Search results

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    Feeding adult Guppies and Mollies....

    Dose anyone else know?
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    Filling my tank

    Is it possible to put in angle fish (small ones)? With any livebearers or is that a nono?
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    Feeding adult Guppies and Mollies....

    Hello, I was wondering if you can feed adult guppies and mollies brine shrimp, vinigar els, and micro worms. Or are they to small to be fed to the adults? Thankz, Braxenburg :)
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    Filling my tank

    Thankz 4 the replies. I do like tertas esepically neons. I don't like ADF at all! I have 1 male betta currantly ( hes blueish,greenish) I wouldn't mind guppys or Balloon Mollies. I would be interested in getting to know corys and danios. I dont know anything about cherry barbs but ill do some...
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    Filling my tank

    hello i have a 10 g its not cycled or anything yet cuz im still trying to decide what to put in it. Does anyone have any ideas? Im gonna put in real plants to probably only Java moss. Any suggestions would be great!!! Thankx
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    WOW!!!! :) Thanks for all the replys everyone!!!! :)
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    Hello Eveyone, I want to set up a 10 g tank can i set it up and put in my male bettta and some plants and not do any thing else, then put in some other fish after a month or so? Im not quite sure how the hole cycling thing goes(when u put in all the ammonia and test the water so if any one...
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    What plants to use?

    Mabey a Java Moss or......... :thumbs:
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    What plants to use?

    Hey, I have a ten gallon tank that will sonn be home to a male betta, 1 male guppy, 3 female guppies, 5 Neon Tetras. I wanted to put some type of live plant what do you sudgest? Thanks! Braxenburg :)
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    Hello, I wanted to make a divider for a tank but what shall i make it of? I have no clue how to make dividers so any help would be greatly apprecitaed! Braxenburg :)
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    I wanted to make a divider for a tank but what shall i make it of? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Braxenburg :)
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    Which filter?

    Hello, I have a ten gallon tank that i am going to cycle ( fishless) and i wanted to know what would be a good filter to put in, im not doing anything fancy like salt water im just putting in a betta or guppies or neon treteas. Any info woulf be greatly appreciated! Braxenburg :)
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    Fancy guppy breeding

    Hey Joeyt66, Have u had any problems between your male betta and guppies? Because I want to set up a 10 gallon tank with 1 male betta , 1 male guppie, 2-3 female guppies, 5-6 neon tereas and some sort of alge eater or mabey a snail so i was wondering if your tank worked out? Braxenburg :)
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    Bettas And Guppies?

    If I used the filter media then how long would it take to cycle 10 gallons 1 week or...?
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    Bettas And Guppies?

    Thanks! You wouldn't know how long i would have to cycle a tank if i wanted to put in just some guppies? Is there any prouduct that you can put in a tank to cycle it without fish? Lets say i want to cycle a new tank with some product, a week later can i put in guppies? Any info would be great!
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    Bettas And Guppies?

    Hello, I was wondering if I could keep a couple guppies in with a betta in around a 10 gallon tank? If not, could i keep small fishies like Neon Teretas together?
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    White Bettas.....?

    Hey i know that theres different colours of bettas (egCamboidan ect....) but what are the White Bettas called?
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    college bettas

    omg!!!!!!!! ur turtle is soooooooo cute! :) and your betta are very pretty, I am very jelous :*)
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    How do you tell a male beta from a Female?

    You cannot keep a male and female together for other than breeding.Your taking your chances putting them toghter for breeding in the first place. One male does nicely by himself. You can keep more than one female toghther they do well in a community tank, unless you get an aggersive one!
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    Fancy guppy breeding

    What kinda Neons do u have?
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    What other fish can i put in...

    [SIZE=7]I think its like 2 gallons and theres a bigger one i think its 5 gallons and im getting the bigger one i actually got the tank that i have now and the fish as a present sabout a month ago and its deffinatly not big enough so im going with the 5 gallon.Again what fish could i put in im...
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    What other fish can i put in...

    Hello, Right now I have my male betta in this tank....Marina Betta Kit(See Attached file) And Am moving him into this tank...marina Gold fish bow(see Attached file). Well i was wondering if i could put in a couple other small fish e.g.Neon Tetras? Any advice would be much appreciated!!!
  24. Marina_Gold_fish_kit.jpg


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    Selling Bettas?

    Thank everyone!!!! :D
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    Selling Bettas?

    hey everyone, I was planning on breeding this winter and i was wondering when i can sell the little guys, 2 months or what?[SIZE=7][COLOR=blue]
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    Betta Breeding Clean Up Crew

    Thanks Guys !!!!!!! :nod: [SIZE=7][COLOR=blue]
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    Betta Breeding Clean Up Crew

    Hey guys, I was getting as much info on breeding bettas as i could. I was wondering what kinda clean up crew i could use in the fry tank (Ghost shrimp, snails?) and when should i put them in? Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! ;)
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    Breeding betta Clean up crew

    Any Tips would be much appreciated!! :thumbs:
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    Breeding betta Clean up crew

    Hey, I was getting info for breeding bettas and i was wondering what type of clean up crew(Ghost shrimp,snails?) i should use and when i should put them in?