Shrimp Catastrophe When Added New Plants


New Member
Jun 16, 2012
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I bought two aquarium plants today from a new shop. Immediately my amanos started going nuts, first thought they were just agitated due to the disturbance.
A few hours later and I see to my horror they are all on their side and dying. :-(
Obviously the plants have been treated with some kind of pesticide. I intend to go back to the shop tomorrow and tell them. I have had so many dying plants I must have put a dozen or more in the tank over the last 6 months from retailers all around me, I never washed any of them and the worst that ever happened is snails, none of them have ever hurt the shrimp. I really had no idea this could happen. 
The shrimp are trying to cling on to life so I have put them into a hospital tank for now. Even if they recover I have no idea if or when I will be able to add them back to the main tank.
Can anyone shed any light on this or tell me whether I am right to be annoyed at the shop, or have I just been lucky to date that none of the other plants I bought hurt the shrimp?
The same thing happened to me last year, lost over 50 shrimp after adding new plants, I even washed them first as I always do
The shop imo is partly to blame if their plants are imported as all imported plants from outside the Eu are chemically treated to kill any hitchikers.
They may do something for you but I doubt it
agree with above this is common based on complaints of hitchikers
when i was buying my shrimp someone at the shop said some plants are not compatable with some shrimp. i cant remember the name of the plant i think it was cambola or something simular sounding.
Staxx said:
when i was buying my shrimp someone at the shop said some plants are not compatable with some shrimp. i cant remember the name of the plant i think it was cambola or something simular sounding.
Cabomba? Thats what one of the plants is, the other is an Amazon sword. 
2 out of 3 shrimp seem to have recovered in the hospital tank. #3 looks 50/50. In the main tank they were all on their side and they had all gone white, it seems amazing that they could recover. I am keeping fingers crossed.
Cabomba is fine with shrimp, so are swords.
Good to hear they look like they're recovering
i cant remember the exact name. all i remember is it looked like green feathers 
They all seem to have recovered now. The hospital tank is uncycled though, anyone know what the ammonia output is for shrimp?
Their bioload is tiny but keep a check on the water as they're sensitive to water quality

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