Search results

  1. andyboot

    Filter Problem!

    Hello there, sorry I don't see any uploads. First things first, you haven't specified what filter you have? From experience with a Fluval U2 it was due to the plastic capsule where the biomax stones are being clogged up with grimy icky stuff. Simply cleaned it with a sponge and hey presto...
  2. andyboot

    Filters For 125 Litre Tank

    I too have a 125 litre tank. A Fluval U3 will do the job just fine. Just make sure you squash your filter media from your filter into it to boost the re-cycling process.
  3. andyboot

    Interpet Led Moonlight Strip Fitting

    Hello all, I'm just looking at the Interpet LED Moonlight Strip in Blue on Amazon and wondering how it attaches to an aquarium? I have a Fluval Roma 125. Many Thanks, Andy
  4. andyboot

    What Is Your Favourite Food? (For The Fish Haha)

    I use micro pellets, they float around for a while and sink through the water like it's snow. All my fish love them!
  5. andyboot

    Little Bit Of Stocking Advice/help For My 125 Gallon Please!

    I would recommend peppered cory, I have them in my 125l tank
  6. andyboot

    Cleaning Debris From Substrate Without Syphoning Water?

    just what I was looking for! thanks! :)
  7. andyboot

    Barbs Compatibility

    We got 6 Cherry Barbs with Neon/Black/GlowLight Tetras, Rasboras, Bettas, Cories & 1 Guppy. They couldn't be any more happier! :)
  8. andyboot

    Sand Vs Gravel... Helpp

    I have a 125 litre tank and it is split half and half. Just makes it look little less plain on the bottom, plus my cories don't seem to mind either. Plus, you'll find quite a lot of your tanks bacteria thrives within the gravel as well as the filter. This could also be the case with sand, but I...
  9. andyboot

    What Kind Of Cory Is This?

    I love those cory. Getting some after payday! :)
  10. andyboot

    Betta + Young Guppy = Future Problem?

    So it seems there are mixed answers, some are saying it's a big no no, but others are saying they've done/doing it and they're fine together. In which case I will just hold off before doing anything hasty. If anything does happen, I will be sure to post back here another day. P.s. TY Dieses...
  11. andyboot

    Rocks From The Beach Giving Off Bubbles?

    Well I've done the vinegar test, and all it good! :)
  12. andyboot

    Rocks From The Beach Giving Off Bubbles?

    Thanks for the suggestion elmo :)
  13. andyboot

    Rocks From The Beach Giving Off Bubbles?

    The rocks stopped letting off bubbles an hour or two after my post, so think they were just letting off some trapped air. I've taken the shells out now though! Thanks for letting me know about that!
  14. andyboot

    Betta + Young Guppy = Future Problem?

    I'm not quite sure what Betta mine is, but hopefully you can work this out from my profile picture. I think I'm just going to monitor the two for now and go from there. If I have to separate the two then so be it! Thanks all for your suggestions and help :)
  15. andyboot

    Rocks From The Beach Giving Off Bubbles?

    I've went to the beach 9 days ago and picked up some rocks, got them home and left them to soak in boiling water from the kettle a couple of times and left them out to dry for a few days. Today, just put these rocks in the tank and they're giving off quite alot of bubbles. I'm hoping this is a...
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  17. andyboot

    Betta + Young Guppy = Future Problem?

    Hi, A few weeks back I purchased a male betta and a baby guppy. The guppy was accidently put in the bag and the guy from Pets at Home didn't want to try and get it out of the bag as it may have killed it, so he just said to keep it. I understand bettas and guppys aren't exactly the best...
  18. andyboot

    Male Betta Not Looking Too Good

    Poor little thing, he's getting worse. Got a feeling he ain't got long left :(
  19. andyboot

    Male Betta Not Looking Too Good

    Hi, water levels are fine and tested. A friend of mine could think it's fin rot, which is why I've been out to buy some treatment. So we'll how it goes...
  20. andyboot

    Male Betta Not Looking Too Good

    Small update, I've just had to quarantine him as he's now acting really out of character by hiding in hard to reach places. His body is looking really off colour as well :(
  21. andyboot

    Male Betta Not Looking Too Good

    Hi, Please can somebody take a look at the pictures I've taken below. I'm no fish doctor, but he's not looking as good as the day we bought him a few weeks ago: Many Thanks, Andy
  22. andyboot

    Start Up Tank - 6 Fish Dead Within 4 Days

    hmm... I think my phone camera & some computer screens don't represent the true colour of what it actually is. You'll just have to take my word :) Changed 25% of the water today to find this evening that both the ammonia and nitrite spiked, so I changed 50% to bring it back down. I think I'll...
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  24. andyboot

    Start Up Tank - 6 Fish Dead Within 4 Days

    Hi OldMan47, thank you for the warm welcome. I think perhaps there has been some confusion made on my part. The photo displaying the ammonia readings was in fact showing a reading of close to 0.5 and not the stated 0 in my original post. I changed 50% of the water, twice within the space of 3 -...
  25. andyboot

    Start Up Tank - 6 Fish Dead Within 4 Days

    Its okay, Just had my girlfriend double check and its yellow. Thanks! :)
  26. andyboot

    Start Up Tank - 6 Fish Dead Within 4 Days

    Hey, just checked the tap water and the same results. It's ok, must just be my eyes lol
  27. andyboot

    Start Up Tank - 6 Fish Dead Within 4 Days

    Quick update. Another 50% changed again and it seems the ammonia level is the same as before (have both tubes side by side). I must have mistook the reading before for being higher than it actually was. Do you reckon I should check every morning and evening until it stabilises?
  28. andyboot

    Start Up Tank - 6 Fish Dead Within 4 Days

    Hello all, Can I just start by offering my gratitude to everybody for their advise. I made a mistake with my original post, I didn't mean to say that the ammonia was 0, it is/was very much above that level. I have done a 50% water change (combined with Tap Safe) and seems to have brought the...
  29. andyboot

    Start Up Tank - 6 Fish Dead Within 4 Days

    Hello all, I'm new to here and the fish scene, so please excuse my lack of knowledge on the subject (still learning!). I have a 52 litre tank, set at 26 degrees Celsius. Contains a Fluval U2 underwater filter, a few plants (real and fake), gravel, pebbles and a few decorations. Added 6...
  30. tank1.jpg

