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    Led Dimmer

    Thats what i don't know, i can't seem to find any online
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    Led Dimmer

    I was wondering if anyone has either made a dimmer to manually control an led's brightness. Or if they have bought any that worked
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    Making Your Own Rocks.

    I wouldn't use any sort of concrete or cement, there are so many minerals that would leech into your water over time. Essentially killing everything.
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    Convict/jaguar Cichlid

    Thanks for the support however im not sure if he'll get to the 6" mark, as this same pair had a few young a couple years back and they are no bigger than the tetra, I do have a 90 gal that is cycling right now, so i will have a larger tank for them. Again thanks for the input, im still new!
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    Convict/jaguar Cichlid

    Sorry i didn't word that correctly i have 2 convict/jaguar hybrids. atleast thats what i was told they are can anyone confirm this? and the tetra so far seems to be hanging around them and he chases them around to an extent.
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    Convict/jaguar Cichlid

    I've got 2 convict/jaguar cichlids i took of my friends hands cause he didn't want to have a tank anymore, they are currently in a 33 gal with a skirt tetra he had aswell. i was wondering what else i could put in this tank with them, they are fairly small, about the same size as the tetra. Will...
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    Why Is My Molly Biting My Geramey?

    I had the same problem, i had a pair of mollies and a gourami in the same tank, the mollies started picking on him then all the other fish aswell. next thing i know the whole tank turned on the mollies. needless to say i moved them to a new tank