Live Bearers And Cory Cats!


New Member
Mar 29, 2012
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Enid Oklahoma
I recently got a new tank (30 gallon) that I am still setting up and having some cloudy water issues! Once I get the issue resolved (which is frustrating) I plan on stocking my tank with my favorite fish (Mollies, Platys and Cory cats). I was wondering if it is problem having a school of about 6 Corys and having fry in the tank. I know all fish will eat fry but I was recently told that Cory cats find fry easier than other fish and make it really hard for any fry to survive? Is this true? And also does anyone have any good suggestions for my issues with foggy water? How can I resolve that quickly and safely?
First things first. Thank God there is another Oklahoman on this site :lol:.I never had a problem with them when I had livebearers(mollies and platys etc.). In fact I used to keep corys in the fry tank. I would be more worried about the parents eating them than the corys.
Ok that's great I actually have a 10 gallon and 5 gallon that are both overstocked and plan on transferring the corys over to the new tank and also the suckerfish I have in the 5 gallon. I am glad to hear you dont have trouble because the 10 and the 5 gallons are actually my kids tanks and the new one is MINE :). I have one platy fry that we found a few days ago its my first baby and it is so much fun watching. I am excited about expanding! Where in Oklahoma are you? Wish I were in a place that had more fish stores I have such a hard time finding things I need here!
I recently got a new tank (30 gallon) that I am still setting up and having some cloudy water issues! Once I get the issue resolved (which is frustrating) I plan on stocking my tank with my favorite fish (Mollies, Platys and Cory cats). I was wondering if it is problem having a school of about 6 Corys and having fry in the tank. I know all fish will eat fry but I was recently told that Cory cats find fry easier than other fish and make it really hard for any fry to survive? Is this true? And also does anyone have any good suggestions for my issues with foggy water? How can I resolve that quickly and safely?

juss let the tank cycle and the cloudiness will go away.. Corys wont eat yo babies.. the dingos will..
Ok that's great I actually have a 10 gallon and 5 gallon that are both overstocked and plan on transferring the corys over to the new tank and also the suckerfish I have in the 5 gallon. I am glad to hear you dont have trouble because the 10 and the 5 gallons are actually my kids tanks and the new one is MINE :). I have one platy fry that we found a few days ago its my first baby and it is so much fun watching. I am excited about expanding! Where in Oklahoma are you? Wish I were in a place that had more fish stores I have such a hard time finding things I need here!
I live west of Lawton in a town called Snyder. I have to go to Lawton to get my fish supplies.
I have always kept cories in my tanks and never had any problem getting lots of surviving fry. I have had a very experienced livebearer fish breeder tell me that I am probably losing lots of fry to their predation but I have not seen it myself. I do know that cories like live food so I am betting it comes down more to what they find and how hungry they are. I am not one who normally encourages fasting for my fish, in fact I almost always feed them at least daily, so my experience may not be the same as other people's. The only time I favor a famine for my fish is when my choice is either that or leave someone in charge who may overfeed. In that case I prefer them to be a bit hungry. I have lost whole tanks to overfeeding events.
First things first. Thank God there is another Oklahoman on this site :lol:.I never had a problem with them when I had livebearers(mollies and platys etc.). In fact I used to keep corys in the fry tank. I would be more worried about the parents eating them than the corys.

That makes three of us Okies on here.

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