Search results

  1. robbo1078

    Hot Water

    Hmmm I shan't risk it then seens as atm I have no airstone :( I have a 60 litre tank and do 10 litres every week, the first few times, I had a bucket of water sitting in my bedroom for 2 days to warm up a little, but last time, I made sure the cold water I put into the tank was put in slowly...
  2. robbo1078

    Hot Water

    Is it okay to use water from the hot water taps when doing a water change? The water comes from a tank which is heated then sends the water to the taps, I've been told by somebody I know this isn't a good idea and will kill the fish pretty quickly, but I can't see why? And im sure I've seen...
  3. robbo1078

    Cory Eggs

    ahh i see lol, i did my first ever 'cold' water change the other day and that mustve got them 'in the mood' :lol: as after this they were crazy for a little while, then overnight when the lights were off...! every few weeks, thats good lol :D ill invest in an airstone and try better for next...
  4. robbo1078

    Cory Eggs

    ahh okay :( thankyou for the reply... noo i didnt, its just infront of the filter so the ripple just about goes over the trap, probably not enough circulation though :( How often do they lay eggs? Would love some little baby corys around!
  5. robbo1078

    Cory Eggs

    soooo my corys laid eggs on both filters i have, plus a few on tank walls, i collected them and put them in a floating breeding trap so they didnt get munched, this was a few days ago now, they're 'clear' with a white 'ball' inside, are these fertilized eggs? ive been told 3-5 days and it mustve...
  6. robbo1078

    Exciting Stuff! But Who, What, How?!

    After being away all day, leaving the light off in my 60l community tank, I have come home to two internal filters with eggs laid on them! (I guess anyway, white balls in clusters) but my question is, which fish?! I have 1 bronze and 1 albino Cory 3 neon tetras 1 Silverdin tetra A few guppies 1...
  7. robbo1078

    Water Changes

    yep, by clean though, i literally mean, placed in the bucket of tank water and given a little squeeze to get rid of debris.
  8. robbo1078

    Water Changes

    if a mod wants to move this, im not really sure which section it was meant to be in, sorryyy :X
  9. robbo1078

    Guppy With Bent Body?

    i hope not to :( mine is quite a lot more bent over than yours, but still the same kindve thing :/ they do drop quite often so ive been told, but i could be wrong, hope she turns out ok in a day or two :)
  10. robbo1078

    Guppy With Bent Body?

    hmmm, my female is like this, i was told by the previous owner that its because she has given birth to many times, and i was also told that she would probably die soon due to stress from other fish picking on her :/
  11. robbo1078

    Water Changes

    If this is a rubbish idea, please let me know :lol: maybe it would be interesting for people to write in detail how they go about there water changes, with details of tank size, % change, litres changed, fitlers cleaned and how they go about it? this might be able to help people wanting to...
  12. robbo1078

    Diy Vaccum

    After seeing some youtube videos of homemade vaccine, I am going to attempt to make one by using a small bottle (500ml bottle) and length of hosepipe, to seal the hosepipe to the bottle neck, is it okay to use sanitary silicone? For bathrooms, kitchens and such? Is it safe to use?
  13. robbo1078

    Stone Cave

    I want to make a cave for my pleco i bought the other day, but have not enough money to just go and buy a cave/rocks so wouldnt mind having a go myself, in my garden are plenty of rocks/pebbles/old bricks/old concrete slabs but would these be safe putting in my tank? or would i need to soak them...
  14. robbo1078

    Silver Fip Tetra

    I'm in Norfolk (kings Lynn), im only 17 and rely on parents to take me to and from fish stores... I live with my mum but at my dads this weekend, typical isn't it...
  15. robbo1078

    Silver Fip Tetra

    yea i know :( but i haent had the oppurtunity to take him/her back yet, which i know i need to do :( i cant unfortunately, the earliest i can take it is monday night, i feel really mean just leaving it in there knowing its unhappy
  16. robbo1078

    Silver Fip Tetra

    sooo as you may have read, ive been given a tank about 3 weeks ago now, and all is going well, apart from my silvertip tetra, im worried as its nipping at my guppies fins quite badly, ill be taking it to the 'lfs'? (is that right? lol) but wont be able to do that earliest monday! is there...
  17. robbo1078


    Sorry I'll clarify a bit better lol, the tetra is a silver tip tetra, seems fine with the guppies, before I got the tank someone else had it set up and established for a few years and never had any problems with them, the danio also seems fine and happy, the bottom feeders are of the smaller...
  18. robbo1078


    Today im going to the local aquatics shop and want to purchase some new fish, I either want to just buy a pleco (brisstlebose) or some small, schooling fish. Currently in mu 60 litre tank I have 1 danio, 1 silver fin tetra, 6 guppies and 2 'bottom feeders' Any suggestions as to what to get...
  19. robbo1078

    Yes, Another Guppy Thread

    Ahhh okay cheers, I'll have a look :)
  20. robbo1078

    Yes, Another Guppy Thread

    Sorry if this has been bought up before but I cannot work out if one/teo of the guppies I have are pregnant or not,basically, as I said in my very fist thread, I was given a tank, of which one of the guppy had fry, now im not sure if another is going through pregnancy. Bearing in mind im new and...
  21. robbo1078

    New To Fishkeeping

    Another thing to add is I have some very tiny guppy fry in there :D or so im told ;) apparently 4 but I've only ever seen one...
  22. robbo1078

    New To Fishkeeping

    Thanks for the replies :) very helpful :D
  23. robbo1078

    New To Fishkeeping

    theres two in the tank at the minute... do you mean down? because i thought of that i just wasnt sure how much oxygen actually needed to be in the tank so just left it so the spray bit was completely out of the water.
  24. robbo1078

    New To Fishkeeping

    some pics... The first is the filter im currently using (there's another one the other side of the tank very similar, the second pic is of the bottomfeeder that i dont know about, the third pic is the fish that i have no idea about and the last pic is of my tank, enjoy...:D
  25. robbo1078

    New To Fishkeeping

    woahh, quick replies! lol what i meant witht he filters is, that they are underwater ones anyway, so keep them in there, just underwater, not taking them out at all, but at the moment the head is above water, if i put them underwater and a bubble strip in, would this be okay? The people that...
  26. robbo1078

    New To Fishkeeping

    hey guys, have been signed up a few days and read through a multitude of the different topics and discussions on here. So i got a 60l tank last saturday, the person that gave it to me come round and set it up, with their old filters, heaters and sand (substrate?). we filled it half with fresh...