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  1. MeganA

    Sick Fish!

    OK thanks
  2. MeganA

    Sick Fish!

    OK thank you! I will do that! Do you think that my fish will get better? Or have I lost them?
  3. MeganA

    Sick Fish!

    and what do you think the temp should be kept at?
  4. MeganA

    Sick Fish!

    I feel awful .25 reading in ammonia is what I have always had...I have been slowly poisoning my fish?? What causes ammonia? I know that it is food and waste but do I keep getting a .25 reading because I am over feeding possibly?
  5. MeganA

    Sick Fish!

    I thought .25 was ok in ammonia?...OK What would be considered a large water change? 50%? more? Do I continue doing large changes until the reading is 0?
  6. MeganA

    Sick Fish!

    I have been really watching for ich and I have not seen anything. I have notice slight flashing in some of the fish. I dont remember exactly how I did the ich meds but I did it exactly how it instructed me to because I was worried that I had not bought the right kind and it was all the LFS had...
  7. MeganA

    Sick Fish!

    OK so I have had my 30 gallon since May. My current stock is as follows: 2 Peppered Corys, 2 Julii Corys, 1 Albino Cory, 2 Red Eyed Tetra, 1 Albino Rainbow shark, 1 female platy, 2 male platy, 2 female mollies, 2 Ghost cats, 2 platy fry, 1 mollie fry, 1 common plec (currently looking for a new...
  8. MeganA

    More Powerful Filter

    Based on all the information I have read your information has been very consistent. Not from this forum though I think there are a lot of knowledgeable people on this forum. But I get a lot of bad information from my pet stores and other people. When reading your post you always explain things...
  9. MeganA

    More Powerful Filter

    OK well that is very good to know because it was contradicting all the other things that I had read I am glad that you clarified that for me. I am well under stocked in my tank. I have 3 platy, 3 mollies, 4 corys, and a albino long finned bristlenose in a 30 gallon tank. I have spent a lot of...
  10. MeganA

    Stressed Fish

    Yea everything in me this last weekend told me NOT to get the bristlenose yet that I just didnt think my tank was mature enough yet. I also know that they can be quite delicate but I was persuaded by how pretty he was and by my 8 year old son who was determined to talk me into it. And here we...
  11. MeganA

    Stressed Fish

    I added some of the cycled filter media from the old tank to the new tank to cycle it faster. I actually think I just found the culprit, I just notice that my Albino long finned bristlenose looks like it may have ich. I am very disappointed in myself I made mistake and I should not have added...
  12. MeganA

    Stressed Fish

    Just a quick question I think my fish are stressed I upgraded to a 30 gallon from a 10 gallon. I moved my 2 Red Wag platys over to my new 30 from the 10 and they seem very stressed they don't act the same they as they did when they were in the other tank. They hide all time I hardly ever see...
  13. MeganA

    More Powerful Filter

    I just got a new 30 gallon tank. It currently has a Aquatech 20-40 on it. When I use the ##150### calculator and add all the fish I currently have in in the tank it shows my filtration is at 106% but when I add the fish I plan to add to it to finish stocking it shows my filtration dropping to...
  14. MeganA

    Live Bearers And Cory Cats!

    Ok that's great I actually have a 10 gallon and 5 gallon that are both overstocked and plan on transferring the corys over to the new tank and also the suckerfish I have in the 5 gallon. I am glad to hear you dont have trouble because the 10 and the 5 gallons are actually my kids tanks and the...
  15. MeganA

    Live Bearers And Cory Cats!

    I recently got a new tank (30 gallon) that I am still setting up and having some cloudy water issues! Once I get the issue resolved (which is frustrating) I plan on stocking my tank with my favorite fish (Mollies, Platys and Cory cats). I was wondering if it is problem having a school of about 6...
  16. MeganA

    Arrrggghhhh What's Cycling, New Tank And I've Already Got Fish

    Ok I will do that, thanks for all your help I really appreciate it. I think your the first one to give me any really good solid advice that I think I can trust. I kinda feel silly though, I thought I was doing pretty good and I was taking pride in my tanks :( I will fix it and hopefully my fish...
  17. MeganA

    Arrrggghhhh What's Cycling, New Tank And I've Already Got Fish

    Now that I am thinking about the gravel maybe I should look into something else. I am not sure about sand but the cory in my 10 gallon I noticed today had some pinkish looking blotches on his underbelly. That tank has the same gravel just a different color. I am afraid I wouldn't know how to...
  18. MeganA

    Arrrggghhhh What's Cycling, New Tank And I've Already Got Fish

    It is smooth gravel, I see it does look a little coarse but when I hold it in my hands it is smooth. The dirt sticks to the white rocks and no matter what I do I have not been able to keep it clean. I feed the tropical fish flakes, dried brine shrimp flakes and sinking shrimp pellets. I dont...
  19. MeganA

    Arrrggghhhh What's Cycling, New Tank And I've Already Got Fish

    Here is a picture of one of the corys as well.
  20. CoryCatLily.jpg


  21. MeganA

    Arrrggghhhh What's Cycling, New Tank And I've Already Got Fish

    No kidding I am finding out that I really cant get advice from anyone but the forums cause so far its the only place that I have been able to find stability in information. I have 4 females and one male guppy so I know they are going to breed. I am not sure what kind of sucker I have attached a...
  22. SuckerLily.jpg


  23. MeganA

    Arrrggghhhh What's Cycling, New Tank And I've Already Got Fish

    Yea I have recently figured that out, the man at the fish store told me that as long as my fish got along and I didn't go overboard with stocking it that the amount I had was good and he actually sold me the 2 glass cats 2 days ago after testing my water and verifying that it was good. I...
  24. MeganA

    Arrrggghhhh What's Cycling, New Tank And I've Already Got Fish

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I have been reading forums for days now, just registered today and I couldn't figure out for the life of me what cycling were. One question I have though once my filter is cycled and I am getting regular readings of 0 and I only have to do water changes once a...
  25. MeganA

    Is My Platy Pregnant?

    My biggest issue is I don't have any good fish stores near by. Any larger fish stores I would have to travel an hour and half. I have one small fish store here in town and I went today and bought 6 plants (not real) and that's all I could find. I really wanted to try something live and/or...
  26. MeganA

    Is My Platy Pregnant?

    OK thank you for responding I was starting to get discouraged. She has calmed down now in the box and I just did a 20% water change. She does not seem to like me coming close to the tank she starts swimming erratically but when she doesn't know I am there she is peaceful I will probably give it...
  27. MeganA

    Is My Platy Pregnant?

    I am beginning to get a little worried about her. I have been checking on her constantly she just seems to be panting and her side fins are shaking (very very fast compared to any other fish in my tank). I don't know if this is normal or if she is in distress. The last time I checked on her she...
  28. MeganA

    Is My Platy Pregnant?

    I have had these 2 platys for about a month now, the female seems to be getting larger. I thought she was pregnant so I put her in a breeder box, she was there for a week and nothing happened so I let her out. She seems to be getting bigger now. I have read that a little white spot between the...
  29. PregPlaty03-29-12.jpg

