Why Is My Molly Biting My Geramey?

I figured :blink: I've never known mollies to be fin nippers, but I guess it's possible. Gouramis have pretty long flowy fins, they're prone to get picked on by others. there's not much to it, and not much you can do about it, aside from removing the molly or the gourami.
did you just recently add the gourami? If the molly has been a resident of the tank for a while, it might feel like the gourami is on his property
did you just recently add the gourami? If the molly has been a resident of the tank for a while, it might feel like the gourami is on his property
....molly is 3 weeks and gourami is 12 weeks
Well, I'm stumped then :blink: you might just have a psycho molly on your hands.
why is my molly biting my geramey??

I had the same problem, i had a pair of mollies and a gourami in the same tank, the mollies started picking on him then all the other fish aswell. next thing i know the whole tank turned on the mollies. needless to say i moved them to a new tank

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