - Which Is The Best?

    i have a trio of cockatoos. very nice looking actice fish!   vey inquisitive and nosey lol
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    My 350L Tank

    ohh the filter is in the hood?
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    My 350L Tank

    looks decent to be honest. whats the bubble statue thing? and the stock?     any reason why its not full all the way? just a personal thing i hate the look of a water line lol
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    Dwarf Puffer Care And Experiences

    dont think dwarf puffers are brackish for a start lol
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    The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread 2

    ah just chillin infront of my tank. been sick for the past few days with cold and tonsillitis. had sunday off work too. luckily monday and today are my normal days off anyways. tomorrow is a long shift 9-4 then 5-10, not looking forward to it but cant afford any more time off.      bills to pay yo'
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    The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread 2

    ive never heard of anything similar to the dollar per gallon sale here in the UK.   also why do american shops add tax on at the end? 
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    Rorie's Fish House Project

    losing tanks to the water board? i dont understand
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    Shrimp Catastrophe When Added New Plants

    i cant remember the exact name. all i remember is it looked like green feathers 
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    Shrimp Catastrophe When Added New Plants

    when i was buying my shrimp someone at the shop said some plants are not compatable with some shrimp. i cant remember the name of the plant i think it was cambola or something simular sounding.
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    Help With Stocking A 135 Gallon Freshwater Tank

    id go the boring route.. massive community of small fish lol
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    Well thats the rams gone now, rehomes them. Kinda miss the look of them now, need a center piece fish
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    Help Identifying A Snail

    looks like a huge Malaysian trumpet snail
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    Hi Steve From East Midlands Nottingham Uk (Worried New Fish Keeper)

    yeah mate my media would speed up your cycle a lot. my tanks been running a year and a half with no problems.   th new media would be to replace the media i would be donating you. so i give you mature media and you give me new(or some of yours) to put back in my filter 
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    Hi Steve From East Midlands Nottingham Uk (Worried New Fish Keeper)

    yeah. its going to spike before your tank is cycled. just keep up the water changes. or if it gets too much il happily donate some mature media if you can replace it with new media.
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    Hi Steve From East Midlands Nottingham Uk (Worried New Fish Keeper)

      nothing at all. tbh not much you can do. but keep up with water changes so it doesnt get too high.   my tanks also quite heavily planted and plants use nitrates.
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    still trying to sort this out.. tryna get rid of the german rams for the past week or so.    was thinking of dwindling down numbers and getting centre peice fish like trio of angels or trio of apistos?     i dunno what numbers or anything to stick with.
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    Stocking My Tall 150 Litre Tank

    of course for any fish bigger is always better with a tank size..     but you CANNOT give a fish its natural habitat in a tank, maybe close with a biotype but 100% natural seems impossible unless you own a river/lake or an an ideal world 10 neon tetras would have a 50gal      but what...
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    What Is It, How To Rid And Prevent It?

    looks like black beard algae to me.. there is a whole section on it here in the correct section on the forum.
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    The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

    might be getting a couple of free tanks. dont know the sizes or anything just yet. but from what i got told ones about 50 litres and ones about 30 litres.   might go for a couple of species tanks. maybe a dwarf puffer in 1 and maybe shrimp in the other. need to wait to see what the tanks look...
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    Where Can I Sell My Bettas?

    why are you worrying about all this stuff now? you havent even got anything set up to start breeding judging by other threads you have made.   you also have very little knowledge on bettas or any type of fish if im honest.
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    Sand Cleaner

    i use malaysian trumpet snails and my cory catfish to stir up the sand.
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    The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

    yeah ruskull lol. i just love the look of a lot of fish to be honest. the tank doesnt look overcrowded weirdly. to my it still looks like a lot of space.     guess im just weird. but some would say cruel...
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    The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

    hey lovelies      just did a huge WC on my tank and cleaned the filter and pipes. was really bored so thought id attack it as ive been putting off some of the pipes and stuff for a while.    started dosing my ferts yesterday. when should i start to see results?   i dose profito as stated once a...
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    ive had them a year and a half no problems at all. no deaths or disease, all healthy, females even dropping eggs.   if 3 feet is the minimum then my 3 footer is fine.
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    Which Corys Do You Have?

    i have albinos, peppered and bronze!
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    My Large Betta Splendens Collection

    some of the fish look awesome!     any chance of pics of the tanks/fish room? id love to see such a set up tbh
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    are we talking about the same fish? the fish is 2 inches long MAX. my tanks 3 feet. your over exaggerating a little bit to be honest. a very reputable member of this forum has told me that its more than enough room for them.
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    Everything else fine? as bad as it sounds i love the look of a lot of fish.. Is there anyway i can reduce the big numbers for more smaller fish?
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    i keep the tank at 24.   everything seems fine. ive had the danios, albinos, most of the peppered corys and german rams just under a year and a half.   the tank is 3 feet wide. 1 1/4 feet tall and about 1 foot wide. its been running for about a year and a half now. no problems other than a few...