Rocks From The Beach Giving Off Bubbles?

Sorry to hijack your post but what does it mean if the rocks give off bubbles with the vinegar test. I've got rocks from the beach done that test they gave off bubbles so I've left them in the back garden
Sorry for not replying sooner. This basic test shows if there is any calcium present in the rock, if it bubbles this is a chemical reaction that shows it is present. As such, any rocks that react should not be used in an aquarium as the calcium will leech into the water and affect ph or hardness.
I've never heard that, and please spell correctly. That's one of my pet peeves. I don't care about acronyms but I hate people that don't spell right unless it's one typo. But in your case you're just doing it to do it.

I think he may be texting from a hand held device, possibly a phone.

I was, I am sorry my son had added words to the dictionary grrrrrr words with no "g" on the end etc. I do apologise.

I wasn't being funny yesterday regarding stones, I am looking out for people. I can confirm that it is a criminal offence to remove stones from a public beach, I live in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, England and I asked my friend (who is a police officer at lunch) and he confirmed this to be correct.

I am going to be asking a lot of questions on here so I do not want to upset or get off on a wrong foot.

Sorry for not replying sooner. This basic test shows if there is any calcium present in the rock, if it bubbles this is a chemical reaction that shows it is present. As such, any rocks that react should not be used in an aquarium as the calcium will leech into the water and affect ph or hardness.
unless you keep cichlids =-p

Since when was removing rocks from a beech illegal? ...... Complete rubbish!!! Suppose if a cow eats grass they breaking the law too!!!!I've also heard of the vinegar test so shall wait to see what your update is!!!Hope it turns out OK.

markandjanice is right, it is illegal in nearly all of the UK (there might be some places where it isn't, but they're few and far between). I know it sounds ridiclous, but it can be a big problem. I have a mate who used to work for the Environment Agency, and he told me that on the busiest beaches, if each visitor only took away two pebbles, that can add up to hundreds of tonnes in the course of a year.
Well I've done the vinegar test, and all it good! :)
Mark&janice, it's not a problem & no offence taken. I am a serving police officer & I have never arrested it dealt with someone for said offence & put simply .... I wouldn't!!! I cannot fathom where in the legal definition of theft it would come under as how would you determine who 'actually owns' said rock. Ergo, no injured party .... No theft!!!! But hey, I work in the town until recently so shall bare this in mind. Although, think I definitely won't be adding rocks, etc into my tank. Not that I may get arrested but I've seen what some people do on a beech .... Yuk!!! .
That aside, no offence intended or taken.
Case closed (pardon the pun!!!! Lol)

Oh meant to add, apologies about the spelling hence I can only summise that you are not using an I-phone!!! The predictive text is ridiculous!!!
I'm using an iPhone and I find the spell check quite helpful actually.
All is good and its nice to meet a "bobby with a sense of humour" saying that I have a few friends in the law enforcement and all are a good laugh ;)

I live in Barrow-in-Furness and I believe our beaches are protected. It's so funny you mentioned "seeing what happens on those stones" I've been witness to this also, may have participated in some of it also in my youth hehe...

Enjoying and loving the forum, some good people with great advice :)
Ive got rocks from the beach and It's quite funny how you can get in deep dog doo for a few rocks off a beach that has been made millions of years ago and if I'm right isn't this whole planet a big rock that mostly covered in water ??? The way I see it is that I'm just relocating the rock/s to a better location where they'll be appreciated more and it's quite obv that our gov has obv not got any better things to be doing than come up with ridiculous laws as per usual lol

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